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And dada reply them on my points. whenever they bring 600000 figure of death you bring 300000 ethnic cleansing figure.
When he brings wrath of muslims, just reply violence will be replied with violence and brutal force. it is the only reply they can understand.

Freedom from whom? I am an Indian. I am good with India. :D
I said it is a fundamentalist movement. I am for inclusion, not division. Kashmir is and will be India. :tup:
Kardes there isn't a win-win situation for us anyway ! If Afghanistan is stabilized - They're going to continue destabilizing us in Baluchistan by giving our separatists sanctuaries & the TTP that are fighting us have sanctuaries & some say even tacit support by the Afghan Government !

If it is destabilized than we're foOked still because we'd have an influx of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan again like in the '80s & the '90s....we've still got between 4-6 million of them in Pakistan & they've hated us to the core well before the Taliban or anything of the sort ! We'd also have rising militancy & religious extremism in Pakistan thats going to destabilize Pakistan further.

So the future is bleak !
When NATO leaves,cant you just overwhelm them with military power(some operations in those areas)?
Put them in their place if they try something?
Cant you send them back to their country when they cause problems?
I mean if their country is ''stable'' again,they could go back.
You removed them. You have to bring them back by behaving in a rational and civilized way. we can just only arrange. Like I said first put a demand to your separatist leaders and bring them back. Establish them and behave rationally. Then you may get your freedom when it is a collective movement. Otherwise violence will be replied by violence and brutal force.


thats upto them n u. IF they behave rationally n like civilized people n join the nationalistic cause then they r welcome.
Like i said we dont have anything against them.

By the way I am going now. I will reply to you tomorrow. Good luck and good bye.

About Kashmir,why not use the Bosnia Herzogovina model?
Two people one government equal rights,wouldnt that solve the problem?
1) Your Gov never encouraged Nawabs, Maharajas etc but in this matter when uprising begin against his brutal rule then u became hypocrite n joined in the internal matters of kashmir to gain territory.:omghaha:

And now u say it has became internal matter of India. Well no wonder we dont accept yr rule n yr suffering so much in kashmir.
Brother... I cant repeat it again and again. Please refer to the very post that you quoted.

2) I have told u already about facts what else u want me to say.
Your kashmir claimed was rebuked by me and yr territorial gains r not with u nor were u able to make them pat of indin union n were forced to go back to international borders.

U were threshed internationally even in UN badly n resulted in a very bad image for your country.
Pakistan meanwhile defended motherland with zeal n bravery denying enemy to capture any city or any strategic location.
What u captured were mere fields and villages that too u were forced to give back n were asked to go back to your country.
Had you been reading my post properly, you would have found out that it was you who attacked us in 65 as usual. Your aim was to capture Kashmir which you never achieved. Which was my original claim. Our goal was to defend it and we did it successfully. If you feel that the one who achieves the goal is a loser, and the one who doesn't achieve the goal is a winner, then you deserve a laugh from me. So here it comes.... HA HA HA HA!

I suggest you refer to all my posts in this thread, read it slowly and carefully, it will help. Trust me it will help for sure.
You removed them. You have to bring them back by behaving in a rational and civilized way. we can just only arrange. Like I said first put a demand to your separatist leaders and bring them back. Establish them and behave rationally. Then you may get your freedom when it is a collective movement. Otherwise violence will be replied by violence and brutal force.


We didnt remove them they had gone there in their own will. And Like i said before the sentiments of Kashmiris must be respected by all.
If not then wrath from majority is perfectly natural and this will be their faith if they dont behave like kashmiri and in a civilized way. If they cant they they r most welcome to live with people of their kind.
When NATO leaves,cant you just overwhelm them with military power(some operations in those areas)?
Put them in their place if they try something?
Cant you send them back to their country when they cause problems?
I mean if their country is ''stable'' again,they could go back.

They'd never be stupid enough to attack us....only to use proxies against us & then we'd reply in kind which means we're back to square one !
"feel the wrath" - True, we do feel and will feel the wrath of a few Muslims. Just because we did not accept Islam.

"Either you are with us or with them" - We are not neutral. I have read the newspapers. I have been through it thick and thin. We have made the choice. We reject the separatists. Last time they ordered us to boycott the election. Said that whoever votes is an enemy of Islam. All records of voting were broken :P

"600000 KM are being killed everyday" - Total population of Kashmiri Muslims in Kashmir Valley is about 7 million. Even if that many are killed every year, Kashmir would have been majority Hindu.

"Sindhi Hindus is total rubbish" - I mentioned that it was just a hypothetical analogy. :D

In JnK - Muslims constitute roughly 67 percent, Hindus and Sikhs are around 30 percent and 3 percent are Tibetan Buddhists. This is excluding the 650000 Kashmiri Pandits.

As for the Buddhists - some of them killed themselves when China occupied it in 1962. They hate China like anything.
Well then yr same attitude will make u face the wrath of Muslims every day.
Either your with us or with them there is no point in being neutral here.

And yr taking minor incidents as the reason then what about 600,000 Kashmiri Muslims being killed on daily basis there??

And yr Logic of sindhi hindus is total rubbish.

They r mostly very happy here with exception to some abnormal cases.
And the total population of pakistan has 97.5% muslims with second minority as christians then Hindus who r less then 1% then sikhs.

And as this country is for muslims n was build for them so there is no logical reason for them to say this.

But this same logic doesnt go well with hindus in kashmir valley as 80% population is muslim second minority is Buddists which r actually pro china then hindus then sikhs chritians etc.

So what u think is just only isolated thinking with in yr community. But i fear this will end up in very bad fall out for u guys as u must admit that Kashmiris in majority r not very happy with hindus in valley because of them betraying the cause.

And evetually things will go out of hands and as u living in valley will feel the same one day or other. There is still time we r one nation n fight with us against occupiers for our collective Good.
"betraying the cause" - Do you expect us to shout in the air - Yahaan kya chalega - Nizam e Mustafa, or Asi gachi Pakistan, Bhatta roas ta bhattanev san ? Sorry can't do that.
Last time many escaped. And bad luck but the Muslims and Hindus are getting together now. Pandits are slowly returning to the Valley as well. So no, your country tried. Thousands of Jehadis tried. But we shall prevail.

Now can we please continue this discussion in some Kashmir thread? No offence but I want o know about ghosts in Purana Lahore. :D
Brother... I cant repeat it again and again. Please refer to the very post that you quoted.

Had you been reading my post properly, you would have found out that it was you who attacked us in 65 as usual. Your aim was to capture Kashmir which you never achieved. Which was my original claim. Our goal was to defend it and we did it successfully. If you feel that the one who achieves the goal is a loser, and the one who doesn't achieve the goal is a winner, then you deserve a laugh from me. So here it comes.... HA HA HA HA!

I suggest you refer to all my posts in this thread, read it slowly and carefully, it will help. Trust me it will help for sure.


Why r u making yourself a laughing stock here,

1) i have gave u answers to them also dont make me reapeat again n again for u.

2)and have u been reading my posts??:azn:

Which i dont think u r.
There is no prove of any attack on kashmir prior to war in 65.

So there goes your claim.

And let me tell u again that going by yr logic the kashmiri movement became armed in 80s,90s and your government blames us for that so certainly after 65 so u certainly failed to stop us. So goes yr basic war objective of attacking pakistan from international borders.

Hence with these failed war objective if u wanna claim victory then your welcome.
But if u feel that we will accept your rhetoric claims as your victory and our defeat then your mistaken.
They'd never be stupid enough to attack us....only to use proxies against us & then we'd reply in kind which means we're back to square one !
And here i was thinking your only problem was Kashmir.
I hope the future will be bright,what else can i say.
Btw,ill talk to my friend Erdo to let you in again just incase:cool::smokin:
"feel the wrath" - True, we do feel and will feel the wrath of a few Muslims. Just because we did not accept Islam.

"Either you are with us or with them" - We are not neutral. I have read the newspapers. I have been through it thick and thin. We have made the choice. We reject the separatists. Last time they ordered us to boycott the election. Said that whoever votes is an enemy of Islam. All records of voting were broken :P

"600000 KM are being killed everyday" - Total population of Kashmiri Muslims in Kashmir Valley is about 7 million. Even if that many are killed every year, Kashmir would have been majority Hindu.

"Sindhi Hindus is total rubbish" - I mentioned that it was just a hypothetical analogy. :D

In JnK - Muslims constitute roughly 67 percent, Hindus and Sikhs are around 30 percent and 3 percent are Tibetan Buddhists. This is excluding the 650000 Kashmiri Pandits.

As for the Buddhists - some of them killed themselves when China occupied it in 1962. They hate China like anything.
"betraying the cause" - Do you expect us to shout in the air - Yahaan kya chalega - Nizam e Mustafa, or Asi gachi Pakistan, Bhatta roas ta bhattanev san ? Sorry can't do that.
Last time many escaped. And bad luck but the Muslims and Hindus are getting together now. Pandits are slowly returning to the Valley as well. So no, your country tried. Thousands of Jehadis tried. But we shall prevail.

Now can we please continue this discussion in some Kashmir thread? No offence but I want o know about ghosts in Purana Lahore. :D


Maybe u dont know the stats but the population in kashmir is 8 cror.
80% r Muslims second r buddist n then come hindus.

Your claims r rubbish.

So well after reading your post well i pardon my stupidity of requesting u to join us. My Kashmiri relative r right u people r in the end of the day hindus a hindu banya who cant be trusted.

So now i will also support them for killing u like rats because thats what deserve.

Anyways remember that the majority is authority and if we want we can squash u like a bug but i think we will be forced to do so as u dont have rspect to the Muslim sentiments n the 600,000 deaths r nothing in your eyes.

Remember this too that in Future kashmir will be part of pakistan as her 5th Provence. Then we will through u out to yr papas in india or will just dump u in the arabian sea.

Why r u making yourself a laughing stock here,

1) i have gave u answers to them also dont make me reapeat again n again for u.
You just repeated bull.
I am still waiting for your logical reply. You must know that I have high hopes from you.
2)and have u been reading my posts??:azn:

Which i dont think u r.
There is no prove of any attack on kashmir prior to war in 65.

So there goes your claim.

And let me tell u again that going by yr logic the kashmiri movement became armed in 80s,90s and your government blames us for that so certainly after 65 so u certainly failed to stop us. So goes yr basic war objective of attacking pakistan from international borders.

Hence with these failed war objective if u wanna claim victory then your welcome.
But if u feel that we will accept your rhetoric claims as your victory and our defeat then your mistaken.
Did you read that BBC link I posted?
See? I told you, read my posts again. And this time, do it slowly and sincerely.
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