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Ashura day rained blood from sky in England + Evidence

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dont be so down my dear, there is no compulsion in Islam. keep your chin up all is cool

There is compulsion and we should only follow masoumin(saa) after Prophet demise.
Shia salafi and others ... ?
The only islam is following Quran and 14 ahalbait .

See here you are preaching mine sect is better then yours cut it out. Go read my posts and come back talk to me.

The only Islam is when Prophet Muhammad P.B.UH completed it with his Final sermon. He did not mention so and so into it. But he did say in other places "My Companions are like stars. Whichever of them you use as a guide, you will be rightly guided."

So no i am not into this 14-12-2000 fiasco to me Allah, Quran and Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H is sufficient, nobody else bought anything new or addition to Islam.

"This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion."
- Qur'an 5:3
No comments other then , organize the proceedings outside of cities 100 km zone, as it allows for safer observation

Also 1 day should be enough to remember the honorable person for Both Shia and Sunnis alike and focus should be feeding needy and poor.

Every one loved the grandsons of Prophet

Focus should be on safety of people in cities and outside

Illama Iqbal Day, Liaqat Ali Day , Benazir Day , Shia Honorable Person Day , Sunni Honorable Day , Bilawal Day , Nawaz's birth day , Bhutto Hanging Day, and Mushraf Day all these day should be consolidated to "One Day and renamed to National Rememberance Day where every one is busy with their own celerbation or rememberance and there is no my day , your day debate"

Plus 3 -4 days in eid 1 , and then 3-4 days in eid 2

Not to mention alot of people sleep away Ramadan in homes only to wake up before iftiyar so much for learning about pain of those who don't have food , just sleep longer is the solution... SOTE raho

We take too many Holidays every next day is hoilday, plus in normal day there is
breakfast, brunch , Lunch , Tea Break , Dinner , Tea Break and untracked cigarette breaks


PS: No one alive today can question the motives of Prophet's grandson , they are all residents of heavens and our focus should be to respect that and help needy and poor.

But one can only hope we have same courage to stand up to evil and wrong in societies that we live in. And no major preparation is even needed for such things you can do good in word quietly and help others.

The biggest evil today is hunger and poverty

We enact , the scenario of heat and no water

> Look around our country load shedding and water shortages why are we quiet ?

We enact the scenario , children hungry and crying

> Look around our country countless street children sleeping on streets , and crying in pain

We enact the scenario injustice

> Look around , the constitution and tax system is unjust ...

Well if anyone wants to be closer or learn from tragedy fix your country, no enactment is needed you read about the incident once and you can't sleep but what you can fix is your country and fix the Karbala in our society

"Muawiyah I died on Rajab 22, 60 AH (680 CE). In violation of Islamic tradition and his own written agreement with Hasan ibn Ali, Muawiyah I appointed his son Yazid as his successor, converting the caliphate into a dynasty"

Oh wait Dynasty sounds like Bhutto -> Benazir -> Zardari-> Bilawal = Dynasty sounds familiar

Or Dynasty would be what Hosini Mubarak was doing in Egypt 1 man show

Or Dynasty would be the people who got Million Acres land when Pakistan was formed

If Hussein... stood up to dynasty , its a lesson for us , however we are quiet as nation and we allow Dynasties to form and rule over Pakistan

Yazid , hunger for Power is all around us. Citizens of Pakistan hold the key to defeat this Yazid (The power hungry man) and throw him out

We don't need Orchestrated events , the real battle is all around us

Pakistan = Modern Age Karbala
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He also don't like your Amir-ul-Mominin, so your kashmiri+butt+punjabi thing is not an excuse, koi aur garbar lagti hai.

Meraa kahaaan seiii ho giyaaa ? :what:

Your Beradariii elected him mein neiii tou PTI ko vote diyaa thaaa ! :p:

Besides Amritsar ka Kashmiri....Kashmiri nahin hotaaa ! :whistle:
Maybe we don't need them ! :unsure:

Maybe the Almighty isn't the proverbial Boot Camp Instructor we've made him out to be ? :undecided:

Maybe God's greatest gift to man is 'sentience - the ability to think' !

You see somehow even with " detailed instructions " available today and with a thousand different interpretations , we have so much disagreements and fights . Now imagine , if you start to interpret it with every person doing it differently hypothetically , what is that we see ? Please do not assume rationality on behalf of other humans , just because you are . Psychologists assume that something is wrong with everyone - to what extent is the question we ask and try to answer . Whatever God wanted , he wired the same " stupidity/irrationality " and " emotions " into humans which make sure that his orders cant be followed in the way , they should be . What would you call it ?
@Irfan Baloch :

And I still can't understand why he took his family with him to Karbala & if what you're saying is true that he knew what his end was going to be, I'm even more confused as to why he took his family with him - One does not go to certain death with children as young as a few months old !

very true, a question that I ask myself too
I try to find answers myself

-to lay bare the claims of Yazidis that they were only fighting them grown-up men and their fight was only political. do you know how they treated the women afterwords and how they walked them in the streets?

-for a non-Believer, Muhammad PBUH leaving his younger adolescent cousin on his bed and make an escape with Abu Bakr ra might seem selfish or cowardice, but we both know it wasnt the case

I cant answer with hypothetical assumptions. people in history have died with their families they have been slayed and burnt alive throughout the history of man. they stood for a cause they believed in and they willingly died. this is the power of faith. like I said earlier, Hussain r.a might have remained in Madina and would have been poisoned by the Yazidi assassins..no one would have bated an eyelid.

why the family too? why his infant son also had to be impaled by an arrow and beheaded along with the rest of the male members? I got no answers.. and I doubt if Shias have satisfactory answers for us sunni people who have the respect for the family of Ahl Baith but are torn due to this civil war that erupted right after the shahada of Hzrat Usman ra

The simple answer is " no " , my friend . Where else would you get detailed instructions .
well we can seek a burka clad half arsed half backed Lal Masjid aunty

what about you?
well we can seek a burka clad half arsed half backed Lal Masjid aunty
what about you?

I will interpret it for myself , as I always have since the age of 12 . I can use my brain and the free and critical thinking faculties , this isn't going to be a problem :D
You see somehow even with " detailed instructions " available today and with a thousand different interpretations , we have so much disagreements and fights . Now imagine , if you start to interpret it with every person doing it differently hypothetically , what is that we see ? Please do not assume rationality on behalf of other humans , just because you are . Psychologists assume that something is wrong with everyone - to what extent is the question we ask and try to answer . Whatever God wanted , he wired the same " stupidity/irrationality " and " emotions " into humans which make sure that his orders cant be followed in the way , they should be . What would you call it ?

Than maybe perhaps do the hardwork learn Arabic so that there would be no interpretation and you could grasp more accurately directly in the language Quran was reveled. What else should people do stop reading and practising Auswa e Hasna of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H that it is not correct and that 1400 years gone by and there must be something wrong with it? strange times...
You see somehow even with " detailed instructions " available today and with a thousand different interpretations , we have so much disagreements and fights . Now imagine , if you start to interpret it with every person doing it differently hypothetically , what is that we see ? Please do not assume rationality on behalf of other humans , just because you are . Psychologists assume that something is wrong with everyone - to what extent is the question we ask and try to answer . Whatever God wanted , he wired the same " stupidity/irrationality " and " emotions " into humans which make sure that his orders cant be followed in the way , they should be . What would you call it ?

Our bestial instincts !

I can't imagine why somehow we're perfectly happy with deciding in a democratic manner whether we should choose A, B, C or D Health Insurance Policy for our Citizenry & somehow balk at a 'Nooo....noooo religion is off-limits' when the same democratic principle is applied to the Religion ?

What is so utterly revolting about 'the People' deciding what the Zakat should or should not be ?

Does the acceptance of one numeral over the other make it irrevocably so ?

No, all it means is that in the absence of 'a next best alternative' the democratic principle was applied to determine something at a collective level !

It doesn't make it 'right' simply what was considered 'right' by the most amount of people - Just like any other democratic decision on any other issue !
Than maybe perhaps do the hardwork learn Arabic so that there would be no interpretation and you could grasp more accurately directly in the langue Quran was reveled. What else should people do stop reading and practising Auswa e Hasna of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H that it is not correct and that 1400 years gone by and there must be something wrong with it? strange times...
You didn't really get it , did you ? The religion was always supposed to be easy but the ensuing " obsession with literalizing " and political fights ensured that it wasn't so later . You wouldn't want me to tell you the fights even during the era of first four Caliphs , it isn't what you are taught . There would always be interpretations , as much the common Muslim would like to delude himself that there isn't . I didn't say that a certain interpretation was wrong , I was just curious which one would I want to follow with so many available , remember the " paradox of choice " ? This isn't as easy as it appears to you , even the way you offer the prayers are problematic for other people in their " own " mosques . I know the Hadith thing , dozens of different version of a narration and hence one interpretation for every single version , do you plead " not guilty " here seriously ? :D
- Anyway - Out of curiosity is there any scientific explanation of these red winds?
if thats your question then the meteorologists have termed it as unexplained phenomenon.. the red soil trapped in upper atmosphere and then blown away thousands of miles away and suddenly coming down in rain. there was a documentary about such thing in India where red rain happened for some time and scientists originally thought that it was alien form.
Our bestial instincts !

I can't imagine why somehow we're perfectly happy with deciding in a democratic manner whether we should choose A, B, C or D Health Insurance Policy for our Citizenry & somehow balk at a 'Nooo....noooo religion is off-limits' when the same democratic principle is applied to the Religion ?

What is so utterly revolting about 'the People' deciding what the Zakat should or should not be ?

Does the acceptance of one numeral over the other make it irrevocably so ?

No, all it means is that in the absence of 'a next best alternative' the democratic principle was applied to determine something at a collective level !

It doesn't make it 'right' simply what was considered 'right' by the most amount of people - Just like any other democratic decision on any other issue !

Now you are playing with our brains now:wacko:.
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