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Ashura day rained blood from sky in England + Evidence

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Good, but when you asked in your days about which way you followed you have to have the answer because there's only to ways to go either AlHussain way or yazeeds one bro we mourn every year not because we love to mourn but because we want the ummeh know that we want the whole world to know that why they mourn and for whom they do it.

Complete BS. There is only one way - Islam . Why would Allah ask about Yazid and Imam Husain R. They died thousand years ago and only those who were around them in that period and were in a position to save the ummah from fitnah will have to answer. That is what my common sense tells me.
Good, but when you asked in your days about which way you followed you have to have the answer because there's only to ways to go either AlHussain way or yazeeds one bro we mourn every year not because we love to mourn but because we want the ummeh know that we want the whole world to know that why they mourn and for whom they do it.

No the only ONE way to Follow that is Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H is sent by Allah and that what is ordained by Allah according to Quran. I will not give importane to anyone else coming after Final Prophet of Islam, my high respect to them all they all have done great service to Islam and humanity and established Islam further by their rightful Actions. You mourn wrongly but I don't want to discuss it further lets leave it here If prophet of Islam did not ordered to mourn yearly for so and so person in such a way then there is no point in doing so. I even subject sunnis to a bad practise when sunnis celebrate Eid e Milad un Nabi instead of cooking and distributing food/sweets and lightning all over save that money and do charity and give it to poor that is what Prophet of Islam would have done you see both sides or should I say many sects are going into all wrong directions leaving in lurch the real reason and objectives of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H, his Sahabas and his grandsons...
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Complete BS. There is only one way - Islam . Why would Allah ask about Yazid and Imam Husain R. They died thousand years ago and only those who were around them in that period and were in a position to save the ummah from fitnah will have to answer. That is what my common sense tells me.
Bro the prophet him self ask us the Muslims to follow two the Quran and his family you find that in the hadeeth books.
@Secur - Comment Now ! :mad:

I second to that as i have also witnessed it myself in 80s - I still remembers that me and my younger brother used to go to a house around 2 km far from our house daily for getting milk - (i.e. Bhana of good old days) and that day on our way all of sudden their is wind out of blue although wind was not so intense but it became reddish everywhere, my younger brother started crying and me also and our father came to take us to home - I still remember when i ask my father why it's red wind his words was "Kisi ka na-haq khoon ho gaya hai", and in our mosque special prayer was arranged - Anyway - Out of curiosity is there any scientific explanation of these red winds?

Roooondooo ! :whistle:
No the only ONE way to Follow that is Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H is sent by Allah and that what is ordained by Allah according to Quran. I will not give important to anyone else coming after Final Prophet of Islam, my high respect to them all they all have done great service to Islam and humanity and established Islam further by their rightful Actions. You mourn wrongly but I don't want to discuss it further lets leave it here If prophet of Islam did not ordered to mourn yearly for so and so person in such a way then there is no point in doing so. I even subject sunnis to a bad practise when sunnis celebrate Eid e Milad un Nabi instead of cooking and distributing food/sweets and lightning all over save that money and do charity and give it to poor that is what Prophet of Islam would have done you see both sides or should I say many sects are going into all wrong directions leaving in lurch the real reason and objectives of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H, his Sahabas and his grandsons...
See I don't want to take it some where else but answer this question plze from whome you take the word of the Prophet?.
Bro the prophet him self ask us the Muslims to follow two the Quran and his family you find that in the hadeeth books.
There are several versions/narration of the same event , mate . What you are saying isn't wrong , I know that , but that is just one of the narrations , the others have the Quran in common , its the last part that is different .

I was just about to post that. lol

I do not know about what OP said happened or not, since history tend to get over exaggerated, especially when it is politically, emotionally and religiously motivated.

But Red Rain phenomena did happen, recorded in modern history.
I guess its one of those natural phenomenons that rarely happen, and are unexplained.

Also, there is red water lake in Iraq

Iraq's Bloody Lake - Top 10 Google Earth Finds - TIME

Iraq's Bloody Lake

Google Earth

This blood-red lake outside Iraq's Sadr City garnered a fair share of macabre speculation when it was noticed in 2007. One tipster told the tech blog Boing Boing that he was "told by a friend" that slaughterhouses in Iraq sometimes dump blood into canals. No one has offered an official explanation, but it's more likely that the color comes from sewage, pollution or a water-treatment process.

See Iraq's bloody lake on Google Maps.

Read more: Iraq's Bloody Lake - Top 10 Google Earth Finds
There are several versions/narration of the same event , mate . What you are saying isn't wrong , I know that , but that is just one of the narrations , the others have the Quran in common , its the last part that is different .
this naration is the most common and rightful the deal is i don't how to retrieve it from the books in the english version but this one as I said the most common and rightful one.
See I don't want to take it some where else but answer this question plze from whome you take the word of the Prophet?.

I did not follow come again. Allah, Quran, Prophets [their Actions], remember Uswa e Husna that is everything to us learn it put it to practice but do go and read the final sermon of Muhammad P.B.U.H because it clarifies everything that is no addition or subtraction in Islam further.

People hit the link interesting to read.
Crimson tide in Australia, red rain & skies: What is turning the world blood red - San Jose Psychic | Examiner.com
How can I insult him when I'm saying that he was a great man & he would've made a great Caliph !

I dont mean any disrespect but you are obviously missing the bit of history
the way things were.. after having seen his father and older brother assassinated and the caliphate firmly under the Bannu Umayats there was no chance of him becoming a Caliph.

it may seem like he asked for trouble and got killed in the process, but he was already marked for elimination, his presence was a hurdle for the smooth rule of Yazid and he would have had him assassinated just like his older brother who is not really known much.

Ali's sleeping on the bed of Muhammad PBUH, despite the mortal danger, Hazrat Abu Bark's ra decision to block the snake pits with his toes and getting stung in the end were all done in the love and power of faith in Muhammad PBUH & His Islam. the only difference is that they lived through their ordeals but Hissain didnt. his journey from Madina to Karbala was the Will of Allah, I believe he knew about the result and just like Hazrat Ismael he was content with it

in a crude and elementary sense it was the climax of the civil war which was started by the father of Yazid, Hazrat Amir Mawviya r.a who decided to wage war against Hazrat Ali r.a in the name of blood of Hazrat Usman r.a, we Sunnis shy away from questioning why Hazrat Mawviya r.a did what he did and what truth was there behind his allegations and why a Khalifa Rashid had to face such accusations and the bloody war.

for us all Sahabah are pious and must be respected even if some of them picked up arms against the others and had them killed this is the tragedy of our faith which is unique to Islam which gives a lot of fodder to those who mock our faith.

we are drifting away from the subject here, which was about heavens crying over the murder of Muhammad PBUH's grandson in the most grotesque way. I would have happened just like we are told that the Ursh trembles on the cries of the innocent.. these words may or may not be taken literally they are said to make a reference.

I am a devout Sunni, I have attended one or two Majalis that were co-organised by shia and sunni people and upon the mention of shahadah of Hussain r.a I saw some people in tears but I couldnt bring myself to that because in current times I see Krabala happening on everyday in Pakistan (including the massacres of Ahmedis and Christians) my eyes have died out and I am a bit fed up with the freedom with with evil is able to bring pain to the mankind. I sometimes think that why shias dont call off their processions as it will keep them safe from the takfiris but then again the takfiris have now declared war on all of us so there is no respite there.

the concept of shahadah and sacrifice is very important, keeping the sectarian divide aside we must try to understand why these words exist and what is the lesson behind it? speak up in the face of the tyrant no matter how much odds are stacked against you.

I finish my post on the mention of Alama Naemi Shaheed r.a, he was marked by the taliban, he knew his life was in danger for speaking up against the takfiris but he continued with his work and sacrificed with his life for what he believed in. had he been quiet and ambiguous like many of our other relgious leaders, he would have made the head of Ullema Council with a good grant and perks..

waslam, I got nothing to add.

Long Live Muhammed PBUH's Islam
I was just about to post that. lol

I do not know about what OP said happened or not, since history tend to get over exaggerated, especially when it is politically, emotionally and religiously motivated.

But Red Rain phenomena did happen, recorded in modern history.
I guess its one of those natural phenomenons that rarely happen, and are unexplained.

Also, there is red water lake in Iraq

Iraq's Bloody Lake - Top 10 Google Earth Finds - TIME

Iraq's Bloody Lake

Google Earth

This blood-red lake outside Iraq's Sadr City garnered a fair share of macabre speculation when it was noticed in 2007. One tipster told the tech blog Boing Boing that he was "told by a friend" that slaughterhouses in Iraq sometimes dump blood into canals. No one has offered an official explanation, but it's more likely that the color comes from sewage, pollution or a water-treatment process.

See Iraq's bloody lake on Google Maps.

Read more: Iraq's Bloody Lake - Top 10 Google Earth Finds

Can u tell me any blood rain in whole of the europe in history?
I did not follow come again. Allah, Quran, Prophets [their Actions], remember Uswa e Husna that is everything to us learn it put it to practice but do go and read the final sermon of Muhammad P.B.U.H because it clarifies everything that is no addition or subtraction in Islam further.

People hit the link interesting to read.
Crimson tide in Australia, red rain & skies: What is turning the world blood red - San Jose Psychic | Examiner.com
You didn't answer my question from whom you take the word of Muhammad PBUH.
There are several versions/narration of the same event , mate . What you are saying isn't wrong , I know that , but that is just one of the narrations , the others have the Quran in common , its the last part that is different .
the other version is follow Quran and Muhammad PBUH's sunnah..
so who was the living example of Muhammad PBUH's sunnah after Muhammad PBUH died?

they are pretty much same to me.
You didn't answer my question from whom you take the word of Muhammad PBUH.

Your question is flawed but I answered; the recorded hadith e qudsi that is saying of Allah, The Quran, That what is ordained by Allah to Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H to spread to the world without sunni, shia, deobandi, salafi groups asking listen to me don't listen to them. Yes i do read Hadiths but I do read the most authentic ones now don't come asking me but that xyz hadith book is wrong and abc is right written by so and so.
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