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Ashura day rained blood from sky in England + Evidence

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I am sure the heavens cry for the death of every single innocent.
Hussains ra sacrifice was tragic no doubt but it revived Islam.

I respect your devotion but please be ready for mockery and disappointment from people who live to hate Ahle Baith ra.

21st Century, Should be the century of right of animals and bird too. It is the high time that we may include the animals and birds and creature lives in water in the definition of innocent.
No bro I did not mean u at all!
I just asked u who is here mod to delete off yopics?
I did not mean about u st all.

Do u know mods here?

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I am sure the heavens cry for the death of every single innocent.
Hussains ra sacrifice was tragic no doubt but it revived Islam.

I respect your devotion but please be ready for mockery and disappointment from people who live to hate Ahle Baith ra.
There is no question in the mind of anyone with regards to the sanctity of Ahle bait e Rasool Allah SAW.However, a few things to bear in mind.
A. The ahl of the Ahl e bait literally mean the wife(Wives in case of Rasool Allah SAW). Therefore any mention of Ahl e bait without inclusion of ALL the Ummahat Ul Momineen is a fallacy and an injustice.
B. The Ahle bait not only included the immediate family but also included people whom our Prophet(SAW) described as Ahl e bait. For instance there is a Saheeh hadith describing hazrat Salman e Farsi(RATU) as Ahl e bait.
C. The title of Ahle bait is reserved for the people who were alive and included in the life of the Prophet SAW. It cannot continue indefinitely and ends once the Sahib e bait passes away. So a distinction needs to be made as to where the title of Ahle bait extends upto. By the way, i would have no hesitation in belonging to the Ahle Bait e Ali (RATU). For those who have read the Quran In Surah Al baqara when Allah announced the elevation of Hazrat ibrahim AS as the Imam of the messengers, hazrat Ibrahim asked Allah "what about my Aal. AllahSWT 's response was that "my promise is not with evil doers". If one understands the Quran and uinderstands the status of Hazrat Ibrahim AS and the piety of his Aal, one understands two things.
!. Allah SWT will treat each and everyone according to their deeds and your lineage is of no consequence in the eyes of Allah. As Allah SWT knows that not all of the children of Hazrat Ibrahim AS will turn out good.
!!. The Sunnah of Allah SWT remains the same and does not change. Therefore what was not granted to Khaleel Allah AS will not be granted to any of the Prophets (AS).
D.In the matter of the fitna between Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Muawiya, there is Ijmaa in the scholars that Imam Ali(AS) was correct and his position was right. No one in his right mind will say anything otherwise. However, being a Sahabi e rasool SAW and Kaatib e Wahi, it is not our position to criticize any of the Sahaba and the decisions that they made at that time.
E. The Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS) may my family be sacrificed at the dust of his feet; was due to the fitna amongst the inhabitants of Kufa and the real reason for his Shahadat was to prevent the names of the people who had invited hime to Kufa. This was the reason for burning his tents even after his martyrdom as he carried all the letters that people had written to him.It is perhaps that reason why they burnt the tents yet spared its inhabitants including Imam Zain ul Abideen and hazrat Zainab.
F. the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain was a tragedy of the greatest kind, but my brothers and sisters in islam it is not the only tragedy!! Yet we do not grieve the death of Sayyadena Uthman ibn e Affan Zun Noorain who was also a shaheed and who was also denied water for three days and incarcerated in a mosque.
G. Shadat is a matter to be proud of . Allah tells us not to grieve fro the Sahaeed as they are alive yet in a manner in which you cannot comprehend. So what is the reason for grief which Allaah tells us not to do?

thats where you loose the plot

remember, everything a Prophet, a messenger, an imam or a saint does is a Will of God,.

have you read what Iqbal says?

"Katal e Hussain Marg e Yazid hey , Islam zinda hota hey her Karbala key ba'ad"

going by your logic, Muhammad PBUH shouldnt have gone to Taif which resulted him getting stoned. so many times he was trashed and insulted in Mecca while he walked to Qa'bah...

Imam Hussain RA might have died a quiet and anonymous death in Madina, but he stood up to the excesses and tyranny of Yazid..
recall the saying of the Prophet PBU about standing up to tyrant ..(from speaking up against the tyranny to considering it wrong in the heart).

you and I dont have to be a Shia to miss the philosophy (apologies for the lack of term) on the entire journey from Madina to Karbala. just like today we have a sizable majority of people who continue to live in denial about the real face of Taliban despite loosing 50,000 fellow citizens at their hands... yet there are some who can see the real face of taliban and back in those days, Imam Hussain RA sacrifice and the way he was slaughtered left no doubt for true Muslims who was on the right and wrong.

the hypocrites try to play it down as the fight for the crown between two houses but it was a fight for Islam. this was the journey of faith and it demanded blood.

Ali Azmat says... "qurbai key bahu may Milti hay Azaadi..."

Can you explain how Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) was slaughtered? Was it not a political battle of power? Even though Hazrat Yazid (RA) or his father withdrew from the treaty of power transfer, it was still a political war of power. Did not Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) go there expecting an Army to be available at his disposal?

And who the hell can not have but absolute love for the Ahl-e-Bait?? However, when Hazrat BB Ayesha (RA) and Hazrat Ali (RA) can go to war which resulted in the loss of thousands of Sahaba on either side.....then why cannot Yazid go to war with Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) over differences?? The will must have always been to subdue and to demand allegiance and never to execute the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Furthermore, where does it say that everything that the Prophet or Messenger or Imam or Saint does is the will of Allah? Actually, everything is the will of Allah....or that Allah is aware of everything that will happen. However, where is then free will for which we are all answerable? I believe only the Angels do everything as per the will of Allah. However the Prophets and Messengers are massom, as in they do not harbour any evil or ill will. The same cannot be said about Imams or Saints.
I am out for new years night.. will come back on this later..
Will u delete this thread that I have created

Can you explain how Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) was slaughtered? Was it not a political battle of power? Even though Hazrat Yazid (RA) or his father withdrew from the treaty of power transfer, it was still a political war of power. Did not Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) go there expecting an Army to be available at his disposal?

And who the hell can not have but absolute love for the Ahl-e-Bait?? However, when Hazrat BB Ayesha (RA) and Hazrat Ali (RA) can go to war which resulted in the loss of thousands of Sahaba on either side.....then why cannot Yazid go to war with Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) over differences?? The will must have always been to subdue and to demand allegiance and never to execute the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Furthermore, where does it say that everything that the Prophet or Messenger or Imam or Saint does is the will of Allah? Actually, everything is the will of Allah....or that Allah is aware of everything that will happen. However, where is then free will for which we are all answerable? I believe only the Angels do everything as per the will of Allah. However the Prophets and Messengers are massom, as in they do not harbour any evil or ill will. The same cannot be said about Imams or Saints.

Oh yazid(RA)! He is the satan of satans
Sorry for u pakistani members
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Sad that people have such low ideals when it comes to the Grandson of the Prophet and his supreme sacrifice. CLOSED.. and may Allah have mercy on all Muslims. We will kill each other off..
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