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Ashura day rained blood from sky in England + Evidence

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You didn't really get it , did you ? The religion was always supposed to be easy but the ensuing " obsession with literalizing " and political fights ensured that it wasn't so later . You wouldn't want me to tell you the fights even during the era of first four Caliphs , it isn't what you are taught . There would always be interpretations , as much the common Muslim would like to delude himself that there isn't . I didn't say that a certain interpretation was wrong , I was just curious which one would I want to follow with so many available , remember the " paradox of choice " ? This isn't as easy as it appears to you , even the way you offer the prayers are problematic for other people in their " own " mosques . I know the Hadith thing , dozens of different version of a narration and hence one interpretation for every single version , do you plead " not guilty " here seriously ? :D

I don't know how to explain it to you it would be in very detail that is why I chose not to stress myself but I would only say and ask people if this day had to come that Muslim [now in sects and not acting as muslims at all] people would be confused, than Allah would have implemented a different plan don't you think perhaps sending a book though Jibril to the people directly without the Prophet.

Whether people believe in Hadith or not, in his Final Sermon before he passed away he clearly spoke about telling those people who were not there to listen to pass on the message. This is something ‘Quranists’ cannot even deny and so must listen to the words of his Farewell Sermon.
“O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today…”
He then went on to say
Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah, and if you follow these you will never go astray.

In various ways, implicitly and explicitly, he highlighted in this sermon the importance of passing on his teaching to whose who could not be there, that his words have importance, the Quran is primary but then to also follow his Sunnah, his example.
What do you think about "Imam Mahdi"?
there is nothing to think.
I dont know in what context you are asking me the question.

from religious point of view the Muslims believe in a big climatic battle between good and evil before the end of days. and there will be anti-Christ vs Imam Mahdi and Jesus Christ.
What do you think about "Imam Mahdi"?
Imam mahdi is last messenger of God and will make the whole world Muslim.And also perish infidelity and cruelty.A few years after his dead will resurraction begin.Anyone who beileve to him will be prosper and in heaven.
Wrong , they are . Start giving the freedom for every man to decide/interpret the religion for himself and follow whatever he wants , that wouldn't be the same as the " majority " deciding what needs to be decided and coming to a consensus . You would be enforcing then .

Not really, you won't be enforcing nothing & they are not mutually exclusive to each other !

Why doesn't the State grant the right to drug addicts to decide for themselves whether they should inject themselves with sh*t or not ? Why does a ban on that is alright but banning Alcohol becomes an infringement on the rights of others ?

Now leaving aide Crime, why does the State decide what the Interest Rate should or should not be in the Country ? Or what the Fiscal Policy or the Monetary Policy of the Country ought or ought not be ? Why don't they simply outsource this to the People - Let them decide whether they wish to lynch someone with high interests or whether they want to be charitable beyond charity for others by charging a zero-interest rate ?

Why ?

Because it is mandated by the People to do so & those are the very foundations of the notion of a State !

Why is it that suddenly when the People mandate the same Government to take (say!) 3% Zakat from all its citizens as per an agreed upon criterion that is infringement on a person's right but charging a 10% Income Tax isn't ? When they are principally the same - Modes of Taxation !

I told you , my friend , I do not contest what you said . Just " Change the mindset , Armstrong " in the last post .

The Mindset will Change when the will Mindsets Change !

The French Revolutionaries didn't cry 'Change the Mindset' & then well write or preach what we think is right !

I do not know , because Muslims do not consider them capable of doing so outsourcing all their free and critical thinking skills to the Mullah for him to decide the parameters , the prime cause of their downfall .

Indeed & History is riddled with examples of others doing worse !

I'm simply analyzing the situation not presenting a magic wand to wish away all the ills of our society !
I don't know how to explain it to you it would be in very detail that is why I chose not to stress myself but I would only say and ask people if this day had to come that Muslim [now in sects and not acting as muslims at all] people would be confused, than Allah would have implemented a different plan don't you think perhaps sending a book though Jibril to the people directly without the Prophet.

Two wrong assumptions :

I am not denying the need for Hadith , no .
I am not a Quranist .

What I am saying is that the problem began when you started taking things too literally and decided to interpret even the tinniest of things - when there was no need and that could have been left to the end Muslim and all of this , I dare say , today isn't as simple as it looks like with so many sectarian strifes . My personal opinion and practice is to interpret it for myself and take whatever my heart feels right . The political fights and divides between Muslims have left me with no choice .
@SALMAN AL-FARSI @Malik Alashter and others please answer him his last part question.

He wanted to perish yazeed goverment so wrote a letter to kufah people and send the letter by a messenger.Kuffah people allegiance to him and his messenger who went to kufah wrote a letter to him and told kufah people has allegiance to him against yazeed.He began to go to kufa but when yazeedi governers knew that kufah peple has allegiance to Imam hossein(saa) began to murdering and killing people in kufah and threated them so peple become afraid and broke their covenant with imam hossein.Then governers areested his messenger in kufa.and his messenger despite wanted to write letter to Imam hussein and tell not to come to kufah but could not.Imam hossein begsn his journey to karbala and in middle of the way yazeedi soldiers encircled him and his family and assisants.They wanted him to allegiance to yazeed(lanat o allah alayh)but he did not accept and said death is better than accepting devil.
But the prophet him self cried his grand son Hussain that means the prophet PBUH knew that his grand son will be murdered in Karbala'a and Imam Hussain took his family with him actualy that meant to be so his family tell what happen to him through the way they driven on by captures they even made condolence in yazeed house read that period to know the full story. Guys Imam Hussain is not a regular person neither his action was a mere revolution for ruling a nation to get the benefit of been a ruler that's absolutely wrong and that actually coming from absolute ignorance
Imam mahdi is last messenger of God and will make the whole world Muslim.And also perish infidelity and cruelty.A few years after his dead will resurraction begin.Anyone who beileve to him will be prosper and in heaven.
dear I think you got a typo
correct yourself he is not a messenger but an imam , last messenger is Muhammad PBUH

Why only in England?
and why in England?
why not in Syria or Saudi Arabia?
Why only in England?
In Islamic books has quoted in one week everywhere was bloody rain when rained and also everywhere was elipce in one week.It is a historical evidence that shows even in somewhere like england rain was bloody too.
In Islamic books has quoted in one week everywhere was bloody rain when rained and also everywhere was elipce in one week.It is a historical evidence that shows even in somewhere like england rain was bloody too.
What about The "Ocean of Light", does it not say?
Not really, you won't be enforcing nothing & they are not mutually exclusive to each other !

Armstrong , your initial argument isn't remotely the same as your latter one . A person deciding whats right for himself individually and following it again isn't compatible with " consensus of the majority " in which he might have to give up his " personal choice " . You are mixing them both .

Why is it that suddenly when the People mandate the same Government to take (say!) 3% Zakat from all its citizens as per an agreed upon criterion that is infringement on a person's right but charging a 10% Income Tax isn't ? When they are principally the same - Modes of Taxation !

Because religion isn't basically the same as what you want it to be or what you are considering it to be . Even though , your opinions may be good and help in ending the current religious crisis , it doesn't appear possible , the religion in a manner is always inflexible leaving no room for addition or subtraction at most things . Can you change the rate of Zakat ? Practically , no . Hell , you aren't even keen to include DNA and other forensics to facilitate the investigation of a rape , you want the four witnesses who would have seen any such thing .

Why doesn't the State grant the right to drug addicts to decide for themselves whether they should inject themselves with sh*t or not ? Why does a ban on that is alright but banning Alcohol becomes an infringement on the rights of others ?

Because , alcohol C2H5OH isn't considered a drug by the masses due to historical/social reasons , do not start to try to equate with sedatives or stimulants or hallucinogens - the three principal classes of " recreational drugs " . Its a beverage , disagree with me for all you want :D

The Mindset will Change when the will Mindsets Change !

At times , I do believe that you are optimistic to the point of foolishness .
But the prophet him self cried his grand son Hussain that means the prophet PBUH knew that his grand son will be murdered in Karbala'a and Imam Hussain took his family with him actualy that meant to be so his family tell what happen to him through the way they driven on by captures they even made condolence in yazeed house read that period to know the full story. Guys Imam Hussain is not a regular person neither his action was a mere revolution for ruling a nation to get the benefit of been a ruler that's absolutely wrong and that actually coming from absolute ignorance

Of course he knew,I just told the history.
He knew but shouldnt do anything wrong and in way of yazeed.
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