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Arundhati Roy: India's economic success a 'lie'

Any thread related to Indian economy is closed immediately but for some reason the mods think this thread should linger on...
I can guess the reason but let me give the benefit of the doubt.
Isn't there freedom of speech in India?

There is freedom of speech, thats the reason that she is still out there not chocked by the Government or the People of India. Her ideology that if one section of the country is weak then the entire nation is weak is correct, but to achieve a position where there is no weaker section is a long term agenda. It can not be achieved in one day.
Only one person from India deserve real respect from rest of the world. She deserve Nishan e Pakistan. Salaam.

HAHAHAHA, muh ki baat cheen li. PLEASE DO IT. That will be one way to totally destroy her credibility. She will never get any international award. Do you think she is doing all this for a NEP? You will totally destroy her and her aspirations. Without any help from GOI. Please do it buddy.
Mate, I'd advise against quoting from Wikipedia. Pretty much any Tom, Dick or Harry can edit the damn thing.

Yeah sure, but if it is wrong, then why don't you change it to the correct information? You are included in that anybody, aren't you?
I guess Arundhati Roy is India's answer to Pervez Hoodhboy:rofl:

Although Pervez Hoodhboy talks more sense, than this hag.
What Indian participants have failed to deny or produce alternative proofs that close to 900 million Indians or 77% of the Population of India live on Rs20 a day. This is close to half a dollar a day.

The Indian Government has set the level and threshold of the poverty to Rs12 per day. This level is not consistent with the International description and level set by the UN, which is at $2 per day. In comparison 900 million Indians do not even meet the lower threshold of Poverty index at $1 a day.

The Indian poverty at 33% or 40% is a lie it is close to 80%. 900 million people in India live on less than half a dollar a day, which is far below of thresholds set by the UN.

Indians should accept, India is the poorest country in the world. Majority of its population 80% live far below the poverty levels set by the UN.

Or they should provide data which confirms that only 40% of Indians live on less than $2 a day or even $1 a day.

I am sure, they can not, therefore, it is settled, India has near to 80% people living in abject poverty, and it is the poorest country in the world, as majority of its population live in abject poverty.
The Pioneer :: Home : >> Arundhati Roy Pradip Krishen grab tribal land in MP
here is the reason why A.R. Is a lier and a person who should be behind bars and her Indian citizenship should be rewoked.
article extracts:--
Arundhati Roy pretends to be
a campaigner for tribal rights.
Yet she and her husband are
in the thick of a controversy
over grabbing tribal land in
Pachmarhi. Vivek Trivedi

The land plot
purchased by her second
husband and filmmaker Pradip
Krishen has mired this writer-
activist into a long drawn
environmental controversy.
Krishenhad purchased a plot in
Bariaam village situated around 7
kmfrom Pachmarhi from a local
resident Sharif Ahmed in 1992.
The Bariaam village is located on
the main highway to Pachmarhi
falls within the Special Area
Development Authority's (SADA)
jurisdiction. This is also a part of
the Pachmarhi wildlife sanctuary
and provisions of Wildlife Act
1972 prohibit holding any land
title in the area.
What Indian participants have failed to deny or produce alternative proofs that close to 900 million Indians or 77% of the Population of India live on Rs20 a day. This is close to half a dollar a day.

The Indian Government has set the level and threshold of the poverty to Rs12 per day. This level is not consistent with the International description and level set by the UN, which is at $2 per day. In comparison 900 million Indians do not even meet the lower threshold of Poverty index at $1 a day.

The Indian poverty at 33% or 40% is a lie it is close to 80%. 900 million people in India live on less than half a dollar a day, which is far below of thresholds set by the UN.

Indians should accept, India is the poorest country in the world. Majority of its population 80% live far below the poverty levels set by the UN.

Or they should provide data which confirms that only 40% of Indians live on less than $2 a day or even $1 a day.

I am sure, they can not, therefore, it is settled, India has near to 80% people living in abject poverty, and it is the poorest country in the world, as majority of its population live in abject poverty.

Whatever makes you sleep well at night mate. :lol:

DO care to read your own statistics too. And the latest if at all it was allowed to be released by the government.. I meant Army. Don't tell me statistics of eleven years back when everything was hunky dory in your country.
few other lies that A.R. Said in world over the interviews.
Read in the following link.
FRAUD #1 Arundhati Roy: The Goddess of Big Lies : arindamb blogs on sulekha, General blogs, arindamb blog from india
.She is said to have left
home at 16 to live in a
squatter's colony in Delhi,
earning a living collecting
beer bottles. Our Lady of
Recycling, who even in
starvation made a career of
high-profile virtue. She is
supposed to be the pure
product of the fertile soil of
Kerala, site of her one and
only novel. Like all Indian
saints, her dream is to scold
the rich and successful
countries for their lack
of...their lack of...something
or other. Virtue, poverty, skin
diseases, flies around the
And the reality is
And she is a fraud. A literary
careerist who has parlayed an
overwritten melodrama into
unearned fame; a child of
privilege whose early
experiments in poverty were
no more than a smart career
move; a Yuppie whose real job
was aerobics instructor, not
slum bottle-recycler; a world-
travelled, overeducated
dilettante posing as a regional
writer; and a fake saint who
fucked her way to fame and
survives, in spite of her
complete lack of talent,
because her crude scolding
warms the heart of old British
lefties who love it when their
tame Indian slaves get up on
their hind legs to denounce
the bloody Americans, who
oppress the world so much
less skillfully than they used
Her most public, most
embarrassing slip came in her
noble struggle against the
dam. She was given a three
month jail sentence for
obstructing the builders.
Gandhi-like, she went to
jail...then slunk out after 24
hours, opting to pay a 75-
rupee ($1.50) fine rather than
show solidarity with the
humble prisoners. It seems
she found an Indian prison
much less spiritual than she
had imagined. Rather dirty, in
fact. 24 hours was just time
enough to be photographed
behind bars, looking fierce
and defiant; after that there
was no point in staying in such
an unsanitary place.
few more articals about so called saint A.R. and her husband who are LAND-GRABBERS.
Arundhati Roy's husband loses appeal to save Madhya Pradesh forest bungalow : North: India Today
Pradip Krishen, husband of writer-activist Arundhati Roy, has lost his forest bungalow in Panchmarhi that is allegedly built on encroached tribal land.
On Thursday, the divisional
commissioner of Bhopal and
Hoshangabad threw out the
appeal of Roy's filmmaker
husband Krishen and three
others, including writer Vikram
Seth's sister Aradhana Seth,
against a lower court order.
"The allotment of the land on
which the four bungalows stood
had been cancelled on grounds
of violation of forest law. Section
18 of the law bars buying and
selling of notified forest land,"
Manoj Srivastava, the divisional
commissioner, said.
Krishen and the others had last
month appealed against the
December 2010 order of the
Piparia sub-divisional magistrate,
which had upheld an earlier
order of the revenue
department declaring the
bungalows illegal.
few more articals about so called saint A.R. and her husband who are LAND-GRABBERS.
Arundhati Roy's husband loses appeal to save Madhya Pradesh forest bungalow : North: India Today
Pradip Krishen, husband of writer-activist Arundhati Roy, has lost his forest bungalow in Panchmarhi that is allegedly built on encroached tribal land.
On Thursday, the divisional
commissioner of Bhopal and
Hoshangabad threw out the
appeal of Roy's filmmaker
husband Krishen and three
others, including writer Vikram
Seth's sister Aradhana Seth,
against a lower court order.
"The allotment of the land on
which the four bungalows stood
had been cancelled on grounds
of violation of forest law. Section
18 of the law bars buying and
selling of notified forest land,"
Manoj Srivastava, the divisional
commissioner, said.
Krishen and the others had last
month appealed against the
December 2010 order of the
Piparia sub-divisional magistrate,
which had upheld an earlier
order of the revenue
department declaring the
bungalows illegal.

Why are you worried about her? I am not basing my comments on her interview alone, the figures backs her claims. So instead of doing a character assassination of her, try to provide alternative figures, which are acceptable under International rules on Poverty.
She been with bad character or whatever does not take the facts on Indian poverty away. Stick to the task, I am least bit bothered about her personality or Character. I don't know her, and do not care who she is and what has she done.

You should provide proofs or accept your defeat and let it go. Fact remain near to 80% of Indians or 900 million live on less than Rs20 a day or less than half a dollar a day. Prove otherwise, or hold your peace.

Regarding India, the report said in 1990 as many as 51.3 per cent of Indian population was living on less than USD 1.25 a day, which got reduced to 41.6 per cent in 2005 and is expected to further decline to 22.4 per cent in 2015.

If this is not economic development then what is ?

And mind you this 22.4 % is accroding to the World bank international poverty line of 1.25 $ per day not the indian poverty line .

Stop lying Arundhati Roy .

India is making tremendous porgress in reducing poverty and that should be applauded.
Roy is a courageous lady who talks straight. India really needs a couple of Roys to keep her corrupt politicos and lethargic/archaic bureaucracy on the toe. The other thing is that this Bengalee lady does not exaggerate, and I doubt anything/anybody could scare her off from telling the truth. There are few more like her, but she has become an icon. She is a good attractive and articulate.
Roy is a courageous lady who talks straight. India really needs a couple of Roys to keep her corrupt politicos and lethargic/archaic bureaucracy on the toe. The other thing is that this Bengalee lady does not exaggerate, and I doubt anything/anybody could scare her off from telling the truth. There are few more like her, but she has become an icon. She is a good attractive and articulate.

She is half bengali half syrian christian, don't see why you felt the need to emphasize on that.:confused:
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