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Arundhati Roy: India's economic success a 'lie'

Saying she is a liar because she is not rich

She IS rich. Quite rich

catering to the exploitation of the poors by the rich. You are upset because she reveals your true evil nature.

India is poor, but everyone is poor (relatively)

Wealth is more evenly distributed in India than America. Infact America is one of the most un-equal societies in the world
She IS rich. Quite rich

It's your comrade John Boy making statement "she aint rich so she is lying" to discredit her. It's so typical of elitist rich desperately holding on the control to exploit the poor.

Wealth is more evenly distributed in India than America. Infact America is one of the most un-equal societies in the world

At least we don't have millions who don't have toilet to use and forced to crap everywhere stinking up the whole country.
dont worry people
one of these days shiv sena and company will take care of her , if she continues to badmouth India

Threat of mafia-style violence against someone spoken out?! India is well on its way to an oppressive country run by thugs. Congrat.
Where did you get this nonsense from?

It's not nonsense, but fact. the GINI coefficient
measure wealth distribution
(Lower Coeff means more equality)

This image is even more interesting ;)

It's not nonsense, but fact. the GINI coefficient
measure wealth distribution
(Lower Coeff means more equality)

This image is even more interesting ;)


Thanks, but if that bottom is the average people. Their average income is still $40,000+ compared to India's per capita of like $1000 so screw equality..
No sedition charge no court but she will be vanished like Saba Dashtiari or Shahzad. Even when he say that Kashmir is not part of India. :lol: Think what will happen to the Pakistani who say something like that.

Isn't there freedom of speech in India?
It's not nonsense, but fact. the GINI coefficient
measure wealth distribution
(Lower Coeff means more equality)

This image is even more interesting ;)


Not bad, just a notch behind most European countries. We're still poor but equally poor. Of course the Scandinavian countries beat us all!
a woman with real indian pride and honour, we salute you maam!!!

No sedition charge no court but she will be vanished like Saba Dashtiari or Shahzad. Even when he say that Kashmir is not part of India. :lol: Think what will happen to the Pakistani who say something like that.

But the ISI categorically denied they picked him up. He probably got picked up by the terror groups he was trying to expose.
But the ISI categorically denied they picked him up. He probably got picked up by the terror groups he was trying to expose.

And Indian police will also not claim responsibility if they were to do a shahzad on some of these people enjoying india's freedom of speech and calling India undemocratic :)

But hey, proof of the pudding...

a woman with real indian pride and honour, we salute you maam!!!

Thank you, that compliment coming from the land of Saleem Shahzad and Saba Dashtiari means a lot to Arundhati Roy, the rest of us find the joke too sad to laugh.
Wat She Sayin Is True The Government is run by the corporate Mafia
Its grabbing poor people's land
the middle class has become arrogant & Look down upon the poor people (who are in that state coz of them)
Its time u people stop being brainwashed by the false government propaganda of shining India
Thank you, that compliment coming from the land of Saleem Shahzad and Saba Dashtiari means a lot to Arundhati Roy, the rest of us find the joke too sad to laugh.

from the land of asma jahangir, nadeem paracha, and yes it means a lot to her
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