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Arundhati Roy: India's economic success a 'lie'

She just want's to grab the attention of the Civil Society.
That Agnivesh is a maoist spokesman.He condemned the killing of Azad.
Well shes ur countrymen not mine so why should i hav it. try to accept the reality instead of deniying it. we know that in easteren part of india there is zero level of development thats the major reason of 36 independence movemements across the india. i

But your TTP alone is bigger than the our entire alleged 36 independence movements.
Here is my post from another thread, in response to the childish denial mode posts by Indian on this thread.

Foolish indeed are any efforts to belittle Ms. Roy. She is right on her figures, Indians on this forum have to broaden their horizons, stop living in cloud cuckoo land and denial mode.

Let me introduce some facts from your favourite “Wikipedia” the beacon of knowledge,

1 Poverty rates in rural Orissa (43%) and rural Bihar (41%) are among the world's most extreme.

2 Despite significant economic progress, one quarter of the nation's population earns less than the government-specified poverty threshold of 12 rupees per day (approximately US$ 0.25).
The paragraph says, India government describes poverty threshold Rs12 or 25 cents. Ms. Roy used Rs.20 as threshold. One quarter means 275 million people. So, the figure of people just above Indian poverty figure of Rs12 to Rs20 per day would be significantly higher, therefore, the figure used by Ms Roy of 800 million people earning Rs20 per day is very realistic indeed.

Now, let see what the Government of India's commissions says about poverty, do they say anything different from Ms Roy?

There has been no uniform measure of poverty in India. The Planning Commission of India has accepted the Tendulkar Committee report which says that 37% of people in India live below the poverty line.
The Arjun Sengupta Report (from National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector) states that 77% of Indians live on less than 20 a day (about $0.50 per day). The N.C. Saxena Committee report states that 50% of Indians live below the poverty line.
A study by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative using a Multi-dimensional Poverty Index (MPI) found that there were 645 million[6] poor living under the MPI in India, 421 million of whom are concentrated in eight North Indian and East Indian states of Bihar,Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. This number is higher than the 410 million poor living in the 26 poorest African. nations.Poverty in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Therefore, the deluded Indians on this forum who are blaming Ms. Roy and belittling her or pretending the figures she quoted are wrong, or that this thread is not worth the salt, should wise up. Look what the Arjun Sengupta Report says, 77% Indians live on less than Rs20 a day. This makes 847 million Indians using a round figure of Indian population of 1100 million.

Arundhati is right, remove the bias masks from your faces and face the truth, India is dirt poor, 77% of your people live on Rs20 a day, fact.
love the debate ...but will it change a few facts?
we are almost a 2 trillion $ economy
and MS roy is a attention seeker.
no matter who condemns us as a backward , or suppressing freedom . let them tell it to any Indian who is willing to move to Pakistan from India. i doubt you will find many :)
Here is my post from another thread, in response to the childish denial mode posts by Indian on this thread.

Foolish indeed are any efforts to belittle Ms. Roy. She is right on her figures, Indians on this forum have to broaden their horizons, stop living in cloud cuckoo land and denial mode.

Let me introduce some facts from your favourite “Wikipedia” the beacon of knowledge,

Now, let see what the Government of India's commissions says about poverty, do they say anything different from Ms Roy?

Therefore, the deluded Indians on this forum who are blaming Ms. Roy and belittling her or pretending the figures she quoted are wrong, or that this thread is not worth the salt, should wise up. Look what the Arjun Sengupta Report says, 77% Indians live on less than Rs20 a day. This makes 847 million Indians using a round figure of Indian population of 1100 million.

Arundhati is right, remove the bias masks from your faces and face the truth, India is dirt poor, 77% of your people live on Rs20 a day, fact.

Mate, I'd advise against quoting from Wikipedia. Pretty much any Tom, Dick or Harry can edit the damn thing.
Mate, I'd advise against quoting from Wikipedia. Pretty much any Tom, Dick or Harry can edit the damn thing.

There were alrdy cases here , where people edited Wikipedia and posted the articles here to show superiority over others :lol:
Mate, I'd advise against quoting from Wikipedia. Pretty much any Tom, Dick or Harry can edit the damn thing.

That is why any Tom. Dick and Harry has no idea how to see wiki.

Check for footnotes and, when in doubt, click it alive.
How difficult is it for the RAW to get rid of traitors like these who dirtily lie against their own country?
How difficult is it for the RAW to get rid of traitors like these who dirtily lie against their own country?


so she is traitor, but pakistanis who lie about their country are hailed as truthful guys in india :rofl:
How difficult is it for the RAW to get rid of traitors like these who dirtily lie against their own country?

RAW is our external intelligence agency not a killing machine or propagating terrorist inside the country. She is an asset for us, be patient, we have better utilization of such people. We had them from beginning and ultimately they did favor to us with these words.

so she is traitor, but pakistanis who lie about their country are hailed as truthful guys in india :rofl:

Well since you like comparisons, I will give you an idea:

Pervez Hoodbhoy, Najam Sethi and others of the kind are pointing at the current situation of Pakistan. Now no matter what you deny, Pakistan is in a terrible situation. Terrorism, black outs, economy weakened, lawlessness, army ruling the roost... you name it. So what lie have any of these people told?

On the other hand, India is giving millions of jobs this year, there are poor but they are still a fifth of our population. For a 1.2 billion populated country, 250 million doesn't look big considering that the majority can eat two square meals a day and have a place to stay. For the 20 million UK population or 340 million US population or even the barely 700 million and dying population of European Union, this is a big deal. But for 1.2 billion, it isn't.
Poverty is a bane but in a slow system like British parliamentary democracy coupled with typical south Asian corruption, it will take time to change.

Our industrial sector is booming except for the recent inflation alerts that we got with all things getting pricey due to black money caught and all that. This stupid witch doesn't know half the things living in India, earning tonnes of cash and then talking about the same country.

So is Hoodhboy wrong that your country is in a bad situation or is Roy honest that we are in a "terrible situation with poor teeming"? :azn:

Don't argue for the heck of arguing. Read some facts before you want to counter.
Arundhati is quite right about this, these indians will soon see how their country would splinter into many pieces.
Why you Indian are so emotional about others saying bad things (whether true or not) about your country. If this article about Vietnam poverty, I am pretty sure that over 90% of Vietnamese forumers will just shrug off and say that the poverty is true, or even worse than that. India is poor, although it has been on the path of growth for years. But its growth is not impressive. And last year World Bank report confirmed India is poorer than Sub-sahara Africa. And I think the situation can not improve too much in just one year.
Be confident in yourselves. India has alot of potentials. But you need to realise these potentials
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