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Arundhati Roy: India's economic success a 'lie'

You Pakistanis are trying to tell INDIANS who live in India what to think...

And YES when I went to India(Kerala) last month, I did see the rise of people's income. People can buy cars, bigger house, and at least a motorcycle.

Keep hating, but in the next 20 some years. You will not have much to hate on.. Worry about your own house..

"He who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw stones" btw..

India knows its poor. India will hop over these problems, because it has no other option. Now worry about your glass house..
India might be the only country in the world where GDP growth results in poverty increase for the Indian population. So she is not wrong in what she is saying.
That is completely wrong. Where did you hear this crap?

India - GDP - per capita (PPP) - Historical Data Graphs per Year

The per captia income went down when the economic crisis accord. And India came from 9% growth to like 7%..

The income per person has been rising after 2000.

In 2004, the Indian poverty rate (as per Indian standards of 20 rupees a day, half of the international standard of $1 a day) was 27.5%. In 2010, the Indian poverty rate (again, as per Indian standards, not the international standard) was 37.2%, meaning 100 million Indians fell below the poverty line from 2004 to 2010, during India's economic boom. So she is perfectly right in her assessment.

100 million more Indians now living in poverty | Reuters
Just thinking why do Indians who tell the truth get slagged off by indians who lie. lol
In 2004, the Indian poverty rate (as per Indian standards of 20 rupees a day, half of the international standard of $1 a day) was 27.5%. In 2010, the Indian poverty rate (again, as per Indian standards, not the international standard) was 37.2%, meaning 100 million Indians fell below the poverty line from 2004 to 2010, during India's economic boom. So she is perfectly right in her assessment.

100 million more Indians now living in poverty | Reuters

Didnt some one expain to you India changed its system of classifing poverty from those tests? You just cant add 100 million people below poverty in that short amount of time. Not even in the 80s India could do that in that short period of time.
People! People!! Please, understand the power of freedom of speech!!! Especially as far as Ms. Roy is concerned.

Let's be civilized and stick to facts! And work it out!
Publicity hungry..be it anything no one will go that much against his/her home country...though i know what she is saying is false as we live here and we have seen the changes...She is being paid i guess! :lol:
Bilal bhaiya maharaj,

Put your money where your mouth is.

Give facts and not gob gas!
Why are pakistanis admiring her, dont they know about arunahati's views on ISI an govt of pakistan? Lol
Well since you like comparisons, I will give you an idea:

Pervez Hoodbhoy, Najam Sethi and others of the kind are pointing at the current situation of Pakistan. Now no matter what you deny, Pakistan is in a terrible situation. Terrorism, black outs, economy weakened, lawlessness, army ruling the roost... you name it. So what lie have any of these people told?

On the other hand, India is giving millions of jobs this year, there are poor but they are still a fifth of our population. For a 1.2 billion populated country, 250 million doesn't look big considering that the majority can eat two square meals a day and have a place to stay. For the 20 million UK population or 340 million US population or even the barely 700 million and dying population of European Union, this is a big deal. But for 1.2 billion, it isn't.
Poverty is a bane but in a slow system like British parliamentary democracy coupled with typical south Asian corruption, it will take time to change.

Our industrial sector is booming except for the recent inflation alerts that we got with all things getting pricey due to black money caught and all that. This stupid witch doesn't know half the things living in India, earning tonnes of cash and then talking about the same country.

So is Hoodhboy wrong that your country is in a bad situation or is Roy honest that we are in a "terrible situation with poor teeming"? :azn:

Don't argue for the heck of arguing. Read some facts before you want to counter.

they dont talk much bout our economy, but they talk about falsifying our history and some things like they tlk about ISI being terrorists and ISI is responsible for mumbai attacks, and they talk about the military being involved in pns mehran base attack, and they glorify india, that india is super power, has no poverty, and that, thats wht im talkin abt
Why are pakistanis admiring her, dont they know about arunahati's views on ISI an govt of pakistan? Lol

She is free to have her opinions on the ISI & the government of Pakistan. She won't be charged with sedition for it the way she was in India.
She is free to have her opinions on the ISI & the government of Pakistan. She won't be charged with sedition for it the way she was in India.

No sedition charge no court but she will be vanished like Saba Dashtiari or Shahzad. Even when he say that Kashmir is not part of India. :lol: Think what will happen to the Pakistani who say something like that.
shoot the dead...shes is a liar because she aint rich.

You have just proved her point. Saying she is a liar because she is not rich basically says India is an corrupted oppressive country catering to the exploitation of the poors by the rich. You are upset because she reveals your true evil nature.
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