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Arundhati Roy: India's economic success a 'lie'

a woman with real indian pride and honour, we salute you maam!!!


:rofl: :rofl:

Another epic fail. Drama is going to new height. She is 'real Indian pride and honor' because she talk against India! :rofl:

from the land of asma jahangir, nadeem paracha, and yes it means a lot to her
Did Asma Jahangir and nadeem paracha said Kashmir and Baluchistan is not part of Pakistan?

What about Geelani and others shout about 'freedom' of Kashmir? Can anyone give lecture about libation of Balluchistan standing n Islamabad?
Arundhati Roy is a great writer. She should stick to what she knows best. These publicity stunts are idiotic at best. This is a person with minimal knowledge of economics. She is also against modernization and development programs. If it were any other country, she would be counting jail bars now. Absolutely disgusting.
Only one person from India deserve real respect from rest of the world. She deserve Nishan e Pakistan. Salaam.
If India's economic success is lie?
-Then how did our forex reserves rise form total bankruptcy to approx $300 billion?
-how did our GDP risen from $267 billion in 1991 to $1.3 trillion in 2009?
-how did the % of people living under $1.25(PPP) decrease from 60% in 1980 to 41.5% as of 2005?

Admitting the fact that the impact of economic progress ,on development indicators has been exaggerated a bit, but almost every indicator had changed since 1991 which can be checked on WB data.

Her argument is just flawed as what the Maoists ,
Which utopian wonderland were the Tribals living in, prior to economic activity,their lives are just as miserable as they were 40-50 years ago, also its only the states with large tribal population having the most poor and lowest on HDI indicators.

And besides, which country has successfully integrated Tribals into?,even for a developed country like Canada the natives despite living on Govt handouts ,they have significantly lower quality of life than rest of the citizens.

As for Pakistanis jeering here, just explain why is FATA the most impoverished region in your nation?
Should FATA's natural resources not be exploited for the benefit of the people of that region?
What is she exactly. We do not see her in any of the protests or dharnas against any of the ills which the nation suffers from. She is not part of the 'India Against Corruption' forum or the Lok Pal Bill or Anti-Black Money movenent. I did not see her sharing the stage with Binayak Sen who was imprisoned for life for speaking out for the rights of the tribals. She is not at Jaitapur, the proposed site for the mega nuclear power plant. Where the hell is this so called "SOCIAL ACTIVIST"? Where is she when the nation needs her? Aaaahhhhh, she is in London giving interviews to BBC. Social activists in India are sweating it out in the heat and the sun, braving the wrath of the administration, for the good of the country. Ms Roy is in London giving interviews which no one in India will ever see. Which will have zero bearing on what happens here and will certainly not affect the negatives in our society which she says she is so worried about.
So what the hell is she? If she cares for India so much why is she not here lending her voice to the likes of Medha Patkar or Anna Hazare or Binayak Sen? The answer is all too obvious, Ms Roy is simply looking for the international spot light and her 'Social Activism' is a total sham. India hating and India bashing will not cure the ills she talks about. If she genuinely loves her country, she has to do more, much more. She should spend an evening with the likes of Medha Patkar or Binayak Sen to understand how difficult it is to bring about lasting social changes in a country like ours and how much sacrifice is needed. Obviously, the effort is too much for her.
She is really a nobody, a wannabe social activist craving for international fame. She can neither do India any good nor can she harm India. Ignoring her is the best option. She is not worth our while.
I think she might have undergone some MRI scanning in Pakistan or in Kashmir. She sees everything exactly like our brothers across the borders.
Only one person from India deserve real respect from rest of the world. She deserve Nishan e Pakistan. Salaam.
Your entire nation is disrespected in front of the entire world and you are talking about honoring others. Own your respect first and then you can talk about mine.

Regarding India, the report said in 1990 as many as 51.3 per cent of Indian population was living on less than USD 1.25 a day, which got reduced to 41.6 per cent in 2005 and is expected to further decline to 22.4 per cent in 2015.

If this is not economic development then what is ?

And mind you this 22.4 % is accroding to the World bank international poverty line of 1.25 $ per day not the indian poverty line .

Stop lying Arundhati Roy .
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