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Arundhati Roy: India's economic success a 'lie'

There is freedom of speech, thats the reason that she is still out there not chocked by the Government or the People of India. Her ideology that if one section of the country is weak then the entire nation is weak is correct, but to achieve a position where there is no weaker section is a long term agenda. It can not be achieved in one day.

I myself do not agree with any anti-globalization activists. What I didn't agree was the fact she was harassed while in India. I don't think the law enforcement agencies give a damn about protecting her.

Yeah sure, but if it is wrong, then why don't you change it to the correct information? You are included in that anybody, aren't you?

I could care less about "changing" info in Wikipedia :lol:

Sure, there is grinding poverty and corruption in India coupled with tremendous economic growth - no doubt. But I think the WAY she criticizes everything isn't right. Neither do I agree with the way she was harassed.

Also, India is a very big country with a large and a diverse population. It takes time for everyone to reap the economic rewards. Similar thing happened in the early days of the United States.

But keep going, this discussion is very interesting!
She is half bengali half syrian christian, don't see why you felt the need to emphasize on that.:confused:

I just can not stop myself laughing. Now all of a sudden the personality of the poor Woman has become a point of discussion.
I personally don't care if she is from Planet "zong-a-bidoooooo". I care only what she said, first time I have seen an Indian speaking the truth with honesty and credibility, rather than false boosting. Any way, what she says, is backed up, so forget about her character assassination and stick to the point in discussion, thank you.
I myself do not agree with any anti-globalization activists. What I didn't agree was the fact she was harassed while in India. I don't think the law enforcement agencies give a damn about protecting her.

I could care less about "changing" info in Wikipedia :lol:

Sure, there is grinding poverty and corruption in India coupled with tremendous economic growth - no doubt. But I think the WAY she criticizes everything isn't right. Neither do I agree with the way she was harassed.

Also, India is a very big country with a large and a diverse population. It takes time for everyone to reap the economic rewards. Similar thing happened in the early days of the United States.

But keep going, this discussion is very interesting!

The info at Wikipedia has the source, check it rather than making silly comments.
By the way are you Indian with a BD flag?:lol::lol:
I just can not stop myself laughing. Now all of a sudden the personality of the poor Woman has become a point of discussion.

Well laugh away funny boy, cause thats exactly the point I was trying to make. Look at Mujibs post :wave:

And dw Pakistan has its fair share of truth speakers too, like Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy. I bet Pakistanis love his honesty and integrity too:lol:

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Arundhati is a malayali.... Lol......

Has anyone here read her pulitzer winning book, "the god of small things"?

She is a good story writer......that's it.
Well laugh away funny boy, cause thats exactly the point I was trying to make. Look at Mujibs post :wave:

And dw Pakistan has its fair share of truth speakers too, like Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy. I bet Pakistanis love his honesty and integrity too:lol:

No need to post videos of Dr. Yahoodbhai, we all know for whom he works.
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She is half bengali half syrian christian, don't see why you felt the need to emphasize on that.:confused:

It is relevant to mention ethnic and even religious identity in a vast country like India with diverse cultures and values which would influence one's perceptions.
It is relevant to mention ethnic and even religious identity in a vast country like India with diverse cultures and values which would influence one's perceptions.

How is one's perception going to change when they find out she is a Bengali and Malayali Christian?

Non of that matters.
What Indian participants have failed to deny or produce alternative proofs that close to 900 million Indians or 77% of the Population of India live on Rs20 a day. This is close to half a dollar a day.

The Indian Government has set the level and threshold of the poverty to Rs12 per day. This level is not consistent with the International description and level set by the UN, which is at $2 per day. In comparison 900 million Indians do not even meet the lower threshold of Poverty index at $1 a day.

The Indian poverty at 33% or 40% is a lie it is close to 80%. 900 million people in India live on less than half a dollar a day, which is far below of thresholds set by the UN.

Indians should accept, India is the poorest country in the world. Majority of its population 80% live far below the poverty levels set by the UN.

Or they should provide data which confirms that only 40% of Indians live on less than $2 a day or even $1 a day.

I am sure, they can not, therefore, it is settled, India has near to 80% people living in abject poverty, and it is the poorest country in the world, as majority of its population live in abject poverty.


A new report from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Improving the Odds of Achieving the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals): Global Monitoring Report 2011 casts a different, more promising light on the subject. The report notes that the number of poor living below $1.25 per day in India came down from 51.3% of its population in 1990 to 41.6% in 2005. It is expected to reduce even further to 22.4% by 2015.

Dont want to believe us ?

Believe the world bank atleast . But no i dont have much hope from you .

A new report from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Improving the Odds of Achieving the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals): Global Monitoring Report 2011 casts a different, more promising light on the subject. The report notes that the number of poor living below $1.25 per day in India came down from 51.3% of its population in 1990 to 41.6% in 2005. It is expected to reduce even further to 22.4% by 2015.

Dont want to believe us ?

Believe the world bank atleast . But no i dont have much hope from you .

dude.. no need to answer this guy..yesterday in some other thread he was saying we have 90% poverty now he has decreased it by whopping 10 % ..:rofl:.. he doesn't put any source and link and just simply rants by come up with his own figure and stats.. which is laughable..
dude.. no need to answer this guy..yesterday in some other thread he was saying we have 90% poverty now he has decreased it by whopping 10 % ..:rofl:.. he doesn't put any source and link and just simply rants by come up with his own figure and stats.. which is laughable..

The short cut in your post is not opening. Put the whole article or the basis of the calculation in your post for me to respond.
The short cut in your post is not opening. Put the whole article or the basis of the calculation in your post for me to respond.

World bank came out with a review for MDG for 2015 . You can do the rest of the homework yourself or better yet continue living in your delusions.
Its funny because when people like Asama Jahangir/Perevz Hoodbhoy/Najam Sethi criticize Pakistan and its polices, indians are all over them like rats are over garbage. But when an indian questions or criticize india, they abuse them and then drag Pakistan into it.

Hypocrisy anyone?
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