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Arundhati Roy: India's economic success a 'lie'

Its funny because when people like Asama Jahangir/Perevz Hoodbhoy/Najam Sethi criticize Pakistan and its polices, indians are all over them like rats are over garbage. But when an indian questions or criticize india, they abuse them and then drag Pakistan into it.

Hypocrisy anyone?

Their cricism is constructive , Arundhati's is not . simple . They see some good stuff in Pakistan as well while Arundhati just doesnt see anyting good with India which is not possible . She does it for attention and awards.
Their cricism is constructive , Arundhati's is not . simple . They see some good stuff in Pakistan as well while Arundhati just doesnt see anyting good with India which is not possible . She does it for attention and awards.

Some people in Pakistan would say the same thing about the trio I mentioned.

Thats your opinion, I've seen Roy give constructive criticism.
Read Knowledge Library

Another link

The link for the report is in that page itself .

Check it out

Simply search for World bank global monitoring report 2011 and read the damn thing . You have google , dont expect to be spoonfed .

Don't worry, I have already provided the proof that WB figures are calculated on PPP bases and in not real terms of $1.25 or $2 per day or its rupees Equivalent.

I admire the persistence of our Indian guests on this forum. Despite clear cut explanation they still keep twisting my posts. Close to 80% figures were based on $1.25 or its rupees equivalent and 90% was based on $2 a day calculation.
Fact is, Ms.Roy is absolutely correct, 77% or close to 800 to 900 million people earn Rs20 or less in India.
How is one's perception going to change when they find out she is a Bengali and Malayali Christian?

Non of that matters.

Remember your President K. R. Narayanan. Because he was a Dalit his speeches were often blacked out even by the govt media. Or would appear a few days late, or in an inside page. You might also recall he was an extremely learned sage sort of a person. His speeches were full of calls against cast discrimination, need for social justice, etc. A person's background would matter - particularly in a cultural complexity.
Remember your President K. R. Narayanan. Because he was a Dalit his speeches were often blacked out even by the govt media. Or would appear a few days late, or in an inside page. You might also recall he was an extremely learned sage sort of a person. His speeches were full of calls against cast discrimination, need for social justice, etc. A person's background would matter - particularly in a cultural complexity.

You have a link? And why are you not surprised a Dalit in general became the President of India so soon sense Independence???

Know tell me why her being half Bengali even matters at all? No body cares about her religion or the state she comes from.

There are Bengalis here that dont have her pow.
No need to post videos of Dr. Yahoodbhai, we all know for whom he works.

:rofl: What a hypocrite! What about Najam Sethi sahab? Can he be your Arundhati Roy please?

Classic title for the video:lol:

India should give Najam Sethi and Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy Padma Vibhusan!
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It is relevant to mention ethnic and even religious identity in a vast country like India with diverse cultures and values which would influence one's perceptions.

Well then get it right, will you. :lol:
The biggest joke is that she is able to speak such things in India because or the tolerance and democratic nature of Indians. I would request her to go and speak such things in Pakistan or even Bangladesh and also talk to Taslima Nasreen about how our neighbours tolerate such bullshit. Also she should visit China and take lessons of democracy from them. I woiuld request Roy to name atleast one perfect state??
Don't worry, I have already provided the proof that WB figures are calculated on PPP bases and in not real terms of $1.25 or $2 per day or its rupees Equivalent.

I admire the persistence of our Indian guests on this forum. Despite clear cut explanation they still keep twisting my posts. Close to 80% figures were based on $1.25 or its rupees equivalent and 90% was based on $2 a day calculation.
Fact is, Ms.Roy is absolutely correct, 77% or close to 800 to 900 million people earn Rs20 or less in India.

Look buddy if you want to live in denial of facts then please do , it wont change the ground reality .

The 1.25 $ figure is the world bank global poverty line and accroding to that india was 41.2 % in 2005 and will 22.4 % in 2015 . I have provided proof from world bank but your jealousy is something neither i nor the world bank can help .

Again i will request you to read the Wrold bank global monitoring report 2011 , its there on the net and read it for all countries , India , China and Pakistan . But i know you wont do it because it takes work and it makes you face some harsh facts both of which you find hard to do.
Roy is a kind of person who don't celebrate sunrise, coz she knows It will set by end of day.....

We need some person who don't get dishearten of sunset, coz it will rise again....

Arundhati don't need any attention...

hey dont say Roy...there are lot of other Roy,me being one :D
Don't worry, I have already provided the proof that WB figures are calculated on PPP bases and in not real terms of $1.25 or $2 per day or its rupees Equivalent.

I admire the persistence of our Indian guests on this forum. Despite clear cut explanation they still keep twisting my posts. Close to 80% figures were based on $1.25 or its rupees equivalent and 90% was based on $2 a day calculation.
Fact is, Ms.Roy is absolutely correct, 77% or close to 800 to 900 million people earn Rs20 or less in India.

How are you drawing your assumptions ???take a look at this....
India Estimates: Similarly, estimates for India also indicate a continuing decline in poverty. The revised estimates suggest that the percentage of people living below $1.25 a day in 2005 (which, based on India’s PPP rate, works out to Rs 21.6 a day in urban areas and Rs 14.3 in rural areas in 2005 ) decreased from 60% in 1981 to 42% in 2005. Even at a dollar a day ( Rs 17.2 in urban areas and Rs 11.4 in rural areas in 2005 ) poverty declined from 42% to 24% over the same period.

Source : Worldbank
How are you drawing your assumptions ???take a look at this....
India Estimates: Similarly, estimates for India also indicate a continuing decline in poverty. The revised estimates suggest that the percentage of people living below $1.25 a day in 2005 (which, based on India’s PPP rate, works out to Rs 21.6 a day in urban areas and Rs 14.3 in rural areas in 2005 ) decreased from 60% in 1981 to 42% in 2005. Even at a dollar a day ( Rs 17.2 in urban areas and Rs 11.4 in rural areas in 2005 ) poverty declined from 42% to 24% over the same period.

Source : Worldbank

He is basing it on BS . Anyways thanks for providing another source.
He is basing it on BS . Anyways thanks for providing another source.

There is no doubt that Arundhati Roy is talking for the cause of the poor, but the problem is that she is only looking at the weaker section that has still not come to the forefront of the nations growth and she has a blind eye on the weaker section who have become the middle class in the last 25 years. and she is misleading when she generalizes that INDIA is not doing well economically
There is no doubt that Arundhati Roy is talking for the cause of the poor, but the problem is that she is only looking at the weaker section that has still not come to the forefront of the nations growth and she has a blind eye on the weaker section who have become the middle class in the last 25 years. and she is misleading when she generalizes that INDIA is not doing well economically

She is doing what is 'business as usual' for her.She uses half truths,mixes them up with half lies and projects them as absolute truth and then creates a hue and cry seeking for some public attention.Yes,thats what she is,an ATTENTION SEEKER.

We have many people of this kind in all levels of society,but Ms. Arundhati Roy no doubt the best of the lot.I am not denying that there are problems in the country.But if you really want to serve the country,then there is a way to do it,like the way recently done by Anna Hazare.
When it comes to Ms. Arundhati Roy,I think attention seeking comes first in the list of priority and service to the country is probably nowhere in the list.
How are you drawing your assumptions ???take a look at this....
India Estimates: Similarly, estimates for India also indicate a continuing decline in poverty. The revised estimates suggest that the percentage of people living below $1.25 a day in 2005 (which, based on India’s PPP rate, works out to Rs 21.6 a day in urban areas and Rs 14.3 in rural areas in 2005 ) decreased from 60% in 1981 to 42% in 2005. Even at a dollar a day ( Rs 17.2 in urban areas and Rs 11.4 in rural areas in 2005 ) poverty declined from 42% to 24% over the same period.

Source : Worldbank

I explained the same in detail in an other thread. He refuses to read and understand. His English is a bit weak. Refer to the thread related to 3rd Stealth from India and you will see how kiddish his understanding about PPP is.
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