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It was a low level insurgency till now so the army had also been restrained in their response and tactics, that might change now.
Your army was never restrained in case you have been living under a rock. Your army in Kashmir has always acted like a badmast haathi.

Increase in support for militancy, freedom and Pakistan is the result of iron handed approach to begin with.

Since brains are in short supply in the lok sabha, their tough guy approach will come around and bite them in the posterior.

Most Indian muslims do not support Kashmiri separatist terrorrism.
They do support terrorist Indian army though.
Which always takes revenge from civilian population, be it Kashmir, LOC or anywhere else.
Because they are afraid of Indian government
No, they genuinely do not. Most are bothered with their regional issues more than Kashmir. Palestine is the bigger one for them, they'll hold placards and protest sometimes but are not really too involved.

You have to understand the dynamics within India where regional issues dominate. For example, the general public/awam/janta in north India don't really care about the Tamil beef with Sri Lanka and the now dead LTTE issue despite the history of Rajiv Gandhi assasination but some Tamils are still passionate about it. There are some Islamic radicals in Tamil Nadu and Kerala who have gone on to join ISIS etc but by and large the Kashmir issue is a north Indian one, folks from the south do not care about the problems in the north and vice versa. Even in the north, UP/Bihar muslims etc.. I doubt that the Kashmiri thing is a big thing for them.

Let's ask the guy who you originally quoted, probably has better idea of the community but we don't know what part he is from... @Riyaz Syed

Riyaz, does the Kashmiri separatist movement have widespread support within the Indian muslim community all over India ?
Chutiye , ISIS was a group , kashmiri resistance is a whole lot of people asking you to get out .. not Syrian nor Iraqi support ISIS , ISIS kills innocent civilians and everyone who disagree , have you see kashmiri resistance fighters attacking the fellow kashmiri civilians ..
The jihadi separatists in Kashmir don't have a lot of innocent civilans aka kafirs, those were cleansed in the 90s. The Shias there know better than anyone what fate awaits them if the jihadi ideology wins in Kashmir, which is why they are generally more loyal to India than the separatist cause.

Kashmiri "Resistance fighters" as you call them are very gang mentality based, those suspected of being informers are routinely rough up their own and keep them in fear.

We do not have to agree but gaali galauch mat karo yaar, trolling kills a good debate and exchange of ideas. Here we are free from media propaganda and those retarded panels and scream fests (which are orchestrated to generate eyeballs and viewers so they make even more money).
No, they genuinely do not. Most are bothered with their regional issues more than Kashmir. Palestine is the bigger one for them, they'll hold placards and protest sometimes but are not really too involved.

You have to understand the dynamics within India where regional issues dominate. For example, the general public/awam/janta in north India don't really care about the Tamil beef with Sri Lanka and the now dead LTTE issue despite the history of Rajiv Gandhi assasination but some Tamils are still passionate about it. There are some Islamic radicals in Tamil Nadu and Kerala who have gone on to join ISIS etc but by and large the Kashmir issue is a north Indian one, folks from the south do not care about the problems in the north and vice versa. Even in the north, UP/Bihar muslims etc.. I doubt that the Kashmiri thing is a big thing for them.

Let's ask the guy who you originally quoted, probably has better idea of the community but we don't know what part he is from... @Riyaz Syed

Riyaz, does the Kashmiri separatist movement have widespread support within the Indian muslim community all over India ?

The pledges by Amit and Modi jee to revoke Kashmir's political priveledges is already heading towards its inevitable conclusion. Many progressive nation states afford special political status to threatened groups as part of a federal or rather a semi-autonomous system. You only need look as far as China and Russia for such examples. Meanwhile India uses regressive policies and outright threats against its minorities. BJP's blind attacks against its Muslim populations in Kashmir and the rest of India will bring it nothing but everlasting war. Your own military veterans are not safe from the anti-Muslim purge that is underway. Kashmir is simply one front in BJP's nationwide assault - but it will be the front that undoes India.
Apologies for the gali ..
Kashmiri are fighting the same war George Washington fought for America if they are terrorists so is George Washington. And Nelson mendela .

Kashmiri are fighting to defend their home which is permitted in Islam and every modern civilization allow that , trust me if kashmiri were Jewish they would have gotten independence long ago , USA will make sure of it even if they have to invade India . Indians are trying to give the impression that Kashmiri are doing jihad against the infedel which is not true , for them it's matter of their Homeland and protection their women who are been raped by Indian army , their fathers been beaten and humiliated in front of their kids .

Every oppression ends , either in your favor or theirs but it will , because the kashmiri are now on a position where they can not give up on their struggle for which their generations died for ..
The jihadi separatists in Kashmir don't have a lot of innocent civilans aka kafirs, those were cleansed in the 90s. The Shias there know better than anyone what fate awaits them if the jihadi ideology wins in Kashmir, which is why they are generally more loyal to India than the separatist cause.

Kashmiri "Resistance fighters" as you call them are very gang mentality based, those suspected of being informers are routinely rough up their own and keep them in fear.

We do not have to agree but gaali galauch mat karo yaar, trolling kills a good debate and exchange of ideas. Here we are free from media propaganda and those retarded panels and scream fests (which are orchestrated to generate eyeballs and viewers so they make even more money).
We do not have to agree but gaali galauch mat karo yaar, trolling kills a good debate and exchange of ideas.

Just an observation. "Chutiya" is not a "gaali" or abusive word. Ghalib has used this word, about certain person, in his letter to a friend. It means fool and/or incompetent.
Your army was never restrained in case you have been living under a rock. Your army in Kashmir has always acted like a badmast haathi.

Increase in support for militancy, freedom and Pakistan is the result of iron handed approach to begin with.

Since brains are in short supply in the lok sabha, their tough guy approach will come around and bite them in the posterior.
No, they are very restrained. Have you seen any heavy weapons, artillery, tanks, air support, MLRS etc ever being deployed like in Syria etc ?

"Increase in support for militancy"..... is a result of this govt finally allowing the forces to clean house. I said this before, you see previous govts turned a blind eye to what was actually festering below the surface for so long. Now they go in and every stone they upturn, out come some poisonous snakes (jihadis). We are ridding our garden of snakes which were allowed to fester in the bush. Medical procedures can be painful sometimes but sometimes we need it. I need 3 root canals for example, lol, been putting it off but tomorrow I go and book appointment with the dentist, I have to do it or it'll become worse.. ouch.

I understand your sentiments but for us a 'tough guy' and an iron fisted approach is very much needed.

As for Pakistan, geopolitical realities will not allow them to do a repeat of the soviets in Afghan type thing here because you have no backers like the CIA/Pentagon, even China will not involve itself in fuelling an insurgency and destabilising the valley and take it to Syria/Iraq/Middle East levels.

Be realistic about your chances of chopping India up, spl in this era of nuclear weapons (on both sides).

I think by this line you meant their own condition is not much better than Kashmiris and Palestinians

no they are doing ok, the situation is not nearly as bad as the propaganda media is having you believe it is.

The pledges by Amit and Modi jee to revoke Kashmir's political priveledges is already heading towards its inevitable conclusion. Many progressive nation states afford special political status to threatened groups as part of a federal or rather a semi-autonomous system. You only need look as far as China and Russia for such examples. Meanwhile India uses regressive policies and outright threats against its minorities. BJP's blind attacks against its Muslim populations in Kashmir and the rest of India will bring it nothing but everlasting war. Your own military veterans are not safe from the anti-Muslim purge that is underway. Kashmir is simply one front in BJP's nationwide assault - but it will be the front that undoes India.
Those districts hardly vote, they're not interested in democracy. Our issues with separatist militancy are restricted to the valley and some areas only.

There is no nationwide 'assault', please.. come with better than pure hyperbole and we can debate it.
I think the worst worst fear for hard-core BJP supporters is waking up one day and having to face the stark unadulterated truth, that the vast majority of Kashmiri rebels are not ISIS or jihadists, nor do they wish to impose some Islamic state or shariah rule. The harsh and cruel truth is that they are just like you and I. They want to exercise self-determination - plain and simple but difficult to swallow.
no they are doing ok, the situation is not nearly as bad as the propaganda media is having you believe it is.

Actually I know nothing about Indian muslims never watched anything about them in media

I think the worst worst fear for hard-core BJP supporters is waking up one day and having to face the stark unadulterated truth, that the vast majority of Kashmiri rebels are not ISIS or jihadists,
They already know this but just want to show them bad by linking them with ISIS
"No, they are very restrained. Have you seen any heavy weapons, artillery, tanks, air support, MLRS etc ever being deployed like in Syria etc ?"

Kashmir has different terrain and potential supply routes. You would need to bring vulnerable convoys in along elevated roads. That didn't work out too well last time you tried it.

As for air strikes or long range artillery, such an escalation would carry severe repercussions. Are you prepared to turn Srinigar into Grozny?

Kashmir is not Gaza. India is not Israel.
I think the worst worst fear for hard-core BJP supporters is waking up one day and having to face the stark unadulterated truth, that the vast majority of Kashmiri rebels are not ISIS or jihadists, nor do they wish to impose some Islamic state or shariah rule. The harsh and cruel truth is that they are just like you and I. They want to exercise self-determination - plain and simple but difficult to swallow.

They very well know it. They are using deception and subterfuge to label this freedom movement as terrorism to discredit it.

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