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Army vehicle Targeted with IED blast in Pulwama

No, of course not, but we could and will go that route and make Grozny look like a kiddy pillow fight in comparison if forced into it.

only helped speed up the Rafale acquisition process.

The Soviets were a super power but then you guys had the backing of the CIA/Pentagon and arab money etc, you can not repeat it in Kashmir.

This isn't the middle east, different rules, different players, higher stakes.

IEDs are an escalation but it is nowhere as bad as the MENA area and their problems, you can't do shit without CIA backing your efforts in Kashmir.. Saudis, Iran, Turkey, EU, US, Russia, UK, NATO... nobody supports the Kashmir jihad.

to send a message.

pelt stones and lose your eyes.
Iran... That country you stabbed in the back at the first opportunity... Iran which is sanctioned to the moon and back manages to sustain proxy wars against USA, KSA and mighty Israel despite being under relentless political and economic pressure. Again, you honestly believe Pk and Kashmiris themselves can't make your war against Kashmiris a living nightmare for India? Why would Pk need CIA, China, OIC or anyone else?? Pak is kingmaker in the CIA's war in Afghanistan, Gulf states need Pk military expertise permanently, and Cn is expanding its military-industrial partnership with us every month.... Who needs whom exactly?

If you honestly believe the Grozny protocol will work, give it a try. Stakes are higher than ever and you underestimate the nature of such total warfare in this day and age and in this theatre.
I have many relatives in indian .indian muslims are heavily brainwashed on Kashmir issue . 50% does not want to talk about Kashmir like they don't care much and 30% thinks that they can't help kashmiris in anyway they see themselves helpless on this problem 20% want to see Kashmir free from india but also no one from them wants to talk this in public.

I only replied to shut up this Indian troll. Playing the Muslim caRd to spoil things. I see no point in inDian muslims endangering themselves on pakistan and Kashmir. They should be more wiser and PR savvy. on limiting there exposure and damage by others using them
All good man, I don't mind but there's no need here, not here to troll and vent. Discussion me zyada maza hai, we don't have to agree, and on things like Kashmir, doubt we ever will.

I don't like People calling Kashmiri's Terrorists , I openly call Taliban , ISIS , AQ , TTP , JuA , LeJ Terrorist cause they attack and Kill innocent civilians, their fight is not about the Islam, they are fighting to hold power, its so easy to prove that, Kashmiri people is living under Indian Oppression from last 6-7 decades, they lost whole Generations over that fight, calling them Terrorists is not fair .

All situations are unique but your POV is that it is some sort of noble (violent, IEDs and beheadings involved too) struggle by an opressed lot, ok.

We view it differently.

It doesn't matter how you see or how I see it, for Kashmiri people you are the oppressors they don't want you there, and above that your Army put curfew, humiliate fathers , mothers, sisters and daughters , kill them , rape them , you can't expect flower in return.

What is the underlying philosophy of the jihad there ? Your hero, and unfortunate child victim AFAIC, Burhan Wani.
Ek haath me AK, grenade ki maala, and doosre haath me holy book... it is very much a jihad against the infidel, most of whom have been cleansed from their ancestral homeland. It is an ISIS in early stages type situation there.

No, ISIS was not doing any struggle, they were opportunists , they get into Syrian Civil war from the Sunni side, later they even start slaughtering the Sunni's as well , young people like BW they would have become engineers , Doctors and Lawyers if your army has left Kashmir, it is you who are pushing these kids to take up arms and fight for their independence, every noble leader has done it and we hailed them as hero's . having a Holy book in hand signify nothing nor Jihad , the Only reason their Jihad is different from ISIS and AQ is that these two ISIS AQ fight against the Muslim Govts, and there is no order in Islam where one can launch a Jihad against a Islamic govt without any consensus . For Kashmiri people their Jihad is justified, as they are fighting the oppressor and to defend their women, property and their land .
No, they are very restrained. Have you seen any heavy weapons, artillery, tanks, air support, MLRS etc ever being deployed like in Syria etc ?
Are militants dug in with heavy weapons controlling entire cities?

What is air support needed for? Killing a couple of untrained guys hiding in a house?

Do you even realize how illogical and downright stupid your argument is?
As for Pakistan, geopolitical realities will not allow them to do a repeat of the soviets in Afghan type thing here because you have no backers like the CIA/Pentagon, even China will not involve itself in fuelling an insurgency and destabilising the valley and take it to Syria/Iraq/Middle East levels.

Be realistic about your chances of chopping India up, spl in this era of nuclear weapons (on both sides).
When did I claim that we are backing anyone? Or that we will repeat what we did to US(acc to them) in Afg?

Your attitude(exemplified by your posts) is what is alienating people.

It's your loss, not ours.
"Increase in support for militancy"..... is a result of this govt finally allowing the forces to clean house. I said this before, you see previous govts turned a blind eye to what was actually festering below the surface for so long.
You are free to live with your delusions.

Your forces can get inside peoples homes without any warrant and have done so many times. Your forces can and do pick people from their homes. Your forces employed every terror tactic they could on the civilian population including massacring civilians burning their homes and markets in revenge for militant attacks in the past---your policy makers themselves admit all of that and call something like bloody nineties to describe the reign of terror unleashed by their forces on Kashmir.
All the massacares, pellets, rapes, torture and other human rights abuses carried out under cover of draconian laws like AFSPA and PSA are conveniently ignored.
" Human Rights Groups Release First Comprehensive Report on Torture in Indian Administered Jammu & Kashmir; Case Studies Find 70% of Torture Victims are Civilians and 11% die during or as a result of torture.
Despite global attention and condemnation of torture following exposés of indiscriminate torture practised in Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib prisons, torture remains hidden in Jammu and Kashmir, where tens of thousands of civilians have been subjected to it. Torture is used as a matter of policy by the Indian State in Jammu and Kashmir in a systematic and institutional manner, as all the institutions of the State be it legislature, executive, judiciary and armed forces form a part.
he forms of torture that have been documented in this report include stripping the detainees naked (190 out of 432 cases studied for this report), beating with sticks, iron rods or leather belts (326 cases), roller treatment (169 cases), water-boarding (24 cases), dunking detainees’ head in water (101 cases), electrocution including in genitals (231 cases), hanging from the ceiling, mostly upside down (121 cases), burning of the body with hot objects (35 cases), solitary confinement (11 cases), sleep deprivation (21 cases), sexual torture (238 cases) including rape and sodomy, among others.
The report points out that a predominant majority of the torture victims are civilians: 301 out of 432, which include women, students and juveniles, political activists, human rights activists and journalists. Entire populations have also been subjected to collective punishments like cordon and search operations (CASOs) during which torture and sexual violence has been common."

It's all your doing. Time to muster some moral courage and condemn state terror.

People in disputed region as per UN have the right to demand freedom. That right is snatched from them. They also have the right to carry out armed struggle for freedom since India doesn't accept their right for a plebiscite.
As per UN and Geneva conventions, people living under occupation have the right to pursue freedom through armed means, attacks on military targets and combatants is not declared as terrorism.

And you wouldn't be advocating for iron handed approach if it were Pakistan occupying a Hindu majority area against their will and Hindus resisting occupation. You can continue to equate a freedom struggle well within the boundaries of UN resolutions with anything you want---doesn't change the reality at all.

The jihadi separatists in Kashmir don't have a lot of innocent civilans aka kafirs, those were cleansed in the 90s. The Shias there know better than anyone what fate awaits them if the jihadi ideology wins in Kashmir, which is why they are generally more loyal to India than the separatist cause.
Is that why you beat them with sticks during their Muharram procession which you have banned?

Syed Zafar Mehdi
Ban on Muharram procession in Kashmir mockery of religious freedom
In Kashmir, the government’s ban on Muharram processions (Muharram 8 and 10) in Srinagar city is in place since 1990, when the armed rebellion against Indian rule gained momentum. Despite the clampdown and curfew-like restrictions imposed by authorities, thousands of mourners carry out peaceful processions every year and are subjected to brutal police action.

Religious processions are being taken out in Kashmir since 1527 when Sultan Muhammad Shah was the ruler. Shia Muslims, a religious minority, with the support and cooperation of Sunni Muslims, used to take out two major processions in Srinagar city.

Each year, police impose curfew-like restrictions on Muharram 8 and 10 in parts of Srinagar city, including Lal Chowk, the nerve-center of Srinagar. Iron barricades and spools of concertina wires are put up at every entry point. The fully-armed police personnel do not even allow pedestrian movement as tough restrictions are enforced.

However, despite the clampdown, mourners each year defy police restrictions and take out peaceful mourning processions in the main city. Each time, they are intercepted by massive contingents of heavily-armed police and paramilitary personnel. They fire tear smoke canisters, resort to baton charge and brutally manhandle the mourners participating in these processions.

Last week, there were reports that the government has agreed to an alternate Muharram procession route, after a delegation of National Conference (NC) party called on governor. But it turned out hogwash. The ban remains in place. So, this Wednesday (Muharram 8) and Friday (Muharram 10), we will again see Shia mourners being beaten and thrashed by police personnel in the heart of Srinagar.
The jihadi separatists in Kashmir don't have a lot of innocent civilans aka kafirs, those were cleansed in the 90s
Yet you convieniently forget thousands of Muslims cleansed by Indian army. We hosted over twenty thousand Muslim refugees in AJK who were cleansed by Indian forces and their stooges.
300 killed in 30 years versus 90,000 killed.
Shias there know better than anyone what fate awaits them if the jihadi ideology wins in Kashmir, which is why they are generally more loyal to India than the separatist cause.
For a starter, you should stop spreading lies.
These lies are peddled by the Indian state propaganda machine to cause a divide among Muslims.
Comparing Kashmir with Karbala, Burhan Wani’s posters appear during Muharram procession


The Muharram procession in Srinagar saw an interesting political angle to the occasion when a portrait of Burhan Wani, the former Hizbul Mujahideen commander, was displayed during the event. A clip of the event where the portrait can be seen went viral on social media, prompting swift backlash from the authorities who deleted the video and blocked accounts sharing the same.

Comparing Kashmir with Karbala, a youth during the procession organised by hundreds of Shia Muslims said, “Every day is Ashura in Kashmir.” Thousands of people joined the 7th Muharram procession, the only traditional procession allowed in Srinagar City and chanted slogans of resistance and freedom during the event.

“Shaheed Burhan Wani’s and his 11 companions stood against millions of Yazidis (Referring to the government forces) following the footsteps of Imam Hussain and his companions. Our salutes to Burhan,” a youth is seen to have said in the one-minute clip that went viral on Social media networks in the Valley. In the video clip which that ends with intense pro-Azadi sloganeering and garnered millions of views, a youth can be heard praising the 22-year-old former commander. In the video clip, the youth wearing a headband bearing the name of Imam Hussain can be heard saying Burhan and his group followed the footsteps of martyrs of Karbala.

The procession began with the speech of senior Hurriyat Conference leader Maulana Masroor Abbas Ansari, who spoke with TwoCircles.net later. Pointing out that the main aim of Muharram procession is to remember the sacrifices of those who gave their lives in the way of truth while rejecting falsehood, Ansari said, “Imam Hussain (RA) is the king of all those martyrs’ who sacrificed their lives and we remember all those who fight against the tyranny. In Kashmir too people are fighting against the tyrant rulers and are sacrificing their lives in the name of Islam and freedom.

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“Burhan wani too followed the path of Imam Hussain (RA) and sacrificed his life so he is also remembered with the martyrs’ of Karbala in our processions. He is the symbol of resistance in Kashmir. And that is why our youth praised him in the processions” he added.

Srinagar-based Journalist Saqib Mugloo said it was no surprise that Burhan Wani dominated the Muharram processions this year. “He has been a symbol of resistance and his nature is something that has attracted people across the religious and sectarian divide. People say Burhan helped poor and the downtrodden of the society, and he never harmed anyone, despite being a rebel,” he said.

Mugloo also said that it was natural that Shias praised Burhan. Given that they follow Hussain (RA) who stood against injustice and tyranny despite having very people by his side, “the sacrifice of Hussain teaches people to stand up against oppression. And Burhan was one among those who stood up against it. One cannot also ignore the magnitude of oppression that has been prevalent in the valley since the death of Burhan Wani,” he added.

Even though traditional Muharram processions remain banned in Srinagar, smaller ones taken out in interiors of the city are increasingly turning into sort of demonstrations against what is described here as ‘State Terrorism”.

This despite police summons issued against dozens of youth who were involved in pro-Azadi slogans during Muharram processions earlier on Monday.

Ever since the beginning of Muharram, Shia Muslims in Kashmir have demonstrated against the killings in Kashmir by raising pro-freedom slogans during the mourning processions, videos of which have widely been shared on social media.

Reports said Police has summoned youth appearing in these clips to Police stations in a bid to stem the tide.

In Kashmir, the government’s ban on Muharram processions (Muharram 8 and 10) in Srinagar city is in place since 1990, when the armed rebellion against Indian rule gained momentum. Despite the clampdown and curfew-like restrictions imposed by authorities, thousands of mourners carry out peaceful processions every year and are subjected to brutal police action.


Kashmiri Shiite Muslim carry the poster of Hizb Commander, Burhan Wani in Muharram procession in Srinagar on Tuesday, Sept 18 ( Photo: Sanna Irshad Matoo)
Each year, police impose curfew-like restrictions on Muharram 8 and 10 in parts of Srinagar city, including Lal Chowk, the nerve-centre of Srinagar. Iron barricades and spools of concertina wires are put up at every entry point. The fully-armed police personnel do not even allow pedestrian movement as tough restrictions are enforced.

However, despite the clampdown, mourners each year defy police restrictions and take out peaceful mourning processions in the main city. Each time, they are intercepted by massive contingents of heavily-armed police and paramilitary personnel. They fire tear smoke canisters, resort to baton charge and brutally manhandle the mourners participating in these processions.
Kashmiri "Resistance fighters" as you call them are very gang mentality based, those suspected of being informers are routinely rough up their own and keep them in fear.
What else they should do? Garland the informers?
Do you know what Indian army has been doing to people suspected of working with the militants?

@Desert Fox @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
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News of "human rights" abuses against nabbed jihadis and stuff like inserting chilli coated rods in their disgusting bungholes and their penises being wrapped in petrol soaked cloth and being set on fire amuses me greatly.
This post should be printed, framed and hung on a wall to remind everyone of the genocidal urges of Pakistan's Eastern neighbors.

For a scumbag like you, every Kashmiri Muslim demanding freedom is a "poisonous snake Jihadi".
Fear the day when they take the war to your homes just like you have taken the war to their homes.

Then this guy has the audacity to complain when others call him a chutiya(rightly so).

His amusement at torture did not help 45 soormas dispatched to hell in Pulwama.
Neither did it help those who lost their heads to BAT.

AND FYI, 70percent of torture victims have been civilians. People like you who ejaculate at others being tortured, have no right to complain about Uris, Pulwamas and BAT head hunters.
@Desert Fox
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This post should be printed, framed and hung on a wall to remind everyone of the genocidal urges of Pakistan's Eastern neighbors.

For a scumbag like you, every Kashmiri Muslim demanding freedom is a "poisonous snake Jihadi".
Fear the day when they take the war to your homes just like you have taken the war to their homes.

Then this guy has the audacity to complain when others call him a chutiya(rightly so).

His amusement at torture did not help 45 soormas dispatched to hell in Pulwama.
Neither did it help those who lost their heads to BAT.

AND FYI, 70percent of torture victims have been civilians. People like you who ejaculate at others being tortured, have no right to complain about Uris, Pulwamas and BAT head hunters.
@Desert Fox
I don't understand why he isn't permanently banned yet, are mods at work or still asleep?
This post should be printed, framed and hung on a wall to remind everyone of the genocidal urges of Pakistan's Eastern neighbors.

I have observed that many of the Indian posters are, more or less, like him. It is a historical baggage of more than 1000 years, which they are nor ready to forget and forgo.
I have observed that many of the Indian posters are, more or less, like him. It is a historical baggage of more than 1000 years, which they are nor ready to forget and forgo.

Hindus remember their history which is more than 15,000 years old, and you expect them to forget 1000 years ? That is hilarious.

Just goes to show how little you now of Hindus.

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