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Army vehicle Targeted with IED blast in Pulwama

because, and assuming your side's claims are true wrt that glide bomb near the HQ where a lot of military HVTs were present just a stone's throw away from impact, none were hurt/eliminated.

Jingoism is retarded but reality is relevant, had the Pak AF/military actually taken out a bunch of our army and air force commanders, you know very well that we would have "replied" :P
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View attachment 565665
Summar of DG ISPR after
View attachment 565664
He's alive, he's back flying fighters.

Yes you shot down that old plane and won propaganda points in that skirmish. IAF need an upgrade, Rafales will be here soon

Naah ....China already have S-400
Anti missile system.Agni will not work :-)
We will soon too.

The China threat is real but that situation is completely decoupled from the Kashmir/Pak problem, they don't want any part of it, even OIC and GCC stays away from it, they all have more immideate and pressing issues to deal with.
He's alive, he's back flying fighters.

Yes you shot down that old plane and won propaganda points in that skirmish. IAF need an upgrade, Rafales will be here soon
He is returned after polishing my army boot with his blood to save his life


You should remove this post, you cannot show dead bodies.

The Kashmir issue is becoming very internationalised now, I already know of some people who are avoiding tourism to India now because of the atrocities in Kashmir.

Many people are also finding out that Indian rule is dependent on the holding of the plebiscite for Kashmiris to have their say once and for all.
I suppose it's fair game if you enjoy those visuals because you feel so strongly about the whole thing but I would not gloat over a downed Pakistani air warrior.

News of "human rights" abuses against nabbed jihadis and stuff like inserting chilli coated rods in their disgusting bungholes and their penises being wrapped in petrol soaked cloth and being set on fire amuses me greatly.

I can not, and honestly, would not even like to post pictures of how Wani, Musa and that crew ended up but.. lagey raho.

but discussion and dialogue is more fun than raging hate. So let's have fun while the political class, the militaries and the oligarchs do their thing, we can still support our guys and discuss things just like the cricket match. :D
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So you wish to go Grozny to pacify Kashmir?

Flying MiGs doesn't make your country as astute politically or as powerful militarily as the Russians, who were close to a true superpower back then.

You can't police Kashmir's border with Pak, you can't drive a convoy through Kashmir without getting attacked, and you are about to enter an era of warfare where Houthis with drones can routinely attack Saudi airports from their desert hideouts. You honestly believe if Kashmiris decided to fight back wholesale that India would be able to contain and win that war?

This post needs to be removed.
A open fact ! Pakistanis and Kashmiris don’t give a FcUK. What inDian muslims say on any issues. They are just irrelevant to us.
I have many relatives in indian .indian muslims are heavily brainwashed on Kashmir issue . 50% does not want to talk about Kashmir like they don't care much and 30% thinks that they can't help kashmiris in anyway they see themselves helpless on this problem 20% want to see Kashmir free from india but also no one from them wants to talk this in public.
So you wish to go Grozny to pacify Kashmir?
No, of course not, but we could and will go that route and make Grozny look like a kiddy pillow fight in comparison if forced into it.

Flying MiGs doesn't make your country as astute politically or as powerful militarily as the Russians, who were close to a true superpower back then.
only helped speed up the Rafale acquisition process.

The Soviets were a super power but then you guys had the backing of the CIA/Pentagon and arab money etc, you can not repeat it in Kashmir.

You can't police Kashmir's border with Pak, you can't drive a convoy through Kashmir without getting attacked, and you are about to enter an era of warfare where Houthis with drones can routinely attack Saudi airports from their desert hideouts. You honestly believe if Kashmiris decided to fight back wholesale that India would be able to contain and win that war?
This isn't the middle east, different rules, different players, higher stakes.

IEDs are an escalation but it is nowhere as bad as the MENA area and their problems, you can't do shit without CIA backing your efforts in Kashmir.. Saudis, Iran, Turkey, EU, US, Russia, UK, NATO... nobody supports the Kashmir jihad.

so why are they deployed in cities rather then near borders
to send a message.

pelt stones and lose your eyes.

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