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Army gives government 48 hour ultimatum: Shujat

Not really. If there is a coup or anything else unconstitutional in Pakistan, it will place in jeopardy the mechanisms of delivering billions of dollars in military and other aid to Pakistan, given the way Congress does things. That makes it an important bilateral matter, of concern to both countries. And that is perfectly within the purview of the US ambassador and what he said.
Sadly you have a bias, short memory?
US-of-A has supported all of the , dictatorships in pakistan 100 times more then the damocrazies? Cause they trust our military more then the crooked politicians whom took the aid money sent to the country in to Thier, own Swiss accounts ?
Well ,well ,one day ago a reputed TTA told me that democratic goverment have so much power and entire policies in their hand.Now it seems these democratic govt dont have chance against the PA.
That would be me, and I stand by that. Shujat is lying out of his ***, the military won't get involved.

Shujat needs to shut the **** up. He's been trying to instigate a military coup for a long time now, and has demanded military action since the beginning.

This is just more of his typical non-serious threats.
That would be me, and I stand by that. Shujat is lying out of his ***, the military won't get involved.

Shujat needs to shut the **** up. He's been trying to instigate a military coup for a long time now, and has demanded military action since the beginning.

This is just more of his typical non-serious threats.
Sory dont you try to be a spokes person of pakarmy just because, you don't like the fact that, if it's important to defend the mother land, pakarmy would not dare to give any sacrifice, including Marshallaw?
Accept it? It's the reality?
RUN KID?... no where to hide!
Sory dont you try to be a spokes person of pakarmy just because, you don't like the fact that, if it's important to defend the mother land, pakarmy would not dare to give any sacrifice, including Marshallaw?
Accept it? It's the reality?
RUN KID?... no where to hide!
Since when did I ever try and be a spokesperson of anything?

This isn't reality, it's clear to everyone that Shujat is lying. When you have ISPR warning protesters about entering the red zone, and the army clearly saying that they would not commit a coup, you get a clear idea on where the army stands.

It's typical of you to lie, just so you can have your dear friend Musharraf out of jail, and the military to take over again.
Since when did I ever try and be a spokesperson of anything?

This isn't reality, it's clear to everyone that Shujat is lying. When you have ISPR warning protesters about entering the red zone, and the army clearly saying that they would not commit a coup, you get a clear idea on where the army stands.

It's typical of you to lie, just so you can have your dear friend Musharraf out of jail, and the military to take over again.
Go check your post,& if towmmarow some coupe does happen then what?
Your knowledge about political affairs & the political history of pakistan is not enough to be a think tanker? Any way?
I said run!
Go check your post,& if towmmarow some coupe does happen then what?
Your knowledge about political affairs & the political history of pakistan is not enough to be a think tanker? Any way?
I said run!
If by tomorrow a coup does happen, I will resign as a TT. I guarantee you that. I know enough about politics and history of Pakistan to make this judgement.

The army cannot afford to have a coup right now, it's too busy dealing with an insurgency, and doesn't have enough public support, to do such a thing.
If by tomorrow a coup does happen, I will resign as a TT. I guarantee you that. I know enough about politics and history of Pakistan to make this judgement.

The army cannot afford to have a coup right now, it's too busy dealing with an insurgency, and doesn't have enough public support, to do such a thing.

You should tell people THE REAL REASON.

Motherland babes can't takeover because the printed babe aka Amrikan $$$ will STOP COMING.

I said that back in 2008/09ish.

As a TT you should not hide our patriotic motherland babes.

Having a continuous democracy till 2020+ will disintegrate Pakistan. Because it will be a musikal chair between Zardari and Nawaz hun. Their honeymoon will be in Thailand after next election.

So a solution to this problem is : Nawaz/Zardari/Musharaf/Komando elite responsible for 50,000+ killings/Zarrar Zamin/Gwadar land scamers/judges/burykats - All of them in the jail. Naked. Stripped. Of their medals.

Answerable to the court of people.
People are reading too much between the lines. Army is not coming however Imran is not backing down from his demand of Pm resignation, Nawaz has changed IG of police, things might get uglier. Nawaz knows it has become increasingly difficult for him to hold on to power. He might want to become a political martyr by initiating violence, getting people killed and forcing the hand of the army to intervene.
He has support of 11/12 parties.

It is becoming difficulty for Imran rather, to continue the protest
You should tell people THE REAL REASON.

Motherland babes can't takeover because the printed babe aka Amrikan $$$ will STOP COMING.

I said that back in 2008/09ish.

As a TT you should not hide our patriotic motherland babes.

Having a continuous democracy till 2020+ will disintegrate Pakistan. Because it will be a musikal chair between Zardari and Nawaz hun. Their honeymoon will be in Thailand after next election.

So a solution to this problem is : Nawaz/Zardari/Musharaf/Komando elite responsible for 50,000+ killings/Zarrar Zamin/Gwadar land scamers/judges/burykats - All of them in the jail. Naked. Stripped. Of their medals.

Answerable to the court of people.
I'm not going to dignify this lunacy with an answer.
Mr I know one thing he has lot off sources in establishment or he could have said this on there order

I have a lot of sources in your establishment too. And I can tell you with certainty that the military doesn't want to be involved here in terms of a marshal law or throwing out the PM. They know he's brought so much investment and they want that to continue. When the sanctions are applied and trade goes down the pipe.....the worst hit is first taken by the military. This time, if they do crap like before, not only will they get sanctioned, the growing Indian lobby will take that opportunity and literally trash whatever reputation Pakistan has left in the West. This would be it. You may not be able to import 9MM pistols, let alone advance weapons like the -16's and all.
Then, it'll be civil war as whoever doesn't win the next elections will come to streets and if the military takes over, the government parties will still come to the streets. NO military is capable of handing 2 or 5 million citizens out on the streets, people can pull soldiers out of their tanks and show them the power of democracy.
The overwhelming support from the Parliament has sent a strong message across the establishment that this time, any serious involvement in toppling the government might mean ACTUAL people on the streets (not 20K that IK brought, you are talking millions across the country). And the military also knows such involvement will sooner or later result in ANOTHER COAS sitting with Musharraf facing treason in the next few years. So they don't want it. They will however, ask the PM to work with them and let them have the powers they want like Afghan and India based foreign policy and weapons procurements, etc.
It'll be a compromise and the IK will get a boot out of both sides, the establishment and the political system
I have a lot of sources in your establishment too. And I can tell you with certainty that the military doesn't want to be involved here in terms of a marshal law or throwing out the PM. They know he's brought so much investment and they want that to continue. When the sanctions are applied and trade goes down the pipe.....the worst hit is first taken by the military. This time, if they do crap like before, not only will they get sanctioned, the growing Indian lobby will take that opportunity and literally trash whatever reputation Pakistan has left in the West. This would be it. You may not be able to import 9MM pistols, let alone advance weapons like the -16's and all.
Then, it'll be civil war as whoever doesn't win the next elections will come to streets and if the military takes over, the government parties will still come to the streets. NO military is capable of handing 2 or 5 million citizens out on the streets, people can pull soldiers out of their tanks and show them the power of democracy.
The overwhelming support from the Parliament has sent a strong message across the establishment that this time, any serious involvement in toppling the government might mean ACTUAL people on the streets (not 20K that IK brought, you are talking millions across the country). And the military also knows such involvement will sooner or later result in ANOTHER COAS sitting with Musharraf facing treason in the next few years. So they don't want it. They will however, ask the PM to work with them and let them have the powers they want like Afghan and India based foreign policy and weapons procurements, etc.
It'll be a compromise and the IK will get a boot out of both sides, the establishment and the political system
& another PM will be hanged, if another COAS tried in the courts?
Sure it serves Damocrazy, the fake mandate , & noora slaves?
He has support of 11/12 parties.

It is becoming difficulty for Imran rather, to continue the protest

Yes i am aware of those parties. However since the day long march started people speculated he has failed, no one is coming to join him, there are 5 to 10 K people only, he is making U-turns, has made deal with government and what not, you being on the forefront of such speculations, they all turned out to be false.

Difficult or not he is there and has no intention of leaving before Nawaz resigns. Lets see how long can the government afford Islamabad be jammed.
Of course the "angels" are behind all this from Day One. It will put everyone in their place as planned. In the long term, it will be bad for Pakistan, but no one cares about that.
What do you say about long term Sir?
For the first time in history of Pakistan alliance has been made to protect the govt. in the name of democracy.....
Lawyers which are also a major force are also standing for the law....
Positive? Not to mention falling support for IK after his loud mouthedness.....

Those are your wishes being stated as a fact. (wrongly)
Kitne motorcycle the? :D
237 Janab :D

Apparently, USA is trying to keep things constitutional, as they should be, but that is not accpetable to IK either:
US meddling in Pakistan's politics, says Imran Khan - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
ISLAMABAD: In round two of his speech on Thursday, Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan in a message to the United States government said it is interfering with Pakistan’s internal politics and should withdraw its statements regarding the ongoing political crisis.
The US State Department today in a statement lent support to Nawaz Sharif’s government, saying the “elected government is in place”.
Imran, however, said the government is a “servant of the US” that “polishes the shoes of the Americans”.
He said that he is familiar with the workings of the American and British democratic systems and said that the US would never accept a rigged election.
“If an election took place in the US and a Congressman said that a majority of the votes could not be verified, wouldn't that constitute a full blown enquiry in America?” he asked.
Imran appealed to US ambassador Richard Olsen to convey his message to the State Department, and asked “if Pakistanis are children of a lesser god”.
“Why one law for us and another for you? Why are our democracies different?”
Urging Olsen to take back the statements of the US government, Imran said Nawaz is hiding behind the army and the US to protect his rigged election.
Thursday marked the eighth day of the Imran Khan-led movement against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, a campaign that has partially paralysed life in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi as containers and police personnel guard state buildings against charged protesters.
Although Imran is unflinching in his demand for the premier's resignation, PTI sources say the party chairman has "no other option left" as his earlier calls for a civil disobedience movement and the mass resignation of PTI lawmakers from assemblies have yielded no results.
Imran rallied supporters with the aim to remove Nawaz as prime minister in protest of alleged rigging in the 2013 general elections. Journalists present in D-chowk — the final destination of the PTI sit-in — say that crowds are thinning as the drawn-out protest enters its eighth day.
Anything the U.S says is taken as negative, should have kept your mouth shut....

That would be me, and I stand by that. Shujat is lying out of his ***, the military won't get involved.
Shujat needs to shut the **** up. He's been trying to instigate a military coup for a long time now, and has demanded military action since the beginning.
This is just more of his typical non-serious threats.
Things will happen behind the scene mate....
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