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Army Chief General Manoj Naravane has asked field commanders to be prepared for any eventuality

India will use all its Nukes. Let there be no doubt it.

And in other news scientists say what happened Beirut was 10% of a Hirocima size bomb.
Hahahaha, you sound like India will lose a conventional war.
YOu should be worried, last they used an air defence missile they shot their own, with a military like yours, we won't even need to use our nukes.

India will use all its Nukes. Let there be no doubt it.

And in other news scientists say what happened Beirut was 10% of a Hirocima size bomb.
Delusion at its zenith.

Dont expect anything else from the delusional indian masses. These Donkey are so weak minded that they are not into any research. if they did , they wud realize just how badly fudged they are with the Pak- China Alliance. They have got inferior weaponry, they have got an army who know there is no transparency from the government about the real situation on the ground, They are up against a military whose defence budget is gonna overtake America's in a few years, and they got their arch enemy in very close alliance with them. India is Fudged. With what will they defeat china? Arnav the DONKEY Goswami was saying that day how indian army servicemen outnumbered china's. How so Mr. DONKEY ? China has more active Military Servicemen, More land mass, military technology that is decades ahead of the Indians. America is stumbling on all fronts in dealing with china which is continents away from it. And these DONKEYS have them on their Borders looking over with Binoculars. That too combined with arch enemy Pakistan. FUDGED YOU ARE BROTHERS. FUDGED YOU ARE.
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