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Arjun the worst tank ever

coupled with temperature extremes very hot in the desert and very cold in the Himalayas Arjun seems to fail

This is why I don't like ignorant people posting about issues that they know nothing about. The Arjuna was specially designed to cope with these changes. The T90, and the T72 before it, were not.
That is incredible!

From that, one can extrapolate what you have said, they will be used to go off to flanking positions at heights approximately 20% gradient and more, and ambush MBTs, if the Indian Army is so ill-advised as to persist in pushing them there, from those positions. As we all know, MBTs are peculiarly vulnerable on their top surfaces and the rearward surfaces, compared to their front protection or even their flanks.

Thank you very much for your intervention and the insights you have given us. Much appreciated.
They is no need to fight smaller tanks once they have favourable terrain to their advantage. Either hit them before they have an advantage or fall back from area where they have an advantage.
MBTs must stick to plains ( quite a lot of area is almost desert like planes in laddak) and stay out of their range. If they are hell bent on gaining ground, they will have to comeout of their hiding and cross plains. In that area, chinese light hardware isn't a match for T-90 even in 2:1 ratio.
Even if that means conceding ground to them for a while, but always fight on your favourite turf. That is considering only tank vs tank, discounting other ways to take care of enemy tanks.
This is why I don't like ignorant people posting about issues that they know nothing about. The Arjuna was specially designed to cope with these changes. The T90, and the T72 before it, were not.
That why it’s engine and other components keep failing in deserts and is considered a threat when crossing most of Indian bridges ....... seems you have a very topical understanding of tanks
Remind me how Zoji La was captured in 1948.

remind me how Galvan , Aksai chin and other Chinese territory was recaptured in 2020 by not firing a shot yet still killing 20+ Indian soldiers.

Tactics and logistics win wars not political stunts like putting mbts on mountains

remind me how Galvan , Aksai chin and other Chinese territory was recaptured in 2020 by not firing a shot yet still killing 20+ Indian soldiers.

Tactics and logistics win wars not political stunts like putting mbts on mountains

Apart from being a great boost for morale of inf, tanks are very good at defensive warfare. Defending important installation. They can form up a Iron wall at vital and strategic locations. Tanks when coupled with other hardware like air defence, infantry and arty can halt massive armies in tracks, cause massive losses and breaking the will of enemy.
Apart from being a great boost for morale of inf, tanks are very good at defensive warfare. Defending important installation. They can form up a Iron wall at vital and strategic locations. Tanks when coupled with other hardware like air defence, infantry and arty can halt massive armies in tracks, cause massive losses and breaking the will of enemy.

I remember learning, that one overtakes their adversary with superior firepower and maneuverability. How do you suggest a t-90 will achieve that in the mountains against superior Chinese numbers armed with atgm and backed by artillery.

these will turn into ground coffins just like the mig-21

I remember learning, that one overtakes their adversary with superior firepower and maneuverability. How do you suggest a t-90 will achieve that in the mountains against superior Chinese numbers armed with atgm and backed by artillery.

these will turn into ground coffins just like the mig-21

Well! Good luck and godspeed! Better planner &Manager wins!
As @PanzerKiel would have told you if he had been here, Indian experience with AMX tanks in 1965 was not awe inspiring. Either in the initial thrust by 12 Infantry Division into Chhamb towards Akhnoor, or in the 1 Armoured Division attack beyond Khem Karan. These light tanks seem to be one cut better than armoured cars. Good for reconnaissance and scouting, not good for standing toe to toe with MBTs. Rather like frigates in the Age of Sail, vis-a-vis a Line of Battle ship, even a fifth- or a sixth-rater.
Remember the PT76? was used in 65, 71 . This was one of the light tanks used by the IA in the last century , they then decided that the cons outweigh the pros and discontinued the use of light tanks .
Bakhtar Shikan is a copy of outdated Chinese anti tank missile HJ-8 and so outdated I doubt it will be useful against our deadly T72s.... just forget about homemade Arjun and T90s....
Who on earth lets you input stuff into the random word assorter?
remind me how Galvan , Aksai chin and other Chinese territory was recaptured in 2020 by not firing a shot yet still killing 20+ Indian soldiers.

Tactics and logistics win wars not political stunts like putting mbts on mountains


It works in India ... remember 90% of them are idiots
just agree with them... it will save lot of time actually... and also will give them peaceful sleep.... anyhow there is no electricity because of lead shedding in pakistan

Ignorant statement ..

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