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Arjun mk II ready for trial!

ganimi kawa

Jul 1, 2010
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Summer trials this year of upgraded indigenous battle tank:victory::victory::victory:

New Delhi, Jan 17 (IANS)

Within a year of the government approving a project for an upgraded indigenous main battle tank (MBT), India's defence research agency has readied a Mark II version that will undergo summer and winter trials this year.

I repeat, within a year!.......

The defence ministry had last May given its nod to the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) to develop the Arjun MkII MBT which would have enhanced features over the first lot of 124 tanks that have been delivered to the army over the last two years.

'The Arjun MkII tanks will go for summer trials this year and later for winter trials at the end of 2011,' a defence ministry official said here Monday.

The army is already operating two regiments of Arjun tanks in the western sector and has placed an order for an additional 124 - two regiments - of the 58-tonne tanks from the Avadi-based manufacturer, Heavy Vehicles Factory.

The army gained confidence in operating the Arjun tanks, despite the initial hesitation, after the first two regiments were pitted against the Russian-built T-90 MBTs early last year in comparative trials in the desert terrain.

The Arjuns, army officers said, had outsmarted the T-90s in all the parameters set for the trials and had prompted the army top brass to admit that the tank was one of the best they had operated.

The Arjun MkII will have about a dozen changes from the first lot, being armed with missile firing capability through a laser homing device.

Though the missile system had been tested on the MkI version of the tank about five years ago, it did not form part of the final design of the initial 124 delivered to the army, and nor will it be mounted on the second lot of 124, ministry officials said.

The system, they said, would have a range of about eight kms, within which it could destroy enemy tanks after homing on to the target using a laser.

Other modifications include better explosive-reactive armour for the tank to protect it from enemy missiles and rockets, improving the sighting facility to provide it a wider view of the battlefield, including night vision capability, and a better communication system.

^^ Yes, we can!:mps::mps:
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Good news...
But one must understand that T-90 is not the full version of Russian T-90 but a downgraded model...
It is better to have a capable Tank...
Any idea.. what are the futures of MK-2?
good going. its a pretty decent tank. although i would have personally liked it to be a lil lighter. but never mind its a start.
Good news...
But one must understand that T-90 is not the full version of Russian T-90 but a downgraded model...
It is better to have a capable Tank...
Any idea.. what are the futures of MK-2?

Here you go...( I hope you meant features.)

1.Volume occupied by the electronics package will be low.

2.A total of 93 upgrades, including the advanced air defence gun system for firing at attack helicopters. Missiles firing capability to destroy long-range targets and bring down attack helicopters.

3.Panoramic sight with night vision for the tank's commander. An automatic target tracking system to add accuracy when firing on a moving target.

4.Explosive reactive armor panel which will comprise explosives in metallic brick form. These bricks will be mounted all round the MBT. When the enemy ammunition hits these bricks, they will explode and retard the energy of the projectile. Tanks armor will not be penetrated.

5.Improvements in material, fuel injection and filtration technologies will contribute to the reduction in the engine size without compromising on power.

6.Indian Army has placed an intent for production of 124 Arjun-Mk II tanks.

7.Phase I, 45 tanks will roll out with 56 upgrades, including the missile firing capability and the commander's panoramic sight with night vision.

8.Phase II, the remaining 79 tanks, with all the 93 improvements, will come off the assembly line. “By 2013-14, the first batch of around 30 tanks will go out,” Dr. Sivakumar said.
Good news...
But one must understand that T-90 is not the full version of Russian T-90 but a downgraded model...
It is better to have a capable Tank...
Any idea.. what are the futures of MK-2?

can you give more clarification on the bolded part..
Arent these capabilities already in other tanks?
Firing missiles,sight etc.

Also these are being given to the tank already in service or on order....124(thts the original number of tanks on order).
hm i think we need much more than that. i estimate it to be in the region of 460-480. all of Mk2 standard.
can you give more clarification on the bolded part..

There was a comission report on T-90 purchase on how the cost was reduced with a downgraded version to justify the cost in parliament.. Some critical features were removed to bring down the cost as a replacement for Arjun Tanks which were not ready at that time... Will try to post the link.. because i read that long back surely 2-3 yrs back...
Good news...
But one must understand that T-90 is not the full version of Russian T-90 but a downgraded model...
It is better to have a capable Tank...
Any idea.. what are the futures of MK-2?


T-90M has more powerful engine (1200 HP), new ‘Kaktus’ embedded explosive reactive armor, an enhanced environmental control system, new-generation thermal imager, an active protection system.

There are several versions of T-90.

Russian T-90 (1992) - 840 hp, cast turret, lacks thermal sight, Shtora countermneasure.
Russian T-90A (2004) - 1000 hp, weld turret, no thermal, modified reactive armor (4S23), modified commanders sight (PK-5), Shtora countermneasure.
Russian T-90A (2006) - same as T-90A 2004, but with Catherine FC thermal.

Indian T-90S (2001) - 1000 hp, weld turet, Catherine FC thermal, conditioner, no "Shtora" countermeasure.
Algerian and Turkmenian T-90SA (2006) - same as T-90S, but with laser sensors and modified commanders sight (PK-5).
hmmm seems like i missed the follow on upgrade ;) ... seems we have a very capable T-90 way more advanced...
finally - we can have one tank which is workable - t-90 have biggest problem of amount of heat it genrate in 60 degree cel temp of rajusthan.

may be india need to go for israeli model its closest to our need.

- but arjun for sure will be better than t-90, atleast its meant for rightful purpose to fight in 60 degree cel heat not - ice cold winter of serbia,
one Arjun to target you house in US and India and rest of the arjun for testing the drive on urban road by driving on top of your house smashed by the first one... :D :D ... I cant believe how much of devil is in me :D

Bro , no need to reply... that post is already reported....
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