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Argentina to blockade Falkland waters in dispute over oil rights


Nov 20, 2009
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United States
Argentina to blockade Falkland waters in dispute over oil rights

Argentina has declared that it is taking control over all shipping between its coast and the Falklands, in effect awarding itself the power to blockade the disputed islands.

According to a decree issued by President Kirchner last night, all ships sailing through the waters claimed by Argentina must hold a permit. The measure seems likely to deepen a row over conflicting claims to oil beds lying inside the Falkland Islands’ territorial waters.

Argentina still claims sovereignty over the islands it calls “Las Malvinas” nearly three decades after the end of the Falklands conflict in which more than 1,000 people died. Tensions over the islands remained buried until the discovery of potentially rich energy reserves in the Falklands’ seabed. Argentina protested to Britain this month over plans to begin offshore drilling near the islands.

Yesterday’s decree amounts to an Argentine move to control all traffic from South America towards the islands, including an oil rig due to arrive today and start drilling next year.

“Any boat that wants to travel between ports on the Argentine mainland to the Islas Malvinas, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. . . must first ask for permission from the Argentine Government,” Aníbal Fernández, the Cabinet chief, said.

He added that the decree would force all ships bound for the islands or travelling through waters claimed by Argentina to obtain the new permit.

Argentina is trying to prevent British companies exploiting what experts say could be substantial oil reserves. Buenos Aires is enraged by Britain’s refusal to stop explorations in the face of its long-standing sovereignty claim. Last week it detained a ship, the Thor Leader, which it said had been illegally transporting pipes to the Falklands.

The impending arrival of the Ocean Guardian rig has increased tensions, amid reports from waiting crew members on the islands that it had been shadowed by Argentine jets during the final stage of its journey from the Scottish Highlands.

Last week Argentina vowed to take its complaint against Britain to the United Nations. Jorge Taiana, the Foreign Minister, warned that his Government would take “all necessary steps” to defend its claim on the islands, 300 miles from the coastline.

Geological studies estimate that up to 60 billion barrels of oil could be buried in the seabed around the Falklands, making it a reserve on the scale of the North Sea, which has so far produced 40 billion barrels. The majority of the exploration rights have been awarded to London-based Desire Petroleum, which will drill in the area for the first time since Royal Dutch Shell abandoned its bid in 1998.

The islanders have tried to shrug off the prospect of a new conflict. “There has been an economic blockade of the Falklands from Argentina for many years,” Roger Spink, the director of the Falkland Islands Company, said. “It’s something we’ve come to expect.”

Britain has more than 1,000 military personnel on land and more than 300 at sea around the Falklands, as well as four Typhoon jets, a destroyer and a patrol boat.


Argentina to blockade Falkland waters in dispute over oil rights - Times Online
Oh.Now's the time for Argentina Strike in Full Force(Unlike Previous time) and take revenge this is not 80s so count Uncle Sam out and this time i think British will also have trouble protecting the Island.
Argentina certainly can acquire stuff to atleast hold for a few months if ever conflict breaks out in long run Argentina will lose..but that is Just harassment by UK..you come to foreign land and say everything here is mine..bunch if dogs..
I was there 28 years ago, since the both forces have deteriorated beyond recognition however Argentine forces have been destroyed to a far higher level and only have around 40 servicable fighter/strike aircraft.

That aside 28 years ago developments in the region were ignored, this time matters will be carefully moderated, the four Typhoons are not enough to defend the islands however a full squadron is and can be transported to ths islands overnight and would be re-based if tensions escalated long before there was any chance of it coming to blows.

Something to remember is that the Argentine goverment is increasingly unpopular and they're due an election in a year, this is nothing but hollow sabre rattling in an effort to gain public support and even the Argentine population are aware and sceptical of developments aware of the knowledge that ARA/FAA (Argentine Navy/Air force) are not in a position to spearhead an attack on the Falklands

Another note, also in the icey depths of the South Atlantic at the moment is HMS Sceptre, given the fact that the Royal Navy is capale of retaliation in the form of Tomahawk Land attack missiles on Argentine mainland would even further promote peaceful discussion regarding sovereignety of the islands.
The Law states clearly that 12 miles from Argentina's coast is their waters and 200 miles from their coast they have fishing rights.......Falkland Islands are 300 miles away.......so the Argies can P*** Off as they have already lost that argument when they decided to launch their invasion and got their arse kicked.

We have spent billions on oil rigs and research with regards ot the oil wells and their locations.......now when a defiinite oil reserve has been discovered they want claim......they should be totally ignored
The Law states clearly that 12 miles from Argentina's coast is their waters and 200 miles from their coast they have fishing rights.......Falkland Islands are 300 miles away.......so the Argies can P*** Off as they have already lost that argument when they decided to launch their invasion and got their arse kicked.

We have spent billions on oil rigs and research with regards ot the oil wells and their locations.......now when a defiinite oil reserve has been discovered they want claim......they should be totally ignored

Who's "we"? Also, they have always claimed the Islands, not just now when oil has been discovered.


Argentina should go and get her Islands back and show the UK that it is not 1910 anymore, it's 2010 and Britain's glory days are over.
Who's "we"? Also, they have always claimed the Islands, not just now when oil has been discovered.


Argentina should go and get her Islands back and show the UK that it is not 1910 anymore, it's 2010 and Britain's glory days are over.

I say "we" as I am British also therefore, yes "WE"............and by the way, the Islands have never been claimed or populated before Brit arrival therefore,................NO, there is no claim from anyone....it is 300 miles from Argentina therefore, if they have a right to claim it as theirs, then by virtue, so do we and anyone else who would be there i.e. French, Russian, US,,, anyone.

Just because the Island is close to Argentina (300 miles is not close either) doesn't mean it is part of there territory per se.......therefore, no....it is British and should stay that way....if you folks in Tehran do not like that then go swivel......

Matey...........let me awaken you a little.......Iran is now building missiles which Britain had decades back...that is how far back you are and the Argies are way further back......they are not in any position to take the Islands by force or otherwise
Argentina should go and get her Islands back and show the UK that it is not 1910 anymore, it's 2010 and Britain's glory days are over.

Err, Can you please explain why Argentinian claim on these islands is better then the English claim? The people of Falklands identify themselves as British. Argentina itself is a product of colonisation.
I say "we" as I am British also therefore, yes "WE"............and by the way, the Islands have never been claimed or populated before Brit arrival therefore,................NO, there is no claim from anyone....it is 300 miles from Argentina therefore, if they have a right to claim it as theirs, then by virtue, so do we and anyone else who would be there i.e. French, Russian, US,,, anyone.

Just because the Island is close to Argentina (300 miles is not close either) doesn't mean it is part of there territory per se.......therefore, no....it is British and should stay that way....if you folks in Tehran do not like that then go swivel......

You look Pakistani to me.
Err, Can you please explain why Argentinian claim on these islands is better then the English claim? The people of Falklands identify themselves as British. Argentina itself is a product of colonisation.

The people in Hong Kong also wanted to remain British.
I find it pathetic that people who have suffered so much under British colonization are defending their former masters.
I find it pathetic that people who have suffered so much under British colonization are defending their former masters.

Do you have anything o add with relation to the arguments we have put forward or do you just wish to blow your rhetoric up our nose.

Like you said...........this is not 1910.........its 2010....move on
Do you have anything o add with relation to the arguments we have put forward or do you just wish to blow your rhetoric up our nose.

Like you said...........this is not 1910.........its 2010....move on

Like i said you look Pakistani to me.
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