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Argentina Rejects American, Russian & Indian Jets Selects JF-17

JF is the most capable and the cheapest of the three, and it indeed did have the highest chances, even if chinas actions seem minor, the public opinion can effect the purchase a lot, no government wants to lose voters.
Maybe if Pakistan takes a lead in this sale in which final assembly, delivery and training of staff are done by Pakistan with a proper fanfare of brotherhood etc, - it could be sold as more if a Pakistani jet instead of Chinese (I mean from PR perspective, in reality China provides the key components )
IF the news in the OP is proven to be true it would be a HUGE giant leap in the Pakistani aviation industry. This would have been deemed impossible only 2 years ago.
Maybe if Pakistan takes a lead in this sale in which final assembly, delivery and training of staff are done by Pakistan with a proper fanfare of brotherhood etc, - it could be sold as more if a Pakistani jet instead of Chinese (I mean from PR perspective, in reality China provides the key components )
Many of the key-components are at least license produced in Pakistan too. Final assembly is always done in Pakistan. Delivery and training, marketing etc, all of this stuff you mentioned Pakistan already did for the Nigerian deal As well.

The issue is the weapons. All of the weapons, pods, etc you need to buy directly from China. You can see why that’s an issue. Plus the Malaysian people aren’t that easily tricked. It’s not just the people, you’d need their parliament to agree to buy it. I still have some hope for it but realistically not much, I’d be happily proven wrong, but I think they will go for FA-50 block 20. With block 20 it gets BVR capability using AIM120. Not as good as a full fledged fighter due to the weaker radar though.
Maybe if Pakistan takes a lead in this sale in which final assembly, delivery and training of staff are done by Pakistan with a proper fanfare of brotherhood etc, - it could be sold as more if a Pakistani jet instead of Chinese (I mean from PR perspective, in reality China provides the key components )
We did it when Mahatir was around

The deal is signed - but need approval. You don't put forward a budget proposal if the deal isn´t signed. Normally the government and military work together where the technical details are taken care of by the military. Often offers are put forward from different companies and the details are worked out. Here it would have been the Argentinian Airforce among others that would have been dealing with the delegation from China/Pakistan/Chengdu/PAC. They would work out the needs and details of the deal. When the decision / the deal has been completed the amount is put foreword in the budget - and if it goes through the budget (which it probably will, because the government before putting a deal in the budget would have decided to the deal), then the funds are allocated . Be aware that the deal is put forward in 2022 budget. And the amount of 664 millions dollars will be paid in 3 years.
Unless they've actually purchased the planes and made payment I would would not celebrate. These deals fall throw from huge pressures from US and India.
LOL 😂😂😆 both (EF-2000/F-35 B) are way way ahead of Block III they will eat whole Block III with ease, you're comparing apple to oranges, f-35 is a world most electronically advance jet ànd both are medium to heavy weight whereas Block III is light weight jet lol get out of your fantasy world 😂😂😂
Yes on paper and with the right marketing even a heavyweight elephant can outfo the jf17. Oh the irony of gora shaib is still the best
Could the JF17 be the skoda of the fighter jet world?
Today evey taxi in the UK is soda...wonder why?
But the also called taliban rag heads till they whooped their asses and made them run
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Can British block this sales as we are using Martin-Baker ejection seats?

Is it a Chinese sale of the plane or a Pakistani sale? My understanding that China was in the lead for getting this sale as they have done all the leg work and that it is "China that is selling the FC1 to Argentina" and not "Pakistan is selling the JF17 to Argentina" in the sameway that "China sold the FC1 to Mynamar" and "Pakistan sold the JF17 to Nigeria" ...

Pakistan obviously performs a portion of the manufacturing and assembly under the overall contract that Pakistan and China have to each other but that is distinct and different to who owns the relationship for the sale.

Given that the large amounts of aid that the UK gives to Pakistan - are the optics on this sale correct ? Surely Pakistan would want the world to see China take the lead on this ? Feels odd to me - and i would not be suprised if the UK tries to cancel the free (aid) £300million of free FX reserves ( $423 million USD of FX ) that get added to Pakistans state bank every year to try and pressure Pakistan to cancel the sale ( and where the benefit to Pakistan is a one-off sale of $660million of which Pakistan will get a lot less that 58% of it .. ).

If Pakistan loses UK aid - then this "deal" with Argentina is not worth much to Pakistan. Of course we will get the usual drones that want to tell the UK to take a hike about free aid that goes to no one or someone - but given that Pakistan is BORROWING loans to boost its foreign exchange reserves from the IMF, World Bank, Asian Development Bank to pay its bills in USD's, is the potential loss of the yearly $420million odd of aid truly in Pakistans interest ?

Will be interesting to see how the UK goverment responds to this sale. That alone will determine if this sale is good or bad for Pakistan. The present UK goverment is fairly anti-Pakistan anyway and i am sure they wont let this opportunity to take a stripe or two off Pakistan and the anti-Pakistan elements will jostle to try and hurt Pakistan.
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It is a Chinese sale of the plane or a Pakistani sale? My understanding that China was in the lead for getting this sale as they have done all the leg work and that it is "China that is selling the FC1 to Argentina" and not "Pakistan is selling the JF17 to Argentina" in the sameway that "China sold the FC1 to Mynamar" and "Pakistan sold the JF17 to Nigeria" ...
Then i wonder why did we witnessed serial of ''Ruby'' designated airframes getting worked on in PAC.
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