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Argentina Rejects American, Russian & Indian Jets Selects JF-17

We can stop the backflips if the deal falls through until whats the harm in enjoying some good news?
Too many backflips on PDF brother. Very little to enjoy..
Have time, read archives.
Live in the real world . Don't blame Indians loving their beloved fantasy Bollywood land if you are going to do the same.
The reasons for a travel ban? Heres one-----
COVID !!!! Where have you been the last few days?
The one which was placed on Pakistan and not on India when India reported 50k cases daily? I have been here but Brits are dwelling on planet hypocrisy. Heard about that one?
Too many backflips on PDF brother. Very little to enjoy..
Have time, read archives.
Live in the real world . Don't blame Indians loving their beloved fantasy Bollywood land if you are going to do the same.

Firstly, I think your obsession with Indians is unhealthy you should get it checked. Nowhere do I mention Indians loving Bollywood.
Second if you have very little news to enjoy it may be because you're ignoring good news like this. When the deal falls through tag me I'll put a crying emoji.
The one which was placed on Pakistan and not on India when India reported 50k cases daily? I have been here but Brits are dwelling on planet hypocrisy. Heard about that one?
India was placed on the red list too.....So stop being conspiratorial.
Congrats to Argentina with economy similar to Pakistan it makes sense they are upgrading their Airforce
for some Deterrence

JF17 - Block II is a decent purchase , unsure of JF-17 Block III is on card but who knows
Gives Air forces modest F16 B/C caliber airforce

Every one has a right to have minimum deterrence

(Provided the story has a valid source)
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I hope the deal actually materializes. There will be lots of spoilers.

UK is against all weapons sales to Argentina. It might come to pressure Pakistan. But on what basis could UK pressure Pakistan? It has been hosting all the criminals and terrorists who fled from Pakistan. Pakistan has no weapons related deals with UK in the pipeline. We also dont have a government whose leader stole Pakistani money to build properties in the UK.

Also, I dont understand given hostility with UK., how could USA offer any equipment to Argentina?
I hope the deal actually materializes. There will be lots of spoilers.

UK is against all weapons sales to Argentina. It might come to pressure Pakistan. But on what basis could UK pressure Pakistan? It has been hosting all the criminals and terrorists who fled from Pakistan. Pakistan has no weapons related deals with UK in the pipeline. We also dont have a government whose leader stole Pakistani money to build properties in the UK.

Also, I dont understand given hostility with UK., how could USA offer any equipment to Argentina?
The US always walks a tightrope vis a vis The south and central American nations. They have supplied Aircraft after the embargo (The A4AR) They would measure that giving the Argentines aircraft would be better than thenm falling into others spheres of influence. China will be financing it and as such most blame will be laid at their feet. Also by the time Argentina has a couple of sqaudrons of JF17's ready to go the UK will have all of their F35's the type 83 destroyers and a myriad of other assets to play with that Argentina's economy can't afford yet.
Wow you really aren't letting this go are you? You really think its some sort of punishment......So anyone from Pakistan has to isolate when they come to the UK is a major diplomatic slap in the face....Grow up.
Even if officially confirmed, we should wait till the contract is signed and at least one plane is delivered. Look at how Australia pulled out of the deal with France. At least it will only be, presumably, a few years before the first JF-17 Block 3 could land in Argentina.

but overall a positive development for PAC, getting another customer. Hopefully this converts to Malaysia also picking the JF-17

May be it’s already signed ?? It was not disclose in the past (Myanmar and Nigeria) due to sensitivity and may be it’s still not disclosed but eventually it will be 😉
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Why would Malaysians buy Chinese weapons when Chinese claim part of their territorial waters?
Indonesian buys Chinese C802 anti-ship missile and CH-4B UCAV despite we have overlap claim on Natunas island sea.
The us has been lobbying to ditch this deal in exchange for f16 block 50s so you are incorrect.
UK will be very bitter for this deal if F-16 goes thru plus Argentina will ask for this F-16 to be allowed to fire weapon on UK and used on Falkland. The F-16 deal will never happened.
True that
The Chinese have pissed off a whole lot of countries
Countries that would have otherwise maintained a good relationship with them from Vietnam to Philippines

Vietnamese army is still using, and buying, non-attack weapons from China, like military trucks and similar equipment.
Indonesian buys Chinese C802 anti-ship missile and CH-4B UCAV despite we have overlap claim on Natunas island sea.

UK will be very bitter for this deal if F-16 goes thru plus Argentina will ask for this F-16 to be allowed to fire weapon on UK and used on Falkland. The F-16 deal will never happened.
This is infact correct, If UK wasn’t an issue, America would have pressured Argentina into buying F-16s long ago, but US cannot put much pressure as that would be a direct slap on the face of their closest Ally, selling fighter jets to their enemy. Thats why I believe this deal may still go through. But I’ll wait until deliveries, I still doubt Argentinian economic situation.

I agree with the first point, Indonesia Complains more about China than Malaysia ever did but it still buys Chinese weapons like theres no issue. All of these SEA states and Australia included think they’re very anti-Chinese or are standing up to China but all trade in billions with China and even buy weapons. Lol.
They may object to the ejection seat as it is made in the UK, but an alternative ejection seat is available to bypass this. I am not an aviation person and I have been told about this from another source, so forgive my limited knowledge on the matter.
You are correct, JF-17 in Pakistani and Nigerian service uses British Martin Baker ejection seats. However they can be easily switched out for Chinese ones, as was done in the Burmese JF-17s, the same will be done for Argentina, so there is no issue in that regard. UK cannot object.
Amazing news for Pakistan and China, you have to give credit to PAC as they did a lot of hard work on JF...

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