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Argentina Rejects American, Russian & Indian Jets Selects JF-17

Congrats to the boys at Kamra (PAC) and all Pakistani brothers. Hope things materialize and I don't doubt it.

The big thing will be to ensure on-time maintenance and spares availability and not screw up like the Indians screwed up their Heli supply deal with Ecuador. Their sales of any aviation product in South America (or even globally) is a goner now....Allah what a gargantuan screw-up. Four out of seven helis crashed due to defects.

Dodgy reporting to me - lets see - but I have seen China do all the grunt work which makes me think this is a pure Chinese variant ie FC-1.
If they refer to it as The "FC1" it will be for purely political reasons rather than who led the sales effort.
The UK hasn't had to try hard. They have been successful without even trying. Argentina has not been a threat for 30 years now and will take at least another Fifteen to twenty years to even start. Their problems are deeper than just having a few Aircraft
Britain is not worried about Argentina's current threat, but about the future. Britain is declining. Britain hopes that the Argentine air force will completely return to zero, rather than some aircraft to help the Argentine air force retain kindling in the future.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
May just be a ploy from a frustrated Argentina being blocked from western equipment, showing it is going to drop into China's camp and hoping to receive counter offers of other warplanes instead.
Big celebration if this goes through but don't start doing backflips till a deal is signed.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
May just be a ploy from a frustrated Argentina being blocked from western equipment, showing it is going to drop into China's camp and hoping to receive counter offers of other warplanes instead.
Big celebration if this goes through but don't start doing backflips till a deal is signed.

We can stop the backflips if the deal falls through until whats the harm in enjoying some good news?
The UK hasn't had to try hard. They have been successful without even trying. Argentina has not been a threat for 30 years now and will take at least another Fifteen to twenty years to even start. Their problems are deeper than just having a few Aircraft
They threatened to stop the supply of the Martin-Baker ejection seats for the Thunder. That is why CATIC was in the lead, perhaps on this deal. Even then, they pressured Pakistan through the travel restrictions affair, seeing that we are the weak link.
This Sale will give a heart attack to Queen.
Doubt it unless they are procured in numbers like the Nigerians. Otherwise the Brits could just some arms to the Brazilians and the Chileans to keep the Argentineans bogged down.

BTW, wonder if this is part of a package between China and Argentina. Perhaps advanced weapons (such as high end SAMs and these JF-17s) in exchange for some basing rights for the navy.

Buenos Aires is probably One of the best places for a port visit. Hope the PAF gets to send people there for some exercises.
They threatened to stop the supply of the Martin-Baker ejection seats for the Thunder. That is why CATIC was in the lead, perhaps on this deal. Even then, they pressured Pakistan through the travel restrictions affair, seeing that we are the weak link.
They are not putting any travel restrictions on Pak because of potential JF17 sale. There are a myriad of reasons for that. The Uk will simply make it hard for other countries to deliver. The UK is well aware that Argentina can get aircraft from other sellers but doesn't mean they will make it easy for them.
Doubt it unless they are procured in numbers like the Nigerians. Otherwise the Brits could just some arms to the Brazilians and the Chileans to keep the Argentineans bogged down.
The Argentinians have been bogged down for years with their messy economy,messy politics (People haven't forgotten the dirty war and the military's involvement) No one has to work too hard.
This sale will at best help Argentina with their local threats. and the govt hasn't even agreed this yet.
They will fly and go by boat...
LOL dude you need to check the current state of the Argentine armed forces. Even if they buy the JF17 and get it delivered tommorow they have 15 out 42 ships operational. they have cut training to nothing and rarely put to sea. They can barely stop illegal fishing let alone launch an attack. They don't even have the means to land troops efficiently.
The airforce has nothing Their Skyhawks are gone. They have may be 3-4 Trainers. The Pucaras are gone The naval aviation has 5 Entards. Do you remember when Obama went to visit and they had to use uSAF fighter to protect airforce one?
Even the army is in poor shape.....

So its not happening.
They are not putting any travel restrictions on Pak because of potential JF17 sale. There are a myriad of reasons for that. The Uk will simply make it hard for other countries to deliver. The UK is well aware that Argentina can get aircraft from other sellers but doesn't mean they will make it easy for them.

The Argentinians have been bogged down for years with their messy economy,messy politics (People haven't forgotten the dirty war and the military's involvement) No one has to work too hard.
This sale will at best help Argentina with their local threats. and the govt hasn't even agreed this yet.
What might those reasons be?

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