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Argentina Rejects American, Russian & Indian Jets Selects JF-17

I strongly suspect the US will suddenly offer F16's from EDA stocks at a VERY reasonable price...
By doing so, they're gonna end up upsetting their #1 ally - lil' bro, (The UK).

The US may not give 2-sh!ts 'bout upsetting the UK, but somewhere down the road I get the feeling that it might come around & bite 'em in the @ss.

The US might as well let this one go.
No you have nailed it. I suspect other powers will get involved. I strongly suspect the US will suddenly offer F16's from EDA stocks at a VERY reasonable price...
So UK which is hand in glove with Washington will allow this......earlier they pressurised South Korea to withhold any sale of it's Golden Eagle jets.
By doing so, they're gonna end up upsetting their #1 ally - lil' bro, (The UK).

The US may not give 2-sh!ts 'bout upsetting the UK, but somewhere down the road I get the feeling that it might come around & bite 'em in the @ss.

The US might as well let this one go.
You are forgetting that they now see China as a bigger threat. the US provided Upgraded Skyhawks to Argentina in the 90's so it is not without precedence. They could theoretically provide EDA F16's to Keep the Chinese out. As I have stated the UK might not be too upset as the Argentine threat is almost non existent at the moment.
So UK which is hand in glove with Washington will allow this......earlier they pressurised South Korea to withhold any sale of it's Golden Eagle jets.
You are forgetting the new "Lets counter China" policy that's now in play.
So it not early to celebrate ?
I would only celebrate after the first plane lands. History is littered with failed sales.
People here need to have a look at South America and how the US plays their games there. They turned a blind eye to a lot of stuff because the regimes were anti communist. They were very worried about the Falklands war because they didn't want their work there disrupted
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You are forgetting the new "Lets counter China" policy that's now in play.
I doubt that after being kept at an arms length for decades, Argentina will suddenly jump into the American lap and that too to counter China which has been a lifeline for the Argentinians.
I doubt that after being kept at an arms length for decades, Argentina will suddenly jump into the American lap and that too to counter China which has been a lifeline for the Argentinians.
Its not "Suddenly" but we will see.
LOL India got owned once again after Afghanistan. Congrats to countrymen and Chinese friends.
China and Pakistan have done exceedingly well with JF -17 block III export. Bigger export players like US and Russia have ignored the light weight export jet potential at their own loss.

I wonder if it would be viable for US to build and market a low cost variant of the fabled F-16! Countries like Argentina would obviously stay away for US equipment for obvious political reasons, but some African countries would certainly find the prospect appealing. :-)

Russia has realized is this and is catching on fast with the development of its NG Checkmate fighter which in many ways takes quiet a lot from the JF17s design as well.

I hope Pakistan continues to leverage its competitive advantage in building a Light Weight Advanced Fighter with technologies such as DSI, FBW system, AESA Radars, 3D Composites, etc... and build something similar to the Russian Checkmate. Maybe a single engine version of the AZM NGFP?

Hopefully we can use the funds from this deal to reinvest in AZM :pakistan:
The Argentinians are going to be facing Brazilian Gripen NGs and Probably Chileans F-16s upgraded to the V standard. It will be a real test of the Block III to show if it can hold its own in another tough neighborhood. A force of 36-48 JF-17 Block III would bring them to parity with their neighbors but it all comes down to politics and if the Argentinian people want to give their military that much of a capability, because they don’t seem to have the appetite for another round with the Brits over the Malvinas (Falklands).
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hope jf17 will sell like hot cake.waiting for Azerbaijani n Iraqi decision.
It will, its the "China" version of affordable fighter jets, and its a good-enough of a fighter jet. More and more countries will buy it...cuz they either dont have funds for more expensive ones, or just arent able to buy other ones from other countries. Best of luck to Pakistan and CHina on this JF-17 jet.
Argentina allocates 664M for JF-17 Block III purchase in FY2022

View attachment 778401

Yesterday, the draft budget for fiscal year 2022 was presented to the National Congress, which includes a request of US$ 664 million for the acquisition of JF-17 Thunder Block III fighters.

Thus, it is now clear which is the choice of the Argentine Air Force (FAA) for its next supersonic fighter, discarding the offers from Russia, USA and India.

JF-17 Block III presupuesto 2022

The budget requested would be enough for the purchase of 12 JF-17 Thunder in its latest and most modern standard, taking into account the rumored price of 50 million per unit (which the Government would have tried to lower). Also, within this U$S 664 million, 20 million are contemplated for the repair and modernization of the runways and infrastructure that would host the new aircrafts.

So far, this is the clearest sign in favor of the Chinese option, which evidences the Air Force’s firm intention to complete the purchase as soon as possible. However, no one can claim victory yet. Until the contract is signed and the first funds are disbursed, there may still be counter-offers from other countries.

JF-17 Block III
First prototype of the JF-17 Thunder Block III, the one that the Argentine Air Force desires.

And it should also be remembered that in 2015, during Agustín Rossi’s first term as Argentina’s Minister of Defense, a budget of U$D 360 million had been authorized for the purchase of 14 IAI Kfir, which was then frozen in view of the imminent change of government. And finally, the administration of President Mauricio Macri decided to dismiss the acquisition of the Israeli fighters.

Therefore, the presence of the Thunder in the 2022 budget should be taken only as a purchase intention (a serious and firm indication, that’s for sure), and not as a deal already closed. One cannot underestimate the current economic and political situation in the country, in which the incorporation of modern weapon systems may not be seen as a priority.

This was the reason behind the UK punishing Pakistan.
This Sale will give a heart attack to Queen.
Nope as I said before 12 aircraft will not make much of difference to the Falklands. Argentina has little to no airforce of use. little to no navy of use and the army is suffering. Even the JF17 will need a2a refueling to launch strikes at the Falklands and the Argentines don't have that yet.

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