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Are you with us or with Qatar, Saudis ask Pakistan


Pakistan must not stand against the U S in this conflict---. Turkey made the mistake in the world wars---and paid heavily for that---but as its secondary role as a frontline state became important to face the russians---they did not suffer that much---.

Pakistan otoh---would suffer terribly---. Those who tend to stand tall against heavy winds---normally have their roots pulled out from underneath them---.

The concern over here is that is this a new alliance forming---china---russia---iran---turkey---qatar---????against---U S---sudia---emirates---jordan---egypt---?
The trees that have deep roots even endure floods.

What we need is to get rid of this thinking, we no longer need anything from the saudis nor the americans n no nothing will happen to pakistan, the Us n its allies already tried thier best for the past 16 yrs, remember?? n they failed....we already faced the winds and the standing tall paid off.

Pakistan's interests now more lie in alliances with china, turkey n russia, f ck the iranians n the saudis, our economy is progressing, we will no longer need any free lunch after 5 yrs or so.
You can't buy everything with money. I'm willing to bet Pakistan will always pick Turkey's side when push comes to shove. Your Qatar move was a huge blunder during the holy month of Ramadan, Qatar is no Egypt, you can't buy their allegiance and she has powerful friends
Amen to that
The difference between KSA and Turkey lies in their political approach towards Pakistan.

Turks would never pressure Pakistanis to side with Qatar. They respect Islamabad's right to remain neutral in these conflicts. But you apparently cannot expect same policy from Saudi Arabia. Either you obey them or you're have to deal with the consequences.

Regardless of our political worldview we all know that Turkey would support Pakistan in every crisis. Yet, if you're honest to yourselves, you cannot say the same thing about Saudi Arabia without having doubts in your minds.

However, I do not believe that Pakistan would choose Turkey over Arabs @Zulkarneyn. The average Pakistani Muslim is connecting the House of Saud to the holy cities. Acting against them is perceived as a grave sin. Besides, if it's true what Pakistanis are saying about their politicians, Riyadh could easily buy their support. If the recent news are no hoax, Saudis are about to drag Pakistanis into the Yemen conflict against the expressed will of Pakistan's parliament.

Nevertheless, I won't change my 'Pakistan first' stance even if they side with the Saudis. Because I know that the overwhelming majority of educated Muslim Pakistanis would choose us anytime over the Saudis. Sometimes politics do not represent the true will and affinities of a society.
You can't buy everything with money. I'm willing to bet Pakistan will always pick Turkey's side when push comes to shove. Your Qatar move was a huge blunder during the holy month of Ramadan, Qatar is no Egypt, you can't buy their allegiance and she has powerful friends

You don't get it. No one is buying anyone here. The story is simple, 4 Arab countries decided to get tough (hopefully temporarily) with one of their neighbors. Why? This neighbor has been out of line with its unexplainable adversary polices for the last 22 years. Lots of confidential talk and meetings in the last 22 years aimed to resolving things amicably. Revoking ambassadors and returning them in 2014 still didn't do it. So it is just time to try another way of actioning things. Both Turkey and Pakistan have very limited interest in this to begin with. That's all.
I cant wait to see arap erdogs and his his little followers faces when qatar leaves them and becomes close to the Saudis again and I assure you that's going to happen.

Just like he was begging feto leader, he become qataris slave.
Who knows Pak and Turkey in the opposing camps in this crisis may be the best thing to happen!!! Murad-i Ilahi works in strange ways!!!! In Yankee terminology - good cop, bad cop!!!!!

So you are saying Pakistan would publicly support Saudis and spy on them while privately supporting Turkiye and passing on the information.

This seems to be a master stoke. Kudos to Pakistan.
Pakistan should side with Saudi Arabia.
We already did billions worth deal oF LNG with qatar. Saudi Arabia should pay the penalty + price if we side them. Hope Saudi Arabia give good offer to Pak. 2, 3 , 10 billion $ dollar is not going to effect saudi economy.
nice to see most of the pakistanis and muslim brothers from other countries are realizing that govt of KSA is an oppressor and a "fitnah" which is dragging the whole region into chaos.
This neighbor has been out of line with its unexplainable adversary polices for the last 22 years.
Can you be more specific about these "unexplainable adversary policies"? As i see it, it all boils down to Qatar's interest in revealing KSA's unjust policies in the Middle East and Africa. KSA with the intent of retaining a puppet in Egypt brought down the Morsi government because they are perfectly aware of the simple fact that once popular supported movement takes hold in the most populous Arab country (Egypt) it's progress will be very hard to stop, including in the Gulf. For this reason KSA's interest lies in retaining the status quo of the current balance of power, this way their position is guaranteed and another force (in this case Ikhwan-al Muslimin) will not have the means to oppose KSA dominated policies = this is a win-win-win for KSA, Israel and the US.
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Who knows Pak and Turkey in the opposing camps in this crisis may be the best thing to happen!!! Murad-i Ilahi works in strange ways!!!! In Yankee terminology - good cop, bad cop!!!!!
i haver seen until right now this is the most dumbest comment . kudos:enjoy:
So you are saying Pakistan would publicly support Saudis and spy on them while privately supporting Turkiye and passing on the information.

This seems to be a master stoke. Kudos to Pakistan.
No. When the time comes they'll take over!!!! Last time Yavuz Sultan Selim did that and kept peace in the greater ME for the next 5 centuries!!!!
The difference between KSA and Turkey lies in their political approach towards Pakistan.

Turks would never pressure Pakistanis to side with Qatar. They respect Islamabad's right to remain neutral in these conflicts. But you apparently cannot expect same policy from Saudi Arabia. Either you obey them or you're have to deal with the consequences.

Regardless of our political worldview we all know that Turkey would support Pakistan in every crisis. Yet, if you're honest to yourselves, you cannot say the same thing about Saudi Arabia without having doubts in your minds.

However, I do not believe that Pakistan would choose Turkey over Arabs @Zulkarneyn. The average Pakistani Muslim is connecting the House of Saud to the holy cities. Acting against them is perceived as a grave sin. Besides, if it's true what Pakistanis are saying about their politicians, Riyadh could easily buy their support. If the recent news are no hoax, Saudis are about to drag Pakistanis into the Yemen conflict against the expressed will of Pakistan's parliament.

Nevertheless, I won't change my 'Pakistan first' stance even if they side with the Saudis. Because I know that the overwhelming majority of educated Muslim Pakistanis would choose us anytime over the Saudis. Sometimes politics do not represent the true will and affinities of a society.

Pakistan would never side against Turkey. You can take that to the bank.
No. When the time comes they'll take over!!!! Last time Yavuz Sultan Selim did that and kept peace in the greater ME for the next 5 centuries!!!!

Who will take over whom?

Are you saying Pakistan would send troops to Saudi in the name of protecting them but when the time comes to fight, Pakistan would take over Saudi internally with out fighting Turkiye-Qatar-Iran ?
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