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Are you with us or with Qatar, Saudis ask Pakistan

These animals have blocked food supplies to a Muslim country during Ramadan.

Surely they could've waited a month before doing all this.

Pakistan should not side with these vile governments
it is shocking that Saudis have done this to Qatar who are not even Shias
doing this to kafir Asad & Yemanis is understandable but Qataris are pious Muslims like Saudis

very sad day for Muslims and only Iranians are happy

Nawaz is being blackmailed by the SA and UAE regimes. In the past they gave shelter to him so it's very difficult for him to say no to them. Something should be done to those crooks in SA and UAE so that they cannot bully or organize coups in other Muslim states in future.
brother dont say that
Arab Muslim unity is very Important otherwise Iranians and Yermani Hothis will win

If Pakistan sides with KSA on this you will have left the hope for a better tomorrow - for easy money from corrupt KSA with their lavish lifestyles' - remember how KSA and her cronies view Pakistanis.
And remember Turkey supports Qatar till the end.
brother it is good that you are siding with Qatar instead of Iran because Qatar is Sunni so its great
while Pakistan side with Saudis who are also not shia and correct Muslims so we have it all covered

Your "blunt opinion" is far away from majority Pakistani people, establishments and institutions. saudi arab is using the Holy places as insurance policy to implement its terror plan. Pakistan or any nation shoud not fall for that. Muslims should all for protecting the Holy Places but but not house of saud. As house of saud endangering Muslim Holy Places, countries should go after house of saud.
brother you smell like Iranian puppet
you know true Muslims and Israel term the Iranians as worse than ISIS? this is why therefore they find it halal and koshar to support ISIS as well?

the onlky sad thing here is Iranian Ayatullahs are laughing because true Muslims are about to fight with each other instead of conquering them and making them Muslims
Your "blunt opinion" is far away from majority Pakistani people, establishments and institutions. saudi arab is using the Holy places as insurance policy to implement its terror plan. Pakistan or any nation shoud not fall for that. Muslims should all for protecting the Holy Places but but not house of saud. As house of saud endangering Muslim Holy Places, countries should go after house of saud.

First of all , Saudi Arabia and Qatar are part of GCC and Pakistan's relations with Chinese are clearly visible to everyone . Situation in Afghanistan, Yemen and Syria are the real reason for larger diplomacy. 1438 Hijri is here and all are aware what is happening , Atleast the whole Islamic world is aware for what the Indian Establishment stands for.

3 Chinese warships are on visit to Pakistan's ports.

The warships - Chang Chun, Jing Zhou and Chao Hu - of the People's Liberation Army Navy are part of a task group that will hold a Passage Exercise with the Pakistan Navy ships to enhance interoperability, officials here said.


Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai, President Ashraf Ghani, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, former Jihadi leader Abdul Rabb Rasool Sayyaf and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah walk to attend a ceremony at the Presidential palace in Kabul, Afghanistan May 4, 2017.(REUTERS)
@Sinopakfriend I will make an analysis on this matter later some time and tag you when I am done. I have been following the situation closely though with worry. Suffice it to say the problem is more of one that this is not of one arab nation against the other. But 4 arab nations against one. This was a pre-planned move and the 4 countries were in consultations before. Then Trump expressed support for these 4 states. Then Saudi made a kind of veiled threat saying are you with us or Qatar.

I mean if there is sympathy for Qatar people won't say it (UAE banned expressing any support for Qatar even and that's where I am so I am not really allowed to say anything even). I mean I can relate to this. I will only say that US has been bullying my country for decades. When we become their slaves we are in a better than worse condition though the US always has new demands. When we begin to exercise any form of independence in foreign policy we are a threat. Even if we are neutral. Read: Presler Amendment. Now the Indians here will say that Pakistan's nuke program was what caused the sanctions being touts of the Americans since they have said the same thing. They forget that our nuke program was in response to the indian test smiling Buddha in 74. Our first was in 98. US did not impose sanctions on India in 74. In 98 when we had our first proper nuke test they imposed sanctions on both and lifted those on India.

But I think a few must have protested. Then the Americans claimed we had a trade imbalance and our debts to US are what caused the sanctions, this also right after we supported the US to defeat the Soviets in Afghanistan, something that cost us lives, economic problems and a severe influx of refugees with the huge problems that brings.

As you know we Pakistanis have no real foreign policy. Our foreign policy has never been aggressive in promoting our interests worldwide. Even when we pull out Kashmir we do not point out the attrocities the Indians did there. Nor do we cover the fact that atrocities are being carried out in other areas. I am from an area called Lucknow and a lot of friends, some relatives and family members have been slaughtered by the Indians. No one cares really. Not the rights organizations we had been to, not the Pakistani government, obviously not the Indians, and clearly not the Americans. The fault is obviously our Pakistani government overlords for not even raising the issue or helping us in any way after we moved to Karachi.

I am digressing but my point is made. US is a bully and a tyrant and mark my words its little empire in Muslim states is built on fear of what the Americans will do if we pull away and a basic survival instinct. What that and this looks like is called arm wrangling a state into submission. I am sure you can draw comparisons here with this situation as I can't say much. I mean the gulf and Pakistan have the same problem. Our entire military/diplomatic/political (except the leadership structure of absolute monarchies) philosophy is adopted from them. We are trained by them, we are taught by them and are armed by them and we imitate them in every way. There is no other way if we want to survive. I feel sorry for Saudi and UAE too and I respect the UAE for giving my family a secure life, shelter and good economic conditions but on the foreign policy front they are only doing what they see the most successful nation in the world doing. This is the only way they know how to make their demands met, and US is supporting them so its a plus. So you know the biggest devil in the world is US.

Now I am not a racist person. I love the arabs. One of my best friends was from the UAE when I was away from the region (Have traveled a lot by the way). When my life took a horrible turn I lost each and every friend but I honestly wish that there was a world where we could follow our own respective foreign policies without becoming victims of such arm wrangling tactics. Sucks for the smaller states more than the bigger ones.
Funny how everybody from Qatar, Turkey, Saudi, India, Iran, Somalia, Bangladesh, Yemen, Bahrain, UAE, Afghanistan and Syria and Iraq and Lebonan and Jordan are trying to convince Pakistanis to join them.

hahahaha @Zibago @PakSword sir itni izzat mil rahi hai ajkal. apse wada kia tha k ye saray hamare chukne aenge to aap log hanste hain jese faqiron per.

We will do whatever is best for Pakistan. If that involves siding with a stronger side in the conflict. So be it.

Ironic is for the past 25 years we were seen as 'poor Pakistanis - uncivilized Indians - racially inferior'. Now suddenly the whole of Ummah comes calling?

We prefer if there exist an ideal world, an alliance of neutrality with Indonesians and Malaysians, but they are in the vicinity of South China Sea so that's not gonna go well either in the next 20 years.

India, oh really ? Do we get money from KSA to rule for their vested interests ? How many of our PM president or say our toocha politician lived in exile over there ? Google it, did not find anyone, try it one more time kid.
@Sinopakfriend I will make an analysis on this matter later some time and tag you when I am done. I have been following the situation closely though with worry. Suffice it to say the problem is more of one that this is not of one arab nation against the other. But 4 arab nations against one. This was a pre-planned move and the 4 countries were in consultations before. Then Trump expressed support for these 4 states. Then Saudi made a kind of veiled threat saying are you with us or Qatar.

I mean if there is sympathy for Qatar people won't say it (UAE banned expressing any support for Qatar even and that's where I am so I am not really allowed to say anything even). I mean I can relate to this. I will only say that US has been bullying my country for decades. When we become their slaves we are in a better than worse condition though the US always has new demands. When we begin to exercise any form of independence in foreign policy we are a threat. Even if we are neutral. Read: Presler Amendment. Now the Indians here will say that Pakistan's nuke program was what caused the sanctions being touts of the Americans since they have said the same thing. They forget that our nuke program was in response to the indian test smiling Buddha in 74. Our first was in 98. US did not impose sanctions on India in 74. In 98 when we had our first proper nuke test they imposed sanctions on both and lifted those on India.

But I think a few must have protested. Then the Americans claimed we had a trade imbalance and our debts to US are what caused the sanctions, this also right after we supported the US to defeat the Soviets in Afghanistan, something that cost us lives, economic problems and a severe influx of refugees with the huge problems that brings.

As you know we Pakistanis have no real foreign policy. Our foreign policy has never been aggressive in promoting our interests worldwide. Even when we pull out Kashmir we do not point out the attrocities the Indians did there. Nor do we cover the fact that atrocities are being carried out in other areas. I am from an area called Lucknow and a lot of friends, some relatives and family members have been slaughtered by the Indians. No one cares really. Not the rights organizations we had been to, not the Pakistani government, obviously not the Indians, and clearly not the Americans. The fault is obviously our Pakistani government overlords for not even raising the issue or helping us in any way after we moved to Karachi.

I am digressing but my point is made. US is a bully and a tyrant and mark my words its little empire in Muslim states is built on fear of what the Americans will do if we pull away and a basic survival instinct. What that and this looks like is called arm wrangling a state into submission. I am sure you can draw comparisons here with this situation as I can't say much. I mean the gulf and Pakistan have the same problem. Our entire military/diplomatic/political (except the leadership structure of absolute monarchies) philosophy is adopted from them. We are trained by them, we are taught by them and are armed by them and we imitate them in every way. There is no other way if we want to survive. I feel sorry for Saudi and UAE too and I respect the UAE for giving my family a secure life, shelter and good economic conditions but on the foreign policy front they are only doing what they see the most successful nation in the world doing. This is the only way they know how to make their demands met, and US is supporting them so its a plus. So you know the biggest devil in the world is US.

Now I am not a racist person. I love the arabs. One of my best friends was from the UAE when I was away from the region (Have traveled a lot by the way). When my life took a horrible turn I lost each and every friend but I honestly wish that there was a world where we could follow our own respective foreign policies without becoming victims of such arm wrangling tactics. Sucks for the smaller states more than the bigger ones.

Dear Pak Brother,

I read you.. clear as bright blue sky. I do understand the eintirty of your said and unsaid position.

Empires do dictate...that is the nature of empires.

However, with Eurasian Integeration, OBOR, SCO and CPEC a breathing space is being systematically created for many states.

Only through diligence and foresight such new Global Power Architecture can be created. With consistency and Patience I am certain that an Asian and an Eusrasian Century can begin to manifest in a decade or bit more.

Kahmir solution and the Empire's rule are interlinked. I do agree with that Pak ruling elites have actually neglected Kashmir and Kashmiris. This again has to do with the dictates of the Empire. As you can percieve that Containment of China is an active drive of the Empire... and there are of course a few countries who are in bed with the Rulers of the Empire in this policy.

All I can say is that the current mess in ME is Empire's last ditch effort to roll back the integeration of Eurasia. I do fear that there shall be troubles and sorrows in the coming time.

I just wish Pak can manage the paradoxes with wisdom and studied self interest.

You don't have to say anything at all if it brings any problems for you. For myself the only lens I use to view the unfolding drama is Sino-Pak Axis.

You take good care. It is a joy to interact with you, Pak Brother!

Are you with us or with Qatar, Saudis ask Pakistan
By Kamran Yousaf
Published: June 14, 2017

Nawaz says Islamabad will not take sides in brewing Middle East crisis. PHOTO: REUTERS

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has told Saudi Arabia it will not take sides in the brewing diplomatic crisis in the Middle East after Riyadh asked Islamabad “are you with us or with Qatar”.

The Saudi demand for Pakistan to take a clear position on Qatar came during a meeting between Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz, diplomatic sources told The Express Tribune.

Premier Sharif, who was also accompanied by army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and other senior officials, dashed to Jeddah on Monday to discuss the emerging situation in the Arab world.

PM, army chief meet Saudi King

Pakistan has been treading a careful path since Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries snapped diplomatic ties with Qatar after accusing the oil-rich country of supporting terrorist groups.

But now Riyadh wants Islamabad to side with the kingdom as it ramped up efforts to isolate Qatar.

A senior government official, who was briefed on the talks at the monarch’s palace in Jeddah, told The Express Tribune that the Pakistani side told the Saudi leadership that Islamabad would support any efforts to foster unity among the Muslim Ummah. However, Pakistan would not take sides in any event that would create divisions within the Muslim world.

Nevertheless, in order to placate Saudi Arabia, Pakistan offered to use its influence over Qatar to defuse the situation. For this purpose, the prime minister will undertake visits to Kuwait, Qatar and Turkey.

Another official familiar with the development explained that Pakistan would only complement efforts of Kuwait to defuse the crisis in the Arab world instead of playing the role of a direct mediator between Qatar and other Gulf countries. The official said Pakistan was not directly mediating between Qatar and Saudi Arabia at this stage.

Qatar says Gulf citizens can stay despite crisis

“This is primarily an issue among the Gulf countries and we hope they resolve the issue by themselves,” the official said while requesting not to be quoted on record because of the sensitivity of the issue. The official added if efforts of Kuwait and other regional countries could not succeed, then other Muslim countries, including Pakistan and Turkey, were always there to facilitate.

At this stage, Pakistan is only complementing efforts of Kuwait. For this purpose, the prime minister is likely to travel to Kuwait, which is currently spearheading efforts seeking de-escalation of tensions between Qatar and other Gulf countries.

The official also explained that the prime minister’s visit to Saudi Arabia was also part of a ‘goodwill gesture’ in the wake of speculations that Pakistan was sending troops to Qatar.

“The false media reports gave the impression as if we are taking sides in the ongoing crisis in the Gulf,” the official said.

Meanwhile, a statement issued by the Foreign Office on Tuesday said that during meeting with King Salman, Premier Sharif expressed the hope that the current impasse in the Gulf would be resolved soon in the best interest of the Muslim Ummah.

While expressing solidarity with the kingdom and the people of Saudi Arabia, the prime minister said the kingdom had a very special place in the hearts of Pakistanis and that the Muslim world looked up to the monarch as the custodian of the two Holy Mosques.

“The prime minister reaffirmed the strong commitment of the people and the government of Pakistan for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the kingdom, and the safety of Harmain al Shareifain,” the statement said.

King Salman, according to the statement, thanked the prime minister for his visit and recalled the special nature of relationship between the kingdom and Pakistan ever since its independence. King Salman also said that the fight against extremism and terrorism was in the interest of all Muslims and the Ummah.

He also appreciated the exceptional successes of Pakistan against extremism and terrorism, despite the challenging situation and environment, and reiterated the kingdom’s strong commitment and support for all issues of interest for Pakistan, including matters of its national security.

Meanwhile, leader of the opposition in the National Assembly Khursheed Shah claimed that the prime minister’s visit to Saudi Arabia could not achieve the desired results and hence no joint statement was issued.

Speaking to reporters, he demanded that the government clarify the role of former army chief General (retd) Raheel Sharif in the Saudi-led counter terrorism alliance in the wake of ongoing developments.

Read more: Gulf crisis , Latest , Prime Nawaz Sjarif

We're with neither. Your war, your problem. Not ours.
India, oh really ? Do we get money from KSA to rule for their vested interests ? How many of our PM president or say our toocha politician lived in exile over there ? Google it, did not find anyone, try it one more time kid.

That was referred to the Indians who want Pakistan to join Turkish Iranian alliance.

And i will edit the post accordingly once i get to it.

I hope that settles your issue.

Clarification for everyone else: please do not read India in the above post. Should have written Indian Muslims. My mistake.
India has no role in middle east and geopolitics in the middle east and the Muslim world. India do not want nor get remittance from GCC.
How about this link, they use the same source, is that satire too? Did Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakaria say “Therefore, after much deliberation, the government has decided to back China in this tussle”, or it's a media joke?

The site uses aggregated news articles. And the specific article is filled with spelling mistakes, for this specific article i'd say its fake just from the last line:

“I was pleased to see this policy extend to other areas,” said Syed, speaking exclusively to The Dependent. “Last year, while settling an irrigation dispute between the Sindh and Punjab governments, the federal arbitration committee ruled in favour of China.”
1-read the (true) history more.
2-critize what's going on around you
3-The politics are different from civil communication.It requires strategy.
4-He is our best leader after Osmanlı time.

And sadly we still have idiots who doesn't appreciate Erdogan's hard work for both Turkey and all the other muslim countries! We love our president and we our proud and honored to be leading by such a man!
I think your drunk.....

Bevause some of the things you said here is opposite to what you said in the Turkish thread, on arap erdo's policies such as supporting barzani.

Arap erdo is a traitor and he's one of the worst leaders that came to this country in the last 100 years.
Pakistan should ask this Saudis to shut the **** up and mind your own business and keep fighting with each other and die like dog dont ask us.
We should not beome thaikaidaar of Ummmah, just take side if it is in the interest of Pakistan for long term. I would say take side with western countries and saudi arab allies. Take clear stance and we need to leave hypocrisy.
We should Go with old allies and don't break their trust.
We are leaving them when they need us.
I think your drunk.....

Bevause some of the things you said here is opposite to what you said in the Turkish thread, on arap erdo's policies such as supporting barzani.

Arap erdo is a traitor and he's one of the worst leaders that came to this country in the last 100 years.

Erdoğan said: "Stepping on northern Iraq's independence is a threat to Iraq's territorial integrity and it is wrong. We wish this step would have been taken through consultation. We have always been in favor of Iraq's territorial integrity."


You need to update your head to TheRealWorld v3.9, it should kill the brain bug.
If Pakistan sides with KSA on this you will have left the hope for a better tomorrow - for easy money from corrupt KSA with their lavish lifestyles' - remember how KSA and her cronies view Pakistanis..
Why are you jealous with their lavish life style? Allah blessed them , and Allah is happy with them. Who are you to criticize them. They always supported Pakistan in critical times. Saudi Arabia want to continue their support for Pakistan even we didn't become part of yemen war when they needed us most.

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