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Are you a true patriot?


Dec 10, 2008
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If you are, name something you own or possess, an asset or something you maintain in your life that shows that you're a real patriot who loves his/her country.
Let me start off, to prove my love for my country, I have a huge Pakistani flag in my room against my wall, so everyday when I wake up, I see my flag and it remembers me of who I am and where I come from!
I also have a small Pakistani flag stitched to my rucksack, it just looks so good with a black eastpack! :angel:
So, how about you guys..? Doesn't matter whether your Pakistani, Indian, American, from another planet or whatever, this thread is to show people what you own or have in your life that reflects the passion you have for your country. :enjoy:
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Muslims have to necessarily abide by Allah's commandments regarding truth and justice. Therefore, they cannot adopt an attitude of blind patriotism or nationalism because it tends to instill into people a belief that their nation is superior to other nations, notwithstanding the principle of human equality and brotherhood upheld by Islam.
Besides, extreme nationalists relegate God and His religion to a secondary status, placing nationalist considerations uppermost. And nationalism tends to pit one nation against another in pursuit of political hegemony or economic exploitation. They reject the guidance of God to adopt short-sighted jingoism out of a desire to dominate other nations.
Nationalists do not stand for justice in causes, but cling to narrow sectarian allegiance. Hence they may oppose Muslims who support those fighting for their basic human rights irrespective of national borders, such as the Palestinians, the Iraqis, or the Chechens.
I've a large frame a wood work with steel design or shall i say art work in steel in Arabic "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad P.B.U.H" is Allah's Messenger"
Interesting thread lol!

I also have a GIGANTIC Pakistani flag PROUDLY displayed in my window which thousands of people from the outside can easily view.

My back pack has the green GHQ patch. Which basically stays with me everywhere i go. Also helps dumbass's to figure out that i'm not spanish or Iranian.

My youtube page SCREAMS patriotism. (Or so i've been told). There's alot more but for starters, i guess it's a good start for this thread. :)
Muslims have to necessarily abide by Allah's commandments regarding truth and justice. Therefore, they cannot adopt an attitude of blind patriotism or nationalism because it tends to instill into people a belief that their nation is superior to other nations, notwithstanding the principle of human equality and brotherhood upheld by Islam.
Besides, extreme nationalists relegate God and His religion to a secondary status, placing nationalist considerations uppermost. And nationalism tends to pit one nation against another in pursuit of political hegemony or economic exploitation. They reject the guidance of God to adopt short-sighted jingoism out of a desire to dominate other nations.
Nationalists do not stand for justice in causes, but cling to narrow sectarian allegiance. Hence they may oppose Muslims who support those fighting for their basic human rights irrespective of national borders, such as the Palestinians, the Iraqis, or the Chechens.
I've a large frame a wood work with steel design or shall i say art work in steel in Arabic "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad P.B.U.H" is Allah's Messenger"

Huge difference between NATIONALISM and PATRIOTISM. These two aren't the same things.
Work for defence.pk and a Pakistani financial institution, studied in Pakistan university. I also manage a Pakistani rock band called Aatish and previously used to work for a local newspaper, primarily interviewing Pakistani celebrities.

All while living abroad :).

I do have flags... but the best flag I got is on a Pakistani kite, enormous in size. I use it once a year during basant, in Dubai.

Of course everything aside I am the most proud of the work done here. Gives some sort of feel of accomplishment in serving the nation.
there hasent been 1 day that i havent remembered pakistan
that should prove my patriotism
A most beautiful song:

O! say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming.
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming.
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

O! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Isn't that great! :usflag: :usflag: :usflag: :usflag: :usflag:
Some of us might be far like me from home born in Karachi /Pak raised in the USA i think of them both as my countires but offcourse my roots are from back home Pak and my heart is with Pak and so is my support and love i have fam in the Pak armed forces so my love for the nation the armed forces stands 100% with my out most support and patriotism ! I wish Pakistan to be a great nation in this world and to make a name for its self inshallah i love Pakistan GOD bless Pakistan. :pakistan:
my most important thing for Pakistan was that i had defended it in Various forum wher no Pakistani would like to go & i am proud of it that until i was there they were unable to prove there own stories against Pakistan.

I also have a Pakistani flag on my study table & probable my house is the only house who has 4 gigantic Pakistani flags waving on its top.

though these are very small thing i have done for my country, i haven't done anything yet for this country bcoz of which i can say that i am Proud of Myself. just waiting for the opportunity.

Muslims have to necessarily abide by Allah's commandments regarding truth and justice. Therefore, they cannot adopt an attitude of blind patriotism or nationalism because it tends to instill into people a belief that their nation is superior to other nations, notwithstanding the principle of human equality and brotherhood upheld by Islam.
Besides, extreme nationalists relegate God and His religion to a secondary status, placing nationalist considerations uppermost. And nationalism tends to pit one nation against another in pursuit of political hegemony or economic exploitation. They reject the guidance of God to adopt short-sighted jingoism out of a desire to dominate other nations.
Nationalists do not stand for justice in causes, but cling to narrow sectarian allegiance. Hence they may oppose Muslims who support those fighting for their basic human rights irrespective of national borders, such as the Palestinians, the Iraqis, or the Chechens.
I've a large frame a wood work with steel design or shall i say art work in steel in Arabic "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad P.B.U.H" is Allah's Messenger"

Hello Maestro,

Allah created us different----different races, colors and creeds. Different languages, shapes and sizes----gave us different climates, sceneries, different geography to live in---gave us different kinds of foods in differnt areas----all this creation, leading to different ethnic and geographical groups, who have in turn created living zones in their unique geographical boundries AKA tribal areas which have now become countries with defined geographical boundries----the invasion of which has created the sense of nationalism---to protect their homeland since times unknown.

Palestinians, iraqis, chechens had their moments to keep peace and resolve their issues---but rather they chose conflict---we supported them as much as we could---these names mentioned above are nations in fact---Does Allah really care if you are nationalistic or no---!!!
You guys have mentioned alot of interesting things, I thank you all!:tup:
Hmm..another thing that makes me a patriot? Well that would be me listening to the Pakistani national anthem every once in a while, gives me chills all over my body and makes me feel proud. ;)
By the way, a very good post mr. MastanKhan!
Well, I taught my german friends how to play cricket and in summer we often play now :cheers::pakistan:

erm...actually cricket is from England...Its needless to mention that everyone loves cricket so much that sometimes they forget what really their National sport is. Baccha party;)
Talking about cricket, when we used to have acces to certain Pakistani channels over here in the Netherlands, I remember a few years ago during the Sharjah cup or something, Pakistan won in the final, and I was screaming my lungs out together with my mother and my brother when the last wicket fell.
It was versus South Africa I remember! :pakistan:
On another note, everytime I go to Pakistan and play with kids/adults of my age, they always OWN my *** on the fields, i'm just not good enough.:tsk:
I don't know, I wanted to join PAF.but couldn't partially cause of mother yelling"haye mai nahi reh sakti apni bacchi k baghair" and some other unawareness as well.I had a strong desire to die while fighting for my country...Sometimes I think what should i keep on top..my Region or the Religion...I want to travel the world like my dad..but also want to come back home in the end.Don't want to stay or settle outside Pakistan for long.I appreciate Pakistani music and clothes.I love my culture,weather, climate, the water..Oh I'm so very thankful to Allah that I was born in such a beautiful country.....and I hate it when I often hear or overhear someone say..."Huh! yahan rakha hi kya hai." and I really want to slap them hard so they can wake up:lol: but...manners you know.
I really want to do something worthwhile to my country but I'm so helpless...I aim to send more children to school and expedite proper education when I'm capable enough.

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