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Are we celebrating Prophet's B'day or making others life Hell?

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yes, but not when common ppls are aware of it that its is unlawful in both ways (country & islamic) we should use this social media for betterment of our society instead of becoming weak like egypt.
Sir most don't consider it unislamic Sir mostly it is considered Islamic by people

---------- Post added at 11:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 AM ----------

You are exectly right, The religion spreded by this mullahs is not islam where they say the physical thing is more important than humanity but in Islam Rights of Man are even more important than Huqooqullah, & we have seen the example of that brainwashing in this thread ppl who think beard & shalwar is more important means Amal is more important than Niyat but we know tht in Islam Niyat is important & than Amal.,
Sir in Islam niyat and amal are both important Sir if you do bad or haram work with good niyat their is no sawab Sir issue of niyat comes when you are doing halal work Sir and the religion spread by Mullahs if not completely at least 80 % is Islam and it is our concept tha haqoqol Ibad are of more importance Sir it is not like that sir in Islam both are equally important
Sir most don't consider it unislamic Sir mostly it is considered Islamic by people

---------- Post added at 11:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 AM ----------

Sir in Islam niyat and amal are both important Sir if you do bad or haram work with good niyat their is no sawab Sir issue of niyat comes when you are doing halal work Sir and the religion spread by Mullahs if not completely at least 80 % is Islam and it is our concept tha haqoqol Ibad are of more importance Sir it is not like that sir in Islam both are equally important

u mean thefting electricity & creating troubles for others are Islamic?

& whts abt offering prayers five times have large breard with Bad Niyat?
When u hav Gud Niyat than ur Amal will automatically be gud, again u r wrong according to Islam & Prophet's life Huqooqulibad is more important, Allah also said that
u mean thefting electricity & creating troubles for others are Islamic?

& whts abt offering prayers five times have large breard with Bad Niyat?
When u hav Gud Niyat than ur Amal will automatically be gud, again u r wrong according to Islam & Prophet's life Huqooqulibad is more important, Allah also said that
No Sir it is not necessaries things which are haram in Islam even if you do them with good niyat will be a Sin and no where in Islam it is said that haqooq ul Ibad are more important this fitna is started by those who don't want to practise Islam so they make these kind of lame excuses
No Sir it is not necessaries things which are haram in Islam even if you do them with good niyat will be a Sin and no where in Islam it is said that haqooq ul Ibad are more important this fitna is started by those who don't want to practise Islam so they make these kind of lame excuses

Oh really didnt Allah said "I will forgive those who disobey me, But i will not forgive those who hurt any other human being(in any manner).

it clearly shows the importance of Human Rights in Islam.
& the way ur concepts are, is the reasons of the downfall & pathetic condition of mulims today.
Oh really didnt Allah said "I will forgive those who disobey me, But i will not forgive those who hurt any other human being(in any manner).

it clearly shows the importance of Human Rights in Islam.
& the way ur concepts are, is the reasons of the downfall & pathetic condition of mulims today.
Find a single ayat from Quran than tell me Mr when people of Jahunm will they will we didn't prayed and if you will read the punishment you will know that their is nothing such as being more important and Sir sorry to say your type of thoughts are the reason that first people run away from rights of ALLAH and than rights of Humans too
am shocked why ppls justify this act of ignorance in the name of Islam......

i guess something yesterday happened in khairpur to the julos of 12 rabiulawal & those ignorant again blame govt for not stoping terrorists,

this is totaly stupid of this mullah.
am shocked why ppls justify this act of ignorance in the name of Islam......

i guess something yesterday happened in khairpur to the julos of 12 rabiulawal & those ignorant again blame govt for not stoping terrorists,

this is totaly stupid of this mullah.
Sir for you it is ignorance for them it is part of Islam to celebrate 12 Rabi ul Awwal to take out rallies to read Naats and celebrate the Milad in public
Sir for you it is ignorance for them it is part of Islam to celebrate 12 Rabi ul Awwal to take out rallies to read Naats and celebrate the Milad in public

Ohhh really thts wht i want to hear the likes of you are brainwashed & this kind of ignorant acts are Islamic for you where ppls are dying & making other's life hell?
Ohhh really thts wht i want to hear the likes of you are brainwashed & this kind of ignorant acts are Islamic for you where ppls are dying & making other's life hell?
Mr I am not brain washed if you want to prove quote Quran or Hadees other wise keep quiet Sir because Muslims can be told only about haram and halal through Quran and Hadees not something else
Pakistanis do lots of things that the rest of the Muslim Ummah doesn't.

Celebrating the Prophet's birthday (which is also the day he died) is just one of them, the other is moon sightings and visiting graves of "pious men".

Pakistanis need to stop and get united with the rest of the Ummah.
Pakistanis do lots of things that the rest of the Muslim Ummah doesn't.

Celebrating the Prophet's birthday (which is also the day he died) is just one of them, the other is moon sightings and visiting graves of "pious men".

Pakistanis need to stop and get united with the rest of the Ummah.
Sir you lack information in this department to Sir in most countries other than Saudi Arabia and Middle East Muslim visits grave of pious men from Indonesia to Morocco their are tombs and shrines which Muslims visit and 12 Rabi ul Awwal is also celebrated in many many Muslim Countries
Mr I am not brain washed if you want to prove quote Quran or Hadees other wise keep quiet Sir because Muslims can be told only about haram and halal through Quran and Hadees not something else

okay than quote from Quran & Hadees that celebrating prophets birthday like ignorants is Islamic ? otherwise please dont make fun of urself & our religion (Islam)
Sir you lack information in this department to Sir in most countries other than Saudi Arabia and Middle East Muslim visits grave of pious men from Indonesia to Morocco their are tombs and shrines which Muslims visit and 12 Rabi ul Awwal is also celebrated in many many Muslim Countries

None of the Middle Eastern countries celebrate 12 Rabi ul Awwal. Our Prophet Muhammad SAW never said to celebrate his birthday. He also died on the same day, so what are you celebrating exactly.

I'm a very patriotic Pakistan and I'm glad I'm Pakistani, but it seems odd to me seeing only Pakistanis celebrating Propeht SAW birthday and holding milads on this day, it seems odd to me that Pakistanis have their Eid a day after Saudi Arabia when Saudi Arabia is only 2 hours behind Pakistan, and it seems very odd to me that Pakistanis go around praying to graves of dead men.

To me, those things are not Islam and are not the pillars of Islam. Its just rituals that only Pakistanis and other desi Muslims do.
None of the Middle Eastern countries celebrate 12 Rabi ul Awwal. Our Prophet Muhammad SAW never said to celebrate his birthday. He also died on the same day, so what are you celebrating exactly.

I'm a very patriotic Pakistan and I'm glad I'm Pakistani, but it seems odd to me seeing only Pakistanis celebrating Propeht SAW birthday and holding milads on this day, it seems odd to me that Pakistanis have their Eid a day after Saudi Arabia when Saudi Arabia is only 2 hours behind Pakistan, and it seems very odd to me that Pakistanis go around praying to graves of dead men.

To me, those things are not Islam and are not the pillars of Islam. Its just rituals that only Pakistanis and other desi Muslims do.
I already said about Middle East yes they don't do it but Muslims of Indonesia Malaysia Central Asian countries and Egypt Libya Morocco Tunisia Algeria and many other countries do celebrate birthday of PROPHET SAW Sir because Moon timing is different ask any Scientist Although I also stand that we should do it with Saudi Arabia But still according to science we have different timings

---------- Post added at 02:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 PM ----------

None of the Middle Eastern countries celebrate 12 Rabi ul Awwal. Our Prophet Muhammad SAW never said to celebrate his birthday. He also died on the same day, so what are you celebrating exactly.

I'm a very patriotic Pakistan and I'm glad I'm Pakistani, but it seems odd to me seeing only Pakistanis celebrating Propeht SAW birthday and holding milads on this day, it seems odd to me that Pakistanis have their Eid a day after Saudi Arabia when Saudi Arabia is only 2 hours behind Pakistan, and it seems very odd to me that Pakistanis go around praying to graves of dead men.

To me, those things are not Islam and are not the pillars of Islam. Its just rituals that only Pakistanis and other desi Muslims do.
Sir and its not about your personal opinion if you want to give a point quote Quran and Hadees or some incident related to Sahabas
Do you love the prophet ? If you do then you must copy his actions . This is not in Islam . The prophet did not celebrate anyones berthday nor his Rashidon khalifas and nor any of his sahaba and the ones came after them . They are better than me and you and their islam is the best .

Islam is complete and the prophet did not keep a secret any path that gets you closer to janah and away from the hell fire .

وقد ثبت عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال : " من أحدث في أمرنا هذا ما ليس منه فهو رد " ، أي : مردود عليه ، وقال في حديث آخر : " عليكم بسنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين المهديين من بعدي ، تمسكوا بها وعضوا عليها بالنواجذ ، وإياكم ومحدثات الأمور ، فإن كل محدثة بدعة ، وكل بدعة ضلالة " .
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