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Are we celebrating Prophet's B'day or making others life Hell?

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Do you love the prophet ? If you do then you must copy his actions . This is not in Islam . The prophet did not celebrate anyones berthday nor his Rashidon khalifas and nor any of his sahaba and the ones came after them . They are better than me and you and their islam is the best .

Islam is complate and the prophet did not keep a secret any path that gets you closer to janah and away from the hell fire .

وقد ثبت عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال : " من أحدث في أمرنا هذا ما ليس منه فهو رد " ، أي : مردود عليه ، وقال في حديث آخر : " عليكم بسنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين المهديين من بعدي ، تمسكوا بها وعضوا عليها بالنواجذ ، وإياكم ومحدثات الأمور ، فإن كل محدثة بدعة ، وكل بدعة ضلالة " .

Thanks brother. Pakistani brothers need a lot of education in whats the real Islam. I love Pakistan, but if I was raised in Pakistan I would probably be also joining the Milad.
All those who want to celebrate Prophet SAW's Birthday, first just confirm that whether they are celebrating birthday or death day on 12th Rabiul Awal. Just like Jews and Christians, when Muhammad SAW passed away they started the celebration on 12th of Rabiul Awal.
Thanks brother. Pakistani brothers need a lot of education in whats the real Islam. I love Pakistan, but if I was raised in Pakistan I would probably be also joining the Milad.

Please donot generalize whole Pakistan every Pakistani is not misguided like Zarvan
Thanks brother. Pakistani brothers need a lot of education in whats the real Islam. I love Pakistan, but if I was raised in Pakistan I would probably be also joining the Milad.

Source of education is in every one's home here in Pakistan, which is Quran and Hadith.
But here Molvi sb says to people that if they read Quran Hadith without any guidance and 10 - 15 Special coerces, they will be distracted from the right path.
Inallilah e Wainaalyhay Rajeon.
Please donot generalize whole Pakistan every Pakistani is not misguided like Zarvan
Mr first of I don't celebrate Milad secondly if you want to give proof proof it through Quran and Sunnah or quote any Sahaba because all other things are just crap so give proof or remain quit
Mr first of I don't celebrate Milad secondly if you want to give proof proof it through Quran and Sunnah or quote any Sahaba because all other things are just crap so give proof or remain quit

dont know why u r asking proofs frm me when u urself saying that it is not allowed on one hand & on the other u r justifying this stupidity...?
dont know why u r asking proofs frm me when u urself saying that it is not allowed on one hand & on the other u r justifying this stupidity...?
Sir because those who celebrate will try to give you proof from Quran and Sunnah and you should know Quran and Sunnah should quote them to prove them wrong Mr that is what I am saying because they consider it part of Islam Islam stands on two pillars that is Quran and Sunnah
All those who want to celebrate Prophet SAW's Birthday, first just confirm that whether they are celebrating birthday or death day on 12th Rabiul Awal. Just like Jews and Christians, when Muhammad SAW passed away they started the celebration on 12th of Rabiul Awal.
Its only sub-continent culture man! If they celebrates Prophet(S.A.W) birthday then why don't they celebrates the birthdays of Other Prophet(A.S) sended by GOD.. Don't they love them or If they love them then why don't they suggest their date of births doing some calculations b\w Hijri and other calenders like they have done with Prophet(S.A.W).. We all know only a community known as Green Parrots do that.. I felt shame when I heard the remix versons of naat like indian songs They've made..:fie:
Please donot generalize whole Pakistan every Pakistani is not misguided like Zarvan
Better To say Every Pakistani is not mis-guided like Green Parrots... When Disco in the name of Dhamal has become the part of our Islamic culture.. Don't try the same topic with me ,I know everything about them in depth to core. At when We are facing electricity crises they are lightening the buildings you know after that wat will happen ,increase in load-shedding period of time table.. Get real man..

There is no Eid-Milad Un Nabi in Islam!

History proves that Prophet Muhammad (saw) never celebrated his own birthday. Historians have differed as to the day of the month on which Muhammad was born. Some claim that the birth took place on the third, of Rabi` al Awwal; others, on the ninth; and others on the tenth. The majority, however, agree that Muhammad (saw) was born on the twelfth of Rabi` al Awwal, the claim of ibn Ishaq and other biographers.”

The presence of such disagreements on the exact day of his birth, proves that birthdays were not important to the Arabs. Arabs were very well known for their great memorization skills. They used to know the lineage of their families and other Arabs by heart; they used to know hundreds of verses of poetry by heart, a great feat of memorization. His wife, Aisha (RA) had great blessing in memorization and she knew studied generations of families.

Neither is it recorded from any Sahaba that they celebrated his date of birth. However, he used to fast on Mondays, irrespective of the month and according to his Hadith he was born on a Monday and the deeds are also presented to Allah on Monday. He took up this day, not as a celebration but as a day of Worship.

Hadith References [Maliks Muwatta 6:2606][Maliks Muwatta 47: 017] [Tirmidhi 42:008]

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) used to fast on Mondays irrespective of the month. All that we know for sure is that he was born on a Monday and that deeds are presented to Allah on Mondays, which is the reason he used to fast on Mondays. His exact date of birth and even the month is a subject of debate, which further proves the insignificance of birthday celebration of Prophet Muhammad (saw).
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Mr first of I don't celebrate Milad secondly if you want to give proof proof it through Quran and Sunnah or quote any Sahaba because all other things are just crap so give proof or remain quit

Bro in Islam if its not clear if things are allowed or not then generally the things are allowed, otherwise half of life would be banned. So the proof is on you to proove that its haram
Look at the post above yours, and there is the proof.
Look at the post above yours, and there is the proof.

How does that make it haram, are you lost? All it prooves is that the prophet (saws) fasted on monday, where does it say not to celebrate his birthday?
How does that make it haram, are you lost? All it prooves is that the prophet (saws) fasted on monday, where does it say not to celebrate his birthday?

Celebrating birthdays is Bidah. Enough said I hope. He never did celebrate his birthday, and urged us not to do so. Why don't we just listen? Did you look at the clip?
You guys are into quite an unnecessary discussion.
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