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Are ISIS Muslims?

Are ISIS Muslims?

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God himself must prove his existence, not some village Mullah or some highly paid Scholar :D

And the proof all around you is not sufficient? You know that what is our worth in bigger scheme of the things right?:D or for that sake what is worth of our planet?:D It is a tiny tiny tiny particle ................. and someone out of billions living on that tiny tiny particle asking for his Creator to come and prove his existence seems very very inadequate:D, however, unlike me our Creator is not that narrow minded or limited that HE would not listen to you so why not go out their and look at signs of his creations first (as he wants you to):D, and once you have understood those signs then may be proceed to next step and ask HIM to prove it you?:D But the thing is you HIS creation living on a tiny tiny planet in one of his universe won't have enough life to first complete research on his creations:D, in fact none of the humans to date has been able to do that. But still keep challenging him best of luck to a tiny tiny being on a tiny tiny planet questioning HIS creator's existence :D.
And the proof all around you is not sufficient? You know that what is our worth in bigger scheme of the things right?:D or for that sake what is worth of our planet?:D It is a tiny tiny tiny particle ................. and someone out of billions living on that tiny tiny particle asking for his Creator to come and prove his existence seems very very inadequate:D, however, unlike me our Creator is not that narrow minded or limited that HE would not listen to you so why not go out their and look at signs of his creations first (as he wants you to):D, and once you have understood those signs then may be proceed to next step and ask HIM to prove it you?:D But the thing is you HIS creation living on a tiny tiny planet in one of his universe won't have enough life to first complete research on his creations:D, in fact none of the humans to date has been able to do that. But still keep challenging him best of luck to a tiny tiny being on a tiny tiny planet questioning HIS creator's existence :D.
why has this so called creator created so much death and destruction then, why doesn't "he" (he, she, it?) just snap his cosmic fingers and fix this shit ? :D
why has this so called creator created so much death and destruction then, why doesn't "he" (he, she, it?) just snap his cosmic fingers and fix this shit ? :D
That would require a God which would have emotions similar to our own. That isn't true and since the Creation is perfect in it's own way, the solution is there all the time (natural laws), all that's needed to be done is to reason, think, and observe the natural world
why has this so called creator created so much death and destruction then, why doesn't "he" (he, she, it?) just snap his cosmic fingers and fix this shit ? :D

Good question, the answer is to know who is the best among us. It is said in Quran. It is a test. There are active person in this kind world who fight for justice and better world, other people fight and kill for power, and others just dont care.
Yes of course they are. They self describe themselves muslim and they fight on behalf of Islam. It's both their driver and their goal.

people who have perverted Islam.” Leaders of Al Qaeda and Islamic State are not religious personages but terrorists. “They no more represent Islam than any mad man who kills innocents in the name of God represents Christianity or Judaism or Buddhism or Hinduism. No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for violence and terrorism.”
Islam, in fact, prohibits terrorism — “The Glorious Qur’an says whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind.”
Some members here stated that I$I$ as Muslims, and that was said in the Syrian thread, so I'm asking people to see what they think...

24 reasons ISIS are wrong: Muslim scholars blast Islamic State — RT News

Al-Azhar graduates reject ISIS 'caliphate' - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Moderates, if this thread is not allowed then please close it, and I apologize...
@WebMaster @waz @Oscar and other mods...

rest of the members, please keep the discussion civil and respectful, this thread is to see others opinion and thoughts...
whatwever we say and no matter how much we deny

they are totally Muslims
and are the apple of the eyes of majority of Muslims

I know people among us who silently giggle and enjoy the handiwork of these people

they have the impact and the attraction that they got "Muslim" virgin girls of early teen years eager to become Jihadi brides for them and are travelling thousands of miles to be among these jihadis.

the rest of the world is absolutely correct to consider them Muslims and then stick it up our arses for the actions of ISIS.

people who have perverted Islam.” Leaders of Al Qaeda and Islamic State are not religious personages but terrorists. “They no more represent Islam than any mad man who kills innocents in the name of God represents Christianity or Judaism or Buddhism or Hinduism. No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for violence and terrorism.”
Islam, in fact, prohibits terrorism — “The Glorious Qur’an says whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind.”
please dont spread rumours
they are absolutely Muslims and follow the teachings of their cannibal mother who vowed to spill the blood of the hashmites
a little mental retardation going on eh??
just quoting the incident of cannibalism of Hinda who ate the liver of Hazrat Hamza.
a ritual that ISIS has repeated in Syria as well.

I didnt mean to hurt your feelings
People cannot judge neither themselves or others on the Muslimhood.

Only Judge is the Allmighty Allah who keeps his silence till judgement.

Besides, Jihad is allowed in Quran.

Does ISIS follow the rules of Jihad? You may only discuss about it.
People cannot judge neither themselves or others on the Muslimhood.

Says the guy who calls Kurds as "Fire Worshipers".

Logic of IS and their propagandists: Only we get to takfir other people and call them non-Muslims and infidels and then behead them for the sake of Khilafah, but others shall not judge us because they can not judge themselves or others for being Muslims.
Yes, they follow many Islamic things literally. Maybe some of their deeds are shocking for today's world, but these things happened really (for example Muhammeds wife Hafsa ordered the killing of a "witch/sorcerer", ISIS followed their example in executing some people who they considered as witches and even mentioned the hadith (narration))

Now some people may say that these hadiths are not reliable or forgeries, but it's not about 1 or 2 hadiths, but many.

The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said: ‘Kill every sorcerer, for this is the punishment ordained by Allah.’

This is the opinion of Abu Haneefah, Maalik, and Ahmed. Imam Ahmad said, “Capital punishment for the sorcerer has been authentically reported from three companions of the Prophet. It is reported from Umar that he wrote, “Kill every sorcerer and sorceress.” Bujaalah (a sub-narrator) said, “Then we killed three sorceresses.” It is also authentically reported from Hafsah (Prophet’s wife) that she ordered a maid of hers to be killed because she did sorcery on her.” Jundub bin Kaab was also authentically reported that he beheaded a magician who was playing his magic in front of Waleed and said, “Let him use his magic for his own benefit now.”
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Says the guy who calls Kurds as "Fire Worshipers".

Logic of IS and their propagandists: Only we get to takfir other people and call them non-Muslims and infidels and then behead them for the sake of Khilafah, but others shall not judge us because they can not judge themselves or others for being Muslims.

I am not, they are worshipping fire as pictures and statements prove.
I am not, they are worshipping fire as pictures and statements prove.

Pictures also prove that IS are no different than this in nature, some minor differences in appearance only:

Are they muslim? Yes.

Are their actions islamic? Absolutely and very clearly NO.

They r the extremist counterpart of those "muslims" who espouse liberalism/secularism. knowingly or unknowingly both these 2 group of extremes fuel each other , while the non-muslim foreign powers act as catalyst.
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