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Are all terrorists really Muslims?By Aakar Patel

Modern Indian Republic isn't some place where one community can gain fantasy revenge over another for crimes done 1000 years ago. As of 1947, all that was put into the backburner.
Nobody is asking for revenge. :coffee: Keep parroting the last sentence you wrote 100 times a day. Maybe someday it will come true.
Nobody is asking for revenge. :coffee: Keep parroting the last sentence you wrote 100 times a day. Maybe someday it will come true.

Most of Indian history it has been true. When has the Sanghis ever come to power unless if Congress fucks up. As expected Modi has begun to F**k up. He'll be out eventually.
All events predating independence are called into a 'historic compromise' under the terms of the new constitution.

Nope, the Babri Majid case remained the sticking point which is why Rajiv Gandhi was able to have the locks broken open in 1989.
Nope, the Babri Majid case remained the sticking point which is why Rajiv Gandhi was able to have the locks broken open in 1989.
Irrelevant, the case can be techinically pending but will have to be settled according to the principles of the constitution of 1947.
Irrelevant, the case can be techinically pending but will have to be settled according to the principles of the constitution of 1947.

There is law passed by the parliament -The Place of Worship(Special Provisions) Act, 1991 which makes your argument for all monuments except the Babri masjid-Ram janmabhumi structure.
There is law passed by the parliament -The Place of Worship(Special Provisions) Act, 1991 which makes your argument for all monuments except the Babri masjid-Ram janmabhumi structure.

The best solution for Babri was actually one proposed by Bal Thackeray. Build a national monument/ all faith monument and be done with it. No one is denied and everyone gets something. This has worked well in Turkey (Haiga Sofia), no reason why it should not work now.
The best solution for Babri was actually one proposed by Bal Thackeray. Build a national monument/ all faith monument and be done with it. No one is denied and everyone gets something. This has worked well in Turkey (Haiga Sofia), no reason why it should not work now.

This issue should never have been touched by Rajiv Gandhi. A foolish mistake to compound another one-the Shah Bano case. You & I can discuss an out of the box solution but we are the not the ones in need of convincing. The fires started by this issue could have engulfed India had it not been for Narasimha Rao's economic liberalisation. Love for the goddess Lakshmi trumps all others :D. It's why emotions cannot be whipped up over this issue now as easily as it was earlier.
This issue should never have been touched by Rajiv Gandhi. A foolish mistake to compound another one-the Shah Bano case. You & I can discuss an out of the box solution but we are the not the ones in need of convincing. The fires started by this issue could have engulfed India had it not been for Narasimha Rao's economic liberalisation. Love for the goddess Lakshmi trumps all others :D. It's why emotions cannot be whipped up over this issue now as easily as it was earlier.

God you are pragmatic, intelligent, balanced and a good communicator! Syedali is going to give you four negative ratings for that.
This issue should never have been touched by Rajiv Gandhi. A foolish mistake to compound another one-the Shah Bano case. You & I can discuss an out of the box solution but we are the not the ones in need of convincing. The fires started by this issue could have engulfed India had it not been for Narasimha Rao's economic liberalisation. Love for the goddess Lakshmi trumps all others :D. It's why emotions cannot be whipped up over this issue now as it was earlier.

You know with your upwardly middle class values that you're trying to impose on the country. You don't understand how politics works. There is a time and a place for everything. No matter what you personally think about it, the 1980s India, which was much poorer than today, uprooting a conservative law is just not possible. Why 1980s, try banning caste TODAY, hell you can't even ban Khap Panchayat in Haryana and you're cooking up dreams of uniform civil code? Those things don't happen until the society is ready. Who were the people supporting Shah Bano case? Was there a wellspring of support from the muslim women excepting a handful of activitists? The most vocal of the supporters were actually Sanghis only. Lincoln may have won the civil war, but I can assure you that realization of Black Rights came only in mid 20th century. It was only under Martin Luther King that Armerica was ready for a true change. Impressing the other arguments is just stupidity and naivete.
This is a terrible example because shorn of sarcasm, what you postulated is true. A Hindu in a maoist group is not killing because of religious reasons, a Muslim in the 3 groups you mentioned is. In the first case, religion is incidental, in the second it is the main factor. You could find Muslims (theoretically)& Christians among the Maoists but you are almost never going to find non-Muslims in Al Quaeda, ISIS or SIMI. Those organisations are driven by religion, the Maoists are not.

You are right. It was a terrible example, with only the sarcasm of any value, transient value, as it turns out. Not my best retort.
If I am not mistaken, wasn't the head of LTTE Prabhakaran himself a Christian?

Similarly, not even all of Maoists are Hindus!

The arguments about comparing Bodos with Islamic terrorists is fundamentally flawed because of the reach, implications of their actions. You don't see Bodos blowing themselves up everywhere in the world, nor do they indulge in terrorism for any religious purpose.

On the other hand, if somebody picks up arms because his religion asked him to (especially if the religion itself is spread out globally), the implications are truly horrendous.
no other religion has concept of jihad in the name of religion
benajir bhutto is not jklf.. y u no understand.
saying whole movement is based on jihad is like saying arab spring in egypt is entirely by muslim brotherhood.

the separatist thought predates jihadi influence... there is a danger of seeing yesterday with whats happening today.
how does it counter my assertion that jklf was secular and HuM was the jihadi one.. not everybody who is separatist came from jihad factory.
you and @Rain Man make simplistic assumptions.

I didn't say jihad, I said the root cause of the Kashmir problem is 'religious differences' in reply to your comment below:

A lot of terrorists in kashmir are not driven by religion so I will remove them from islamic terror list. Original kashmiri terrorists were secular.

JKLF may call themselves secular, they might even act like secular, but the root cause of their 'separatist movement' or so called 'Kashmiri nationalism' is the very fact that Kashmir is a Muslim majority state in Hindu majority India, the root cause is religion.

Btw, this Kashmiri nationalism is an eyewash to give more legitimacy to their separatist movement, their objective was to liberate J&K from India and reunite it with Pakistan held Kashmir under the Pakistani state, they know that they won't survive as a sovereign state.
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