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Ardeshir Cowasjee Passed Away

Got stopped by the Police as to why I was jogging at 6 in the evening on the Ashura in a pair of shorts ! And I had to wait there for 15 minutes before they checked my ID card out & talked to my Dad to re-check my identification ! Got slapped by my Mom & blasted at by my Dad as soon as I entered home for going for a jog to begin with. :hitwall:
Stay safe mate. :)

Do these guys still follow that traditional way of exposing the dead body to the vultures. If yes then I doubt they are going to find much of them in Pakistan. That is a problem itself.
Some do in India, if not all. And declining vulture population is an issue. I heard there was a program in india to increase by breeding, but not sure how successful it was. Doc can tell us more.
Do these guys still follow that traditional way of exposing the dead body to the vultures. If yes then I doubt they are going to find much of them in Pakistan. That is a problem itself.

In India, some has started cremating as vultures are rare...
Had once had an email exchange with him regarding an article he had written. He would always reply to emails. One of the saner columnists from Pakistan.
Got stopped by the Police as to why I was jogging at 6 in the evening on the Ashura in a pair of shorts ! And I had to wait there for 15 minutes before they checked my ID card out & talked to my Dad to re-check my identification ! Got slapped by my Mom & blasted at by my Dad as soon as I entered home for going for a jog to begin with. :hitwall:

Typical beautiful Pakistan.

He,being a Parsi,remained alive in Pakistan for so long itself is a miracle

:argh::hitwall: these trolls.

@ Topic Very Sad to hear.:cry:

Pohanchi waheen pe khaak
Jahan ka khameer tha.

^Hope i said correctly.
RIP to this great man. Always wanted the best for Karachi and did a lot of work for this city.
Great Personality... Didn't have the fear of anybody.. he is not like jounalist of now a days..!!
i never forgot that time when we was sitting togather in islamabad. After sitting i was all night thinking he is better Pakistani then me. Yes he was Parsi

"We must not to wait for the government to act; we must participate aggressively in citizen actions and shape the environment of Pakistan in a sustainable fashion for our future generations."

- Ardashir Cowasjee, January 2, 2011 link

He wrote this just before the Taseer assassination. Afterwards I pleaded that he should gather some young people in his circle to follow in his footsteps:

"Please don't let Free Pakistan die with you!"

Cowasjee responded, "No such thing now as 'free Pakistan'. Bound in chains of intolerance and bigotry."

We agreed what it would take to break the chains, but I don't think he saw any prospect of it happening in Pakistan. I'm afraid he did not die a happy man.
Karachi is one of the only place left where traditional Zoroastrian burial can take place (vulture populations are on a decline). Parsis in Lahore however are buried since no Dakhma(s) (tower of silence) are in existence anymore. the death of Ardeshir Cowasjee is a great loss to the Zoroastrian community and a much greater loss to Pakistan. May he rest in eternal peace.
I will be politically incorrect - met him a few times when he was alive, and he was one bloody chauvinist.

Had the nerve to tap a girl's legs with his cane and tell the girl who was wearing full-length trousers to show more skin.

As a person, he isnt as great as he's made out to be.

As a campaigner and activist, he was great.

Bagh-e-Rustom is on a plot donated by him and is the only garden in the city that has no gates, no walls.

He was a Parsi.

It comes with the territory.

The appreciation of skin that is. :no:
In India, some has started cremating as vultures are rare...

No man.

We can never cremate.

We worship fire as the symbol of purity of Ahura Mazda.

As his son.

There is no way we would place a dead body, regardless of ritualistic cleansing and prayers that precedes it, into it.
RIP a great Pakistani writer. a loss to Pakistani journalism indeed.
No man.

We can never cremate.

We worship fire as the symbol of purity of Ahura Mazda.

As his son.

There is no way we would place a dead body, regardless of ritualistic cleansing and prayers that precedes it, into it.

There was one such article in ToI... But as usual they are wrong..
I will be politically incorrect - met him a few times when he was alive, and he was one bloody chauvinist.

Had the nerve to tap a girl's legs with his cane and tell the girl who was wearing full-length trousers to show more skin.

As a person, he isnt as great as he's made out to be.

As a campaigner and activist, he was great.

Bagh-e-Rustom is on a plot donated by him and is the only garden in the city that has no gates, no walls.

Wasnt he the one ?whom was accused by some Indian women during some seminar/workshop in India, of ogling at
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