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Ardeshir Cowasjee Passed Away

I will be politically incorrect - met him a few times when he was alive, and he was one bloody chauvinist.

Had the nerve to tap a girl's legs with his cane and tell the girl who was wearing full-length trousers to show more skin.

As a person, he isnt as great as he's made out to be.

As a campaigner and activist, he was great.

Bagh-e-Rustom is on a plot donated by him and is the only garden in the city that has no gates, no walls.
As a campaigner and activist, he was great.

That is what matters to us IMO. We should be judging the person on the things that he is doing his work in.

For example, we should be judging Faiz as a poet, not a human, because it just doesn't matter.

Similarly, we should be judging Jinnah by his struggle for Muslims, not what he eats or drinks (ref Jinnah of Pakistan by Stanley Wolpert, and numerous rumors). If he ate pork or anything, it doesn't matter to us. He was a face of the Muslim struggle. That is what matters to us. As an advocate of Muslim homeland, he was fantastic, but as human, who knows, probably not really the best person (Islamic sense that most people see through, people expect him to be a pious Mullah!)
I will be politically incorrect - met him a few times when he was alive, and he was one bloody chauvinist.

Had the nerve to tap a girl's legs with his cane and tell the girl who was wearing full-length trousers to show more skin.

As a person, he isnt as great as he's made out to be.

As a campaigner and activist, he was great.

Bagh-e-Rustom is on a plot donated by him and is the only garden in the city that has no gates, no walls.
Many old men are like that. People lose any shame when they are past their 60s. (Not specifically talking about this gent, making a general point)
Many old men are like that. People lose any shame when they are past their 60s. (Not specifically talking about this gent, making a general point)

In Pakistan, it is quite the opposite IMO. Approaching old age, most gents grow a beard and 5 waqt namazi in masjid, while the ladies also get a shift towards this side. Atleast that is what I have observed in most cases.
In Pakistan, it is quite the opposite IMO. Approaching old age, most gents grow a beard and 5 waqt namazi in masjid, while the ladies also get a shift towards this side. Atleast that is what I have observed in most cases.
Correction: When I said most, I meant, quite a few I have seen, taking undue interest in young girls. Not exactly pedo, but creepy.
'To God we belong & to Him do we return' - RIP ! He was a true patriot & a fine..fine activist ! :pakistan:

This day can't get any worse !
What else happened today arms? Too much work?

Got stopped by the Police as to why I was jogging at 6 in the evening on the Ashura in a pair of shorts ! And I had to wait there for 15 minutes before they checked my ID card out & talked to my Dad to re-check my identification ! Got slapped by my Mom & blasted at by my Dad as soon as I entered home for going for a jog to begin with. :hitwall:
Do you have enough vultures in pakistan?

Do these guys still follow that traditional way of exposing the dead body to the vultures. If yes then I doubt they are going to find much of them in Pakistan. That is a problem itself.
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