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Arabs Going Nuclear


I highly doubt if Saudis have got any infra structure & expertise to even assemble EF, Impossible

PS:They may bring people from other countries in Saudi Arabia but Saudis themselves are just too lame...[/QUOTE]

Good news for you !;)

I disagree with that , if We can change the face of our Aviation industry with the help of Dragons then what so wrong with them by having UK on their back.

Its a direct benifit for Pakistan because most of the labour provided would be ours thus the experiance with Typhoons.:azn:


The Saudi Military is a mercenary Army, their Soldiers came from Egypt, Pakistan and as far I know also from US and Britain(I' not sure). I see Saudi Arabia not as an Military Power, it's only a "Paper Tiger" who need help from abroad to maintain their modern Equipment.
Good news for you !;)

I disagree with that , if We can change the face of our Aviation industry with the help of Dragons then what so wrong with them by having UK on their back.

Its a direct benifit for Pakistan because most of the labour provided would be ours thus the experiance with Typhoons.:azn:



like i said Saudis haver got money but here again they have got literally ZERO local expertise, Saudis as a nation are just too arrogant
& lame

Saudis are been literally run by people from the outside..

The Saudi Military is a mercenary Army, their Soldiers came from Egypt, Pakistan and as far I know also from US and Britain(I' not sure). I see Saudi Arabia not as an Military Power, it's only a "Paper Tiger" who need help from abroad to maintain their modern Equipment.
TO protect the holy places they're depending on fakirs (unbelievers)..they're stooges of US..won't show any mercy on Muslims of other countries..they treat sub continent Muslims as wastes, look at the expatriates of the sub continent, ask any one abt the saudis...

*correction:Its not Fakirs it is Kafir:P
Kafir( non believers) = only Hidus and stone/fire worshipers or polytheists not christians and jews they are considered as people of the book.
So saudis are not buying any arms from Kafirs:agree:
*correction:Its not Fakirs it is Kafir:P
Kafir( non believers) = only Hidus and stone/fire worshipers or polytheists not christians and jews they are considered as people of the book.
So saudis are not buying any arms from Kafirs:agree:

hahhaaa man Do you know Israelis were able to block 20 Billion Dollar Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia during Bush Regime, 20 billion ohh my Gosh!!! I was stunned for a moment when i read 20 billion dollar ARMS deal :haha:

Bush’s Twenty-Billion Dollar Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia

The debate on which forces determine US Middle East policy has cut across the usual political spectrum: On one side most neo-conservative and progressive writers, academics and journalists argue that the military-industrial complex and Big Oil interests are the most influential forces shaping US policy. On the other, a small group of conservative and leftist writers and a few academics have identified what some call the Israel or Zionist Lobby and others refer to the Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC) as the prevailing influence in deciding US strategic policies in the Middle East.

While the debate rages over who and what interests got us into the Iraq war and the escalating confrontation with Iran, there is no better test of conflicting positions than the proposed US sale of $20 billion dollars of military equipment to Saudi Arabia.

The Pentagon led by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates agreed to the sale; it was backed by President Bush, Vice President Cheney and at least tacitly by the entire executive branch, including the National Security Council. All of the biggest US, European and Asian multi-national petroleum companies, refiners and importers were in favor of upgrading the military defensive capacity of the world’s biggest oil producer, since hundreds of billions in commercial and financial profits are transacted there every year. The US Middle East Command (CENTCOM) with major air bases and strategic logistic support systems in Saudi Arabia could not but support Saudi acquisition of a defensive high-tech air reconnaissance system.

Saudi Arabia is the most reliable and biggest single supplier of petroleum to the US world-wide. Saudi Arabia has been a staunch ally of the US – more like a client state -- in all the US military and surrogate wars and interventions from the co-financing of anti-Soviet Muslim fundamentalist in Afghanistan, the attack on Yugoslavia and support of break-away Bosnia and Kosovo, to the two Gulf Wars and present confrontation with Iran, to its opposition of each and every Arab nationalist or leftist regime over the past 60 years. From the perspective of US imperial interests, dominance and influence in Asia, the Balkans and especially the Middle East, one would thing that a military sale worth $20 billion dollars to the Saudi monarchy would be automatically and overwhelmingly approved by the US Congress.

This is especially the case because a $20 billion dollar sale will generate thousands of new jobs and will lessen the huge trade deficit. At the recent OPEC meeting, the Saudis strongly opposed dumping hundreds of billions of depreciating dollars they currently hold as foreign reserves – or even discussing the matter.

There is no greater contrast from the point of view of costs-benefit in comparing Saudi Arabia to Israel. The latter is subsidized by the US, which has given over $120 billion dollars over the last 30 years while it competes, as the second largest arms exporter, with the US-military industrial complex thus costing American jobs and supplies absolutely no strategic materials to the US economy. Indeed Israel has direct access to the most up-to-date US funded military technology, which it then sells to its clients. This is in stark contrast to Saudi Arabia’s servile relation with the US. Israel has constantly demanded and received US support and financing for its wars, its illegal colonization of Palestinian land and has unwavering US support for its repudiation of international law and numerous violations of United Nations mandates. While Saudi Arabia supports the US economy and is a strategic supplier of petroleum, Israel drains the US economy and secures its petroleum from it.

Beginning in early 2007, the entire Zionist power configuration (ZPC) mobilized to block the US arms and military technology sales to Saudi Arabia. Zionist pressure was so intense and its control over Congress was so evident to the White House and Pentagon that Defense Secretary Gates did not even try to counter the ZPC’s campaign in the US Congress. Instead he went straight to the ZPC’s control center in Israel and not with empty hands. He pleaded with Israel to call of its American attack dogs in exchange for a ‘donation’ of over $30 billion dollars in US military handouts to Israel over the next ten years. Olmert accepted Gates offer: The US had paid the price but still the ZPC did not turn over their hostage Congress. President Bush and Secretary Gates were convinced that Israel would muzzle the Presidents of the Major American Jewish Organizations to allow the Saudi sale to go through. This did not happen. Why should it? President Bush could not withdraw the well-publicized pay-off to Israel; it was already in the legislative books. He could not retaliate – the ZPC-controlled Congress would oppose any and all counter measures.

So Bush and Gates went ahead and sent the bill to Congress authorizing the $20 billion sales to Saudi Arabia, a trillion dollar economy with a two-bit military wholly dependent on its US military protector.

Immediately the ZPC rounded up its automatic 190 members of the House of Representatives to sign a letter opposing the sale. The ZPC formulated the position embodied in the letter and oversaw its draft with the collaboration of its co-religionists in Congress. Zionist Congress members Shelley Berkeley and Anthony Weiner teamed up with Michael Ferguson. The Zion-Cons claimed justifiably that they could mobilize over three quarters of the Congress on any issue affecting Israel’s ‘security’. Zionist lawmakers claimed, “the sale would undermine Israel’s superiority in the region”. Every major independent military think tank would dispute this argument since Israel is the only nuclear power in the region, has the biggest and most technologically sophisticated air force and missile system, while Saudi Arabia and all the Gulf States have trouble even controlling local ground level bomb throwers.

There are two likely outcomes both demonstrating categorically that it is the ZPC that dictates US policies in the Middle East:
The military sales will not fly.
The military sale will be approved on conditions that Israel is privy to all its details and can modify or omit any part of the agreement.

The ZPC was even able to strong arm the Congress-people who have made a lifelong career out of aggressively promoting the interests of Big Oil (BO) and the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) to switch sides and vote against the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia – BO’s strategic partner and the MIC’s best overseas customer. Congress members from BO states like Texas and states with large military industries like California endorsed the ZPC letter prejudicing their constituents and big campaign financers. The feeble ‘lobbying’ by BO and the MIC in favor of the White House were crushed by the ZPC Congressional juggernaut.

The major trade unions of the AFL-CIO, like the steel workers, machinists, oil and chemical workers, electrical workers – whose members’ jobs were at stake, did not protest, let alone challenge the ZPC, demonstrating the high degree of Zionist influence over the trade union bosses. The obvious point is that the Congress and the ZFL-CIO are both Zionist colonized institutions.

The issue is not whether the US should or should not sell arms to Saudi Arabia (I oppose all arms sales and the MIC and BO around the world). The fundamental issue is whether we, the citizens, the elected representatives and the trade unionists in the United States, can be free of foreign colonization to decide the issue. The issue is whether we are or can be a free and independent nation or a subject of a tiny powerful elite acting for a foreign power.

The narrative on the US proposed multi-billion dollar arms sales to a wealthy third rate military power demonstrates once again that Israeli interests have priority over US trade, jobs and geopolitical interests. Secondly the narrative confirms that the Israeli state dictates US political relations in the Middle East through its US conduit – the ZPC. Finally it refutes the Zionist geo-politicians and ‘oil’ and ‘military experts’ who cover up for the ZPC by falsely blaming Big Oil for policies they oppose because it prejudices their strategic partnership.

By blackmail and deceit, the Israelis got their additional $30 billion dollars over the next ten years and they double-crossed ‘their’ president by unleashing their Fifth Column to block his military sales to the Saudis. And if Bush dares a complaint, he will be added to the list of ‘anti-Semites’ – the only honorable list in his entire 8 years in office.

Bush’s Twenty-Billion Dollar Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia - STWR - Share The World's Resources
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like i said Saudis haver got money but here again they have got literally ZERO local expertise

I agree with that but its not their future by seeing thousands and thousands of Saudi students all getting free education of every major field here in Australia on scholarships.
Saudi arabia would a different country.

Saudi arabia made weapons:

Saudis as a nation are just too arrogant & lame

Honestly tell me how many saudis have you met and found arrogant?
We being Pakistanis are the most laziest people in the world.
I have many saudi friends and they are nice people.

Saudis are been literally run by people from the outside..


I know saudis are way behind but if they pick up its better for Pakistan.
hahhaaa man Do you know Israelis were able to block 20 Billion Dollar Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia during Bush Regime, 20 billion ohh my Gosh!!! I was stunned for a moment when a read 20 billion dollar ARMS deal :haha:

How about this?

Britain blocked arms sales to Israel during Gaza offensive
Britain has blocked some arms sales to Israel over the offensive in the Gaza Strip in January, which the UK and its EU allies condemned as a "disproportionate" response to Palestinian violence, it has emerged.

Published: 1:03AM BST 14 Jul 2009

Israel's foreign minister and British officials played down the move, which the British embassy in Tel Aviv said affected components for naval guns and ship-board radar. Most Israeli arms are American.

The bans reflect unease in Europe at three weeks of bombardment that killed over 1,100 Palestinians, many of them civilians. But British officials said it was no "arms embargo" and most licences to export weapons to Israel were unaffected.

An Israeli official said that of 182 licences to export arms to Israel, Britain had revoked only 5, related to parts for the Saar 4.5 Class corvette used by Israel to hit Gaza from the sea.

David Miliband, the foreign secretary, had promised parliament a review in April after some MPs urged an arms embargo in protest at Israel's Operation Cast Lead against Hamas Islamists.

Mr Miliband said that of eight EU criteria for allowing arms exports, Britain was concerned in the case of Israel with the risk weapons could be "used for internal repression", "provoke or prolong conflicts or aggravate existing tensions" or damage "regional peace, security and stability".

A British embassy spokesman said: "We judged that

in a small number of cases, Israeli action in Cast Lead would result in the export of those goods now contravening the consolidated criteria. These licences have been revoked."

She called this "standard practice" and said some licences for Russia and Georgia were revoked after their war last year.

"Israel has a right to defend itself," a British official said. "This said, we consistently urge Israel to act with restraint and supported the EU Presidency statement that called Israeli actions during Operation Cast Lead disproportionate."

Interviewed on Israel Radio, Avigdor Lieberman, foreign minister, brushed off the British measures:

"Israel has seen many embargoes," he said. "We've always known how to get by. There's no need to get excited about this."..

Arms sale is a serious business , we ourselves are striving to produce everything at home because of this fear so is everyone , i hope you understand it.

How about this?

Britain blocked arms sales to Israel during Gaza offensive
Britain has blocked some arms sales to Israel over the offensive in the Gaza Strip in January, which the UK and its EU allies condemned as a "disproportionate" response to Palestinian violence, it has emerged.

Published: 1:03AM BST 14 Jul 2009

Israel's foreign minister and British officials played down the move, which the British embassy in Tel Aviv said affected components for naval guns and ship-board radar. Most Israeli arms are American.

The bans reflect unease in Europe at three weeks of bombardment that killed over 1,100 Palestinians, many of them civilians. But British officials said it was no "arms embargo" and most licences to export weapons to Israel were unaffected.

An Israeli official said that of 182 licences to export arms to Israel, Britain had revoked only 5, related to parts for the Saar 4.5 Class corvette used by Israel to hit Gaza from the sea.

that wasn't my point i.e. a TIT FOR TAT

Read the red portion again, funny isn't it

You can see the Israeli power i mean they threw a 20 Billion Dollar :cheesy: arms deal down the drain, I am impressed

Arms sale is a serious business , we ourselves are striving to produce everything at home because of this fear so is everyone , i hope you understand it.

no way is it related to Saudis they have got money & we ahhh
Pakistan Khappe :pakistan:
When someone brings a war to one's doorstep they must fight by their all available power. Its not about what is your nationality its about what do you decide to do at that very moment.







that wasn't my point i.e. a TIT FOR TAT

Read the red portion again, funny isn't it

You can see the Israeli power i mean they threw a 20 Billion Dollar :cheesy: arms deal down the drain, I am impressed

I agree with you on this very point , and this is the reason i think why saudis are looking at indigenous arms production to avoid worse case scenarios.

no way is it related to Saudis they have got money & we ahhh
Pakistan Khappe :pakistan:

:rofl::rofl::rofl::pakistan::pakistan: :cool:
Is Pakistan invincible by not spending a lot of money? If not then what makes you invincible ?
Russia was defeated by USA get it in your mind.


Saudis are going forward to home made equipment , they are going to produce Eurofighter at home , If Pakistan can become self sufficiat they also can not a problem.
If they back off they will get their oil banned.


Lets not flame the tread , i would not respond to kids playing around.

wow, you have fallen in a trap here, this is what just I wanted to show you, without the the western support do you think it was possible to take on big bear, so as with Saudis, all these fancy toys and with all the western support they can pretend whatever they want to be. And dont dont drag Pakistan in it.

The only thing they can have home made is wahabi and takfiris. Well to be on the lighter note once its materialize then we will see.

That proves that nobody is invincible wether you sepnd a lot or less, look Israel what they did to these looser Arabs ( A sad moment for ummah when a tiny little state surrounded by Arabs defeated them and brought so much shame for us.

These arabs took money to destroy ottoman empire and just to remain in power. Thanks to almighty I am not an Arab.

Listen mate, you have no idea how old I am so be respectful. :coffee:
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Listen mate, you have no idea how old I am so be respectful. :coffee:

With due sir respect it was you who was being arrogant to me not me.

Anyhow considering the age factor " i apologies & say sorry for any misbehavior from my side "


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