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Arabs Going Nuclear

Even before the war started, the saudi shekhs would be in USA with their families save and sound.

Saudis Cant Fight. Period.

stop buzzing over every one's heads !!How can you say that , present a comparison ??
stop buzzing over every one's heads !!How can you say that , present a comparison ??

Listen mate, I dont have spare time to waste like you in comparing, google it, read their history and will find out the sufferings ummah is going through now, who is responsible for that.

The only reason being a muslim we care about them is becuase our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBHU) was an arab, otherwise arabs are as selfish and arrogants thean any one else.:wave:
Even before the war started, the saudi shekhs would be in USA with their families save and sound.

Saudis Cant Fight. Period.

yup you are 101% right.They just can't fight.Arabs 1400 years ago

and today's Arabs are absolutely different entities.And i bet you in the

end it would Pakistani Pilots who would fly all those fancy planes as

their pilots would be tooo afraid.From History it is clear that only

Pakistani Pilots are a match or even superior than ISRAEL's .In 1967

and 1973 the Arabs lost much of their Air Force without even

damaging an ISRAELI air craft but it was Pakistani Pilots which shot

down 4 IAF aircrafts without losing a single.I bet anyone here that

ALLAH knows Pakistan so in the end the defence of UMMAH will

come down to the shoulder of Pakistan.Although these days we

ourselves are in a BAD shape but time can change quickly.
Listen mate, I dont have spare time to waste like you in comparing, google it, read their history and will find out the sufferings ummah is going through now, who is responsible for that.

The only reason being a muslim we care about them is becuase our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBHU) was an arab, otherwise arabs are as selfish and arrogants thean any one else.:wave:

By being arrogant all you are doing is firing a bullet on your own foot , you are just running away from discussion and coming to personal BS's.

Saudis are capable enough to teach a lesson to any enemy , if you think that " being a pakistani " you are king of the ring or you are the best then let me tell you its quite idiotic.

Circumstances do change but people don't , saudis are as good as anyone when they will fight any enemy.

My advice to people who think that Pakistan can take the
responsibility of ummah's defense , lets be a bit realistic .

Can we defend ourselves? yes we can but we do not have the power to claim something that we are not even capable of but if you guys are interested in self deemed capabilities then i cant help.:coffee:
yup you are 101% right.They just can't fight.Arabs 1400 years ago

and today's Arabs are absolutely different entities.And i bet you in the

end it would Pakistani Pilots who would fly all those fancy planes as

their pilots would be tooo afraid.From History it is clear that only

Pakistani Pilots are a match or even superior than ISRAEL's .In 1967

and 1973 the Arabs lost much of their Air Force without even

damaging an ISRAELI air craft but it was Pakistani Pilots which shot

down 4 IAF aircrafts without losing a single.I bet anyone here that

ALLAH knows Pakistan so in the end the defence of UMMAH will

come down to the shoulder of Pakistan.Although these days we

ourselves are in a BAD shape but time can change quickly.

Military strength is measured by military spending , it is not machine who fights its the man behind it. And saudi's are one of the highly trained military in the world ( Redflag etc) Now stop assuming that Pakistan is a superpower . We only can defend ourselves and Ummah is not our business yet unless they stand with us as one!
Rank Country Spending ($ b.) World Share (%)
1 United States 607.0 41.5
2 China 84.9a 5.8a
3 France 65.7 4.5
4 United Kingdom 65.3 4.5
5 Russia 58.6a 4.0a
6 Germany 46.8 3.2
7 Japan 46.3 3.2
8 Italy 40.6 2.8
9 Saudi Arabia 38.2 2.6
10 India 30.0 2.1
Look at Saudi military spendings

Military cooperation

Pakistan maintains close military ties with Saudi Arabia, providing extensive support, arms and training for the Military of Saudi Arabia.[3] Pilots of the Pakistan Air Force flew aircraft of the Royal Saudi Air Force to repel an incursion from South Yemen in 1969. In the 1970s and 1980s, approximately 15,000 Pakistani soldiers were stationed in the kingdom.[3] Saudi Arabia has negotiated the purchase of Pakistani ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.[3] It is also speculated that Saudi Arabia secretly funded Pakistan's nuclear programme and seeks to purchase atomic weapons from Pakistan to enable it to counteract possible threats from arsenals of the weapons of mass destruction possessed by Iran, Iraq and Israel.[5][6][7] Both nations have received high-level delegations of scientists, government and military experts seeking to study the development of a nuclear programme.

I reckon those who oppose KSA should be ashamed of it.
Only islamic nation using F-15's and Eurofighters


Four of eight F-15S Strike Eagles from the Saudi air force arrived shortly after 1:30 p.m. on a Nellis runway, while the other four scheduled to participate in a two-week Red Flag air combat training exercise were delayed by winter weather on the East Coast, said Saudi detachment commander Col. Ahmed Aseeri.

"They're on their way from Seymour Johnson," he said, referring to the North Carolina Air Force base where the planes arrived earlier this week.

Aseeri said that because the McDonnell Douglas F-15S Strike Eagle is a newer version of the United States' F-15s that were grounded after one crashed in November, he is confident his aircraft are safe.

"They didn't have any problems," he said. "They're good to go."

Like U.S. F-15E Strike Eagles that have been cleared to fly, the Saudis' F-15S planes don't have cracks in the "longerons," or cockpit support beams.

Last month, 40 percent of the U.S. F-15 fleet was grounded when crash investigators found potential structural flaws in the wreckage of an F-15 flown by a Missouri Air National Guard pilot. The jet crashed Nov. 2 in Missouri, and the pilot, Maj. Stephen Stilwell, managed to eject from the aircraft.

Air Combat Command leader Gen. John Corley has said decisions on returning the 191 grounded F-15 Eagles to flight would be made on a "plane-by-plane" basis. The 191 included 13 of the 25 F-15s assigned to Nellis Air Force Base.

As a result, some of the F-15 aggressor aircraft that play the role of enemy planes in the Red Flag exercise will be replaced with F-16s, base officials said.

Aseeri, whose pilots are the only foreign participants in the Red Flag exercise, which begins today, said he's looking forward to honing their skills. The Royal Saudi Air Force, he said, has about 250 fighter jets, including Tornadoes and F-15S Strike Eagles. Some of them, fresh off the line, participated in a Red Flag exercise in August 2005.

"There's a lot of interaction with the other forces," he said, noting that the goal of this Red Flag will be "basically to raise the standards."

"It's not only about flying the jets, it's knowing each other and interacting with each other," he said.

This Red Flag, which runs through Feb. 15, involves more than 50 aircraft, including B-52 bombers, F-22A Raptors, the Navy's EA-6B Prowler and U.S. Air Force F-15Es.

Base officials said increased aircraft noise can be expected in the vicinity of the base as the aircraft fly missions during the day and night over the 15,000-square-mile Nellis range.

The Saudi air force flew border security missions in the 1991 Persian Gulf War and during the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, Aseeri said.

The Red Flag exercises are important to his pilots, he said, because their performance is evaluated and they learn how to improve and interact with their allies.

Asked what he thinks of Las Vegas, Aseeri said: "It's a crazy town, very crazy town."
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hey i have an question

how will be relation of Pakistan and Afghanistan in near future

we have two friends like china and Pakistan what will happen if the same condition happen with Pakistan

guys that is the most important question Pakistan has to ask

what will happen if the relation goes wrong direction if you saw in past Afghanistan govt is not in good relational with Pakistan

Black blood bro you are overestimating the power of Saudi Arabia.Pls don't estimate the power of country by it's defence budget.If it is like that than INDIA was Much more Powerful than us from the very first day then why they haven't been able to eradicate us completely.If Sheer numbers and defence budget is all that countes than I think Taliban only have few millions but they are still able to defeat the US and it's multinational force.Bro if Only defence budget was the factor than ISLAM wouldn't have never even born.Ghazwa BADAR MUSLIMS were outnumbered 3 to 1 .Only had 1 sword for the whole army.In GHAZEA UHAD again outmunbered 3 to 1 and in GHAZWA Khandak outnumbered 9 to1 but still how did they not only survived but outclassed kufaar in every single battle..Bro if only numbers and technology mattered than how was ISRAEL able to outclass ARABS in every single war.In every single war ISRAEL was up against not a single ARAB country but many .Bro there's no doubt that Saudia Arabia has huge defence budget but there is another thing which are ISLAM teaches us Wars are not solely won by numbers and weapons it's the will to fight the GAZBA to sacrifice for the ISLAM this that counts.Saudia doesn't have any of these things only money and when a person has money he forgets the things like sacrifice and love and only relies on the material things.So bro I agree maybe the present power of Pakistan is only enough to barely defend it self but you don't know what would happen in the future look at the signs.Pakistan is the only country in the world created in the name of ALLAH and ISLAM.Pakistan created on 27th of Ramdaan and it's no small indication.And maybe you have looked another thread of Balochistan.What was the Grandson of Khan Of Kalaat saying about why Baluchistan joined Pakistan.Yes he said that in Dream HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (SAWW) himself came to Khan of Kalaat saying that a muslim country is being created and you are trying to get away from it.Just Imagine HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (SAWW) himself came to order Balochistan to join Pakistan.It is no small thing.It means ALLAH also wanted Pakistan.So Bro just by having fancy equipment you can't win a war.Maybe i am fool but i am firmly believe that It is the destiny of Pakistan to take the leadership of UMMAH and ultimately the defence of UMMAH will fall upon the shoulders of Pakistan.

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