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Arabs Going Nuclear

Military strength is measured by military spending , it is not machine who fights its the man behind it. And saudi's are one of the highly trained military in the world ( Redflag etc) Now stop assuming that Pakistan is a superpower . We only can defend ourselves and Ummah is not our business yet unless they stand with us as one!
Rank Country Spending ($ b.) World Share (%)
1 United States 607.0 41.5
2 China 84.9a 5.8a
3 France 65.7 4.5
4 United Kingdom 65.3 4.5
5 Russia 58.6a 4.0a
6 Germany 46.8 3.2
7 Japan 46.3 3.2
8 Italy 40.6 2.8
9 Saudi Arabia 38.2 2.6
10 India 30.0 2.1

Spending more money on defence, does it make you invincible, yes it gives good projection and that is what happened with soviet union in Afghanistan.

Inspite of being the second largest superpower they not only retreated but could not save their own territory. Are KSA bigger in power than Russians, ofcourse not. But showing some hi tech gadjet does not guarantee your safety and mind you all these weapons are a show off and only to creat fear to Iran (which is another problem).

Think for a second if all the western countries back out their support from KSA do you think KSA have any chance. I have serious doubt.

Last but not the least as far the BS is concern you are not very far behind then few here. So keep crap withing yourself.
^^ Pakistan would try its level best to kick out indian influence from Afghanistan .

We must convince USA to limit indian activities and when they will leave Pakistan can take back its political power among afghans.

Black blood bro you are overestimating the power of Saudi Arabia.Pls don't estimate the power of country by it's defence budget.If it is like that than INDIA was Much more Powerful than us from the very first day then why they haven't been able to eradicate us completely.If Sheer numbers and defence budget is all that countes than I think Taliban only have few millions but they are still able to defeat the US and it's multinational force.Bro if Only defence budget was the factor than ISLAM wouldn't have never even born.Ghazwa BADAR MUSLIMS were outnumbered 3 to 1 .Only had 1 sword for the whole army.In GHAZEA UHAD again outmunbered 3 to 1 and in GHAZWA Khandak outnumbered 9 to1 but still how did they not only survived but outclassed kufaar in every single battle..Bro if only numbers and technology mattered than how was ISRAEL able to outclass ARABS in every single war.In every single war ISRAEL was up against not a single ARAB country but many .Bro there's no doubt that Saudia Arabia has huge defence budget but there is another thing which are ISLAM teaches us Wars are not solely won by numbers and weapons it's the will to fight the GAZBA to sacrifice for the ISLAM this that counts.Saudia doesn't have any of these things only money and when a person has money he forgets the things like sacrifice and love and only relies on the material things.So bro I agree maybe the present power of Pakistan is only enough to barely defend it self but you don't know what would happen in the future look at the signs.Pakistan is the only country in the world created in the name of ALLAH and ISLAM.Pakistan created on 27th of Ramdaan and it's no small indication.And maybe you have looked another thread of Balochistan.What was the Grandson of Khan Of Kalaat saying about why Baluchistan joined Pakistan.Yes he said that in Dream HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (SAWW) himself came to Khan of Kalaat saying that a muslim country is being created and you are trying to get away from it.Just Imagine HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (SAWW) himself came to order Balochistan to join Pakistan.It is no small thing.It means ALLAH also wanted Pakistan.So Bro just by having fancy equipment you can't win a war.Maybe i am fool but i am firmly believe that It is the destiny of Pakistan to take the leadership of UMMAH and ultimately the defence of UMMAH will fall upon the shoulders of Pakistan.

Now you have come to the right track in discussion .

You guys have been underestimating KSA in terms of military proffessionalsm so i had to prove you wrong.

Saudi's are God gifted people and they are as good as Us being Pakistani muslims , they are the decendents of the Sahaba and Sayad's.

Allah will help them in any war , they are all muslims so are we so what is the point?

I am asking you is just not to patronise Pakistan as being the king of the ring , I think every one can perform equal to us.

If Pakistan would have taken Kashmir then i must have agreed with you as Paksitan being a nation who can do extraordinary power but its not the case . We are only poweful enought to only defend ourselves and this is the end of it so are the saudis equal to us in this context.:tup:
Spending more money on defence, does it make you invincible, yes it gives good projection and that is what happened with soviet union in Afghanistan..

Is Pakistan invincible by not spending a lot of money? If not then what makes you invincible ?
Inspite of being the second largest superpower they not only retreated but could not save their own territory. Are KSA bigger in power than Russians, ofcourse not. But showing some hi tech gadjet does not guarantee your safety and mind you all these weapons are a show off and only to creat fear to Iran (which is another problem). .

Russia was defeated by USA get it in your mind.

Think for a second if all the western countries back out their support from KSA do you think KSA have any chance. I have serious doubt. .

Saudis are going forward to home made equipment , they are going to produce Eurofighter at home , If Pakistan can become self sufficiat they also can not a problem.
If they back off they will get their oil banned.

Last but not the least as far the BS is concern you are not very far behind then few here. So keep crap withing yourself.

Lets not flame the tread , i would not respond to kids playing around.

Bro we had multiple chances of taking Kashmir unfortunately it was because of our leaders that we failed but that is the failure of leaders not of the Pakistani nation.And As far Saudi Military Power you are the first person in the whole world that is defending a non existing army.Saudia only has a show army that can't do anything.But Bro even After reading my last post you still haven't change your mind then it shows that you have made up your mind and there is nothing in the world that can change it.
Saudi defence industry strategy takes shape
Saudi Arabia: Tuesday, September 02 - 2008 at 11:27
.Plans to develop military aircraft production in Saudi Arabia are moving ahead following the Kingdom's agreement to purchase Typhoon fighter jets from BAE Systems. The new deal calls for most of the aircraft to be assembled in Saudi Arabia.

The Al Salam agreement will see some of Saudi Arabia's Typhoons assembled in-country

In March, Defence and Aviation Minister Crown Prince Sultan laid the foundation stone at King Abdulaziz Air Base in Eastern Province for a new centre to update and assemble systems for Saudi military aircraft.

The complex will be developed on a 300,000sqkm site will include a range of hangars, stores for hazardous materials, workshops, fuel storage, a water desalination plant and power station as well as other utilities and infrastructure.

Saudi Arabia signed an agreement to purchase 72 Typhoon Eurofighter in September 2007. The purchase, for which BAE Systems is prime contractor, is likely to be valued at up to $40bn or more in the long term as a result of additional support contracts.

The aircraft purchase, designated Project Salam, follows on from the Al Yamamah agreement forged between the UK and the Kingdom in 1985 that has involved the supply of Tornado fighters, Hawk and Pilatus trainer aircraft, warships, munitions, training and support services.

The agreement, which has generated an estimated $75bn of business for BAE Systems and associated sub-contractors, is now largely completed apart from ongoing support.

Its successor, Project Salam is to be supported by substantial logistical and training packages' including the opportunity for British and Saudi air crews and ground technicians to train alongside each other in the UK.

This will deepen the UK's involvement in the operational capability of the Saudi air force bringing the latter's training standards on a par with those of one of Nato's leading members.

BAE Systems is also committed to developing a 'home market' operation in the Kingdom by creating an indigenous industrial capability for both local consumption and export markets.

Following delivery of the first 24 Typhoon aircraft to the Kingdom over the next 18 months, plans are moving ahead to complete the final assembly of the remaining 48 Typhoon aircraft in Saudi Arabia.

Negotiations are believed to be under way that would see an additional 24-48 Typhoons assembled locally.

BAE Systems is already one the largest private sector employers in the Kingdom with over 4,600 personnel, half of whom are Saudis.

The company says that the kingdom's economic reform programme and new laws attracting foreign direct investment have made it easier to plan for a more advanced stage involving both equipment assembly and original equipment manufacturing in addition to repair and maintenance.

Key partnership organisations in Saudi Arabia are said to be Alsalam Aircraft, Advanced Electronics, Aircraft Accessories and Components and Saudi Development and Training. A logistics management operation is being set up and Granada Enterprises, 'a property management vehicle,' has also been established it says.

BAE believes that as it develops its own engineering capability in the Kingdom, the support of international associates and suppliers is also drawn in. 'This ability to act as a magnet for further growth is a key outcome of sun-rise industries. In turn, attracting component suppliers in the defence sector spawns further knowledge and technology transfer.'

Bro we had multiple chances of taking Kashmir unfortunately it was because of our leaders that we failed but that is the failure of leaders not of the Pakistani nation

and it will be always :cheers:
Potential Threats To Israel: Saudi Arabia

The Saudis have accumulated one of the most modern militaries in the Arab world. Although there is minimal threat to Israel from Saudi Arabia on its own, the Saudis have participated in previous Arab-Israeli wars, and the prospect that it could do so again, this time with its state-of-the-art weapons arsenal, must be taken seriously. An additional risk that cannot be dismissed is the possibility of a hostile, anti-western regime taking over the country. The Saudis also bankroll military purchases by some of Israelis more direct adversaries, such as Syria.

Saudi Arabia has amassed one of the region’s most advanced militaries. Israeli military assessments must account for the Saudi air force because the quality of Saudi aircraft and aerial missiles are on par with Israeli models, directly impacting on Israel’s vital qualitative military edge.

Saudi Arabia has reportedly transferred much of its advanced F-15 fighter-jet fleet to the Tabuk air base in violation of the kingdom's promises not to do so. As part of the Carter Administration's effort to persuade Congress to approve the controversial sale of F-15s to the Saudis in 1978, U.S. Secretary of Defense Harold Brown said in a letter to Congress that the planes would be based elsewhere in part because they would be too vulnerable at Tabuk.

From this advanced base, the jets could reach Israel's southern border in about six minutes. The United States requested that the Saudis return the planes to their original bases, but they have so far refused to do so. Consequently, Israel has had to increase its monitoring of Saudi Arabia.

In December 2005, Britain and Saudi Arabia signed a memorandum of understanding to increase Britain’s involvement in modernizing the Saudi armed forces and to engage in joint training and exercises. In July 2006, Saudi Arabia is expected to sign a multibillion dollar contract with BAE systems in Britain, which would include the replacement of British-made Tornado jets with perhaps as many as 72 new Eurofighter Typhoon jets. The new fighter, which would not be delivered until 2008, had previously been sold only to countries involved in manufacturing the planes — Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain and Austria.

In 1981, the United States sold sophisticated AWACS radar planes, a controversial decision that was opposed by many members of Congress and only approved after some restrictions were placed on how the AWACS would be equipped and where they would be based. In 2007, Boeing announced it signed a contract to enhance the AWACS' capabilities by installing a secure, jam-resistant, digital data link that allows military aircraft, ships and ground units to exchange tactical pictures with each other in near real time.

Nuclear Ambitions?

Concern is growing that Saudi Arabia may also be interested in pursuing a nuclear option, particularly in light of rival Iran's secret nuclear weapons development program. Nevertheless, the International Atomic Energy Agency approved a deal June 16, 2005, that keeps nuclear inspectors out of Saudi Arabia. The IAEA approved the deal despite serious misgivings about such arrangements in this era of heightened proliferation fears.

The Saudis qualified for a “small quantities protocol, ” which frees countries from reporting the possession of up to 10 tons of natural uranium – enough to make a bomb – or up to 20 tons of depleted uranium, depending on the degree of enrichment, and 2.2 pounds of plutonium.

Saudi Stability

Saudi Arabia faces openly critical opposition forces. While Saudi Arabia is considered one of Washington's closest friends in the Gulf, opposition forces have been openly critical of the government and its close ties with the U.S. and the West. In recognition of this sentiment, the Saudi government has been reluctant to host American troops or stockpile American military equipment, which has led the United States to remove most of its troops from the kingdom and to shift its principal military base in the region to Qatar.

While Saudi Arabia is considered one of Washington's closest Gulf allies, several Saudi dissident groups, most notably al-Qaida, have attempted to overthrow the government. The opposition has been openly critical of the government and its close ties with Washington and the West. These groups justify the use of terror to rid Saudi Arabia of all Western influence.

Saudi Arabia was home to 15 of the 19 hijackers who perpetrated the atrocities of September 11 and has been uncooperative in investigating not only those terrorist attacks, but two others perpetrated against Americans on Saudi soil: the November 1995 bombing of the Saudi National Guard training center in Riyadh, which killed five Americans, and the June 25, 1996, attack outside the U.S. Air Force housing facility in Dhahran that killed 19 Americans.

Some Saudi individuals, as well as members of the royal family, have been accused of financing Islamic radicals within countries such as Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan. The monarchy also supports Islamic schools around the world that teach the most extreme interpretation of Islam.

Potential Threats To Israel: Saudi Arabia
Spending more money on defence, does it make you invincible, yes it gives good projection and that is what happened with soviet union in Afghanistan.

Inspite of being the second largest superpower they not only retreated but could not save their own territory. Are KSA bigger in power than Russians, ofcourse not. But showing some hi tech gadjet does not guarantee your safety and mind you all these weapons are a show off and only to creat fear to Iran (which is another problem).

Think for a second if all the western countries back out their support from KSA do you think KSA have any chance. I have serious doubt.

Last but not the least as far the BS is concern you are not very far behind then few here. So keep crap withing yourself.


Bro we had multiple chances of taking Kashmir unfortunately it was because of our leaders that we failed but that is the failure of leaders not of the Pakistani nation.And As far Saudi Military Power you are the first person in the whole world that is defending a non existing army.Saudia only has a show army that can't do anything.But Bro even After reading my last post you still haven't change your mind then it shows that you have made up your mind and there is nothing in the world that can change it.[/QUOTE]

Stop blaming luck. Everyone makes their own luck and destiny if it was the failure of our leaders then who elects those leaders?

What makes you think Saudia has a show army? and why do you think they they are " impotent" in military terms !

You can prove me wrong and get my mind changed by posting statics and facts , performance in military exercises , military spendings , and engadements.:pakistan:

Plans to develop military aircraft production in Saudi Arabia are moving ahead following the Kingdom's agreement to purchase Typhoon fighter jets from BAE Systems. The new deal calls for most of the aircraft to be assembled in Saudi Arabia.


I highly doubt if Saudis have got any infra structure & expertise to even assemble EF, Impossible

PS:They may bring people from other countries in Saudi Arabia but Saudis themselves are just too lame...
TO protect the holy places they're depending on Kafirs (unbelievers)..they're stooges of US..won't show any mercy on Muslims of other countries..they treat sub continent Muslims as wastes, look at the expatriates of the sub continent, ask any one abt the saudis...
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@ Black BLood

PLS PLS PLS bro completely read my this post

Black blood bro you are overestimating the power of Saudi Arabia.Pls don't estimate the power of country by it's defence budget.If it is like that than INDIA was Much more Powerful than us from the very first day then why they haven't been able to eradicate us completely.If Sheer numbers and defence budget is all that countes than I think Taliban only have few millions but they are still able to defeat the US and it's multinational force.Bro if Only defence budget was the factor than ISLAM wouldn't have never even born.Ghazwa BADAR MUSLIMS were outnumbered 3 to 1 .Only had 1 sword for the whole army.In GHAZEA UHAD again outmunbered 3 to 1 and in GHAZWA Khandak outnumbered 9 to1 but still how did they not only survived but outclassed kufaar in every single battle..Bro if only numbers and technology mattered than how was ISRAEL able to outclass ARABS in every single war.In every single war ISRAEL was up against not a single ARAB country but many .Bro there's no doubt that Saudia Arabia has huge defence budget but there is another thing which are ISLAM teaches us Wars are not solely won by numbers and weapons it's the will to fight the GAZBA to sacrifice for the ISLAM this that counts.Saudia doesn't have any of these things only money and when a person has money he forgets the things like sacrifice and love and only relies on the material things.So bro I agree maybe the present power of Pakistan is only enough to barely defend it self but you don't know what would happen in the future look at the signs.Pakistan is the only country in the world created in the name of ALLAH and ISLAM.Pakistan created on 27th of Ramdaan and it's no small indication.And maybe you have looked another thread of Balochistan.What was the Grandson of Khan Of Kalaat saying about why Baluchistan joined Pakistan.Yes he said that in Dream HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (SAWW) himself came to Khan of Kalaat saying that a muslim country is being created and you are trying to get away from it.Just Imagine HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (SAWW) himself came to order Balochistan to join Pakistan.It is no small thing.It means ALLAH also wanted Pakistan.So Bro just by having fancy equipment you can't win a war.Maybe i am fool but i am firmly believe that It is the destiny of Pakistan to take the leadership of UMMAH and ultimately the defence of UMMAH will fall upon the shoulders of Pakistan.
TO protect the holy places they're depending on fakirs (unbelievers)..they're stooges of US..won't show any mercy on Muslims of other countries..they treat sub continent Muslims as wastes, look at the expatriates of the sub continent, ask any one abt the saudis...

Sir you are saying as if HOLY PLACES are owned by the SAUDIS everyone in the ummah will be ready to die for the Defence of HOLY PLACES

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