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Anybody with a contact in BIDA, BEZA?


Nov 24, 2018
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United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
Hello comrades,

Is there anybody with a contact in those two?
I tried the "front door" method already. Basically you need to have few megabucks in the pocket, or they don't want to hear from you.
Yes, you are right. Although our great asset @UKBengali will get annoyed but what you have experienced is the real Bangladesh whoever is its PM or President.

Our bureaucrats think because you will be making money in BD by using its cheap labor, so what is so wrong if you give them two paisas in advance, they deserve it because they waste their valuable OFFICE time to serve your interests. Give us money and we will pave the way for you to establish a factory. Next, when you make money do not forget to keep on filling our side pockets because it would make our wives very happy.

No wonder, almost zero FDI reached our Golden Bangladesh whereas India received $22.53 billion worth of FDIs only in three months.

Yes, you are right. Although our great asset @UKBengali will get annoyed but what you have experienced is the real Bangladesh whoever is its PM or President.

Our bureaucrats think because you will be making money in BD by using its cheap labor, so what is so wrong if you give them two paisas in advance, they deserve it because they waste their valuable OFFICE time to serve your interests. Give us money and we will pave the way for you to establish a factory. Next, when you make money do not forget to keep on filling our side pockets because it would make our wives very happy.

No wonder, almost zero FDI reached our Golden Bangladesh whereas India received $22.53 billion worth of FDIs only in three months.

What makes you think that FDI is always great thing?

Vietnam has massive FDI but poor domestic investments and so a lot of the benefits of economic growth will go to foreign multinationals and not to it's own companies.

In India, a lot of this is due to "Make in India" initiative but whereas in BD, domestic companies like Walton are designing and manufacturing electronics, in India it is foreigners where the technology transfer to Indians will be very limited.

FDI creates work but no real tech or capital benefits for the host country.

BD economic growth is mainly being created by its own companies and that is a far better model as can be seen by the experience of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

"The provisional estimate, however, showed that private investment to GDP ratio stood at 23.63 per cent in the last fiscal year while public investment to GDP ratio was 8.03 per cent."

Over 30% is a good level and similar to India.

BD FDI is hovering at around 2.5-3 billion US dollars a year and this should increase somewhat but at the moment the total investments in the country is allowing faster economic growth than in India and expected to do so for the forseeable future. We need to see how much the infrastructure projects currently ongoing and SEZs attract more FDI into BD over this decade but this will take some years to play out.
What makes you think that FDI is always great thing?

Vietnam has massive FDI but poor domestic investments and so a lot of the benefits of economic growth will go to foreign multinationals and not to it's own companies.

In India, a lot of this is due to "Make in India" initiative but whereas in BD, domestic companies like Walton are designing and manufacturing electronics, in India it is foreigners where the technology transfer to Indians will be very limited.

FDI creates work but no real tech or capital benefits for the host country.

BD economic growth is mainly being created by its own companies and that is a far better model as can be seen by the experience of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.
Local investment is the best but in today's world an economically weak country like BD that lacks its own technologies to build even small machines, tools, equipment or anything mechanical, needs FDI to quick-start economic development.

Whatever you or the GoB says on the economic performance, BD remains an underdeveloped country. It is not yet a developing one. So, all kinds of investments are needed.

Do not please cite the GDP figures, it has little value when it is not reflected in the people's living standard and millions of people are being forced to work abroad. BD's GDP figures are all hoaxes or very superficial when industrial productions remain as limited as 50 years ago.
Local investment is the best but in today's world an economically weak country like BD that lacks its own technologies to build even small machines, tools, equipment or anything mechanical, needs FDI to quick-start economic development.

Whatever you or the GoB says on the economic performance, BD remains an underdeveloped country. It is not yet a developing one. So, all kinds of investments are needed.

Do not please cite the GDP figures, it has little value when it is not reflected in the people's living standard and millions of people are being forced to work abroad. BD's GDP figures are all hoaxes or very superficial when industrial productions remain as limited as 50 years ago.
You are one stubborn old man.
Local investment is the best but in today's world an economically weak country like BD that lacks its own technologies to build even small machines, tools, equipment or anything mechanical, needs FDI to quick-start economic development.

Whatever you or the GoB says on the economic performance, BD remains an underdeveloped country. It is not yet a developing one. So, all kinds of investments are needed.

Do not please cite the GDP figures, it has little value when it is not reflected in the people's living standard and millions of people are being forced to work abroad. BD's GDP figures are all hoaxes or very superficial when industrial productions remain as limited as 50 years ago.

Have you ever considered that these statements of yours simply feeds hindutva trolls?
Local investment is the best but in today's world an economically weak country like BD that lacks its own technologies to build even small machines, tools, equipment or anything mechanical, needs FDI to quick-start economic development.

Whatever you or the GoB says on the economic performance, BD remains an underdeveloped country. It is not yet a developing one. So, all kinds of investments are needed.

Do not please cite the GDP figures, it has little value when it is not reflected in the people's living standard and millions of people are being forced to work abroad. BD's GDP figures are all hoaxes or very superficial when industrial productions remain as limited as 50 years ago.
and thanks for your contribution to bd economy. helped a lot
You are one stubborn old man.
Why the Hell do you answer my comments that are true? Are you not the same stubborn stupid BAL Mullah who pretends to know nothing of his own country's corruption? Go visit any govt office to know the reality.

Or, you can state your own experience with BIDA and BEZA instead of talking like a monkey here making personal attacks, bloody monkey?

Why did not you answer @TOTUU when he was complaining about BIDA/BEZA corruption? But, you chose to make personal attacks in the guise of answering my statement, idiot the great!! He was complaining about his experience with BIDA and BEZA.

Byata Chagoler baccha, next time you do similar personal attacks without giving a proper answer, I will report it, idiot!!
Have you ever considered that these statements of yours simply feeds hindutva trolls?

How can you take the dude seriously when all neutral economic experts contradict his pessimistic outlook on the BD economy?

Sounds like a butt-hurt expat where things did not work out for him in BD and so running a vendetta against it.
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Why the Hell do you answer my comments that are true? Are you not the same stubborn stupid BAL Mullah who pretends to know nothing of his own country's corruption? Go visit any govt office to know the reality.

Or, you can state your own experience with BIDA and BEZA instead of talking like a monkey here making personal attacks, bloody monkey?

Why did not you answer @TOTUU when he was complaining about BIDA/BEZA corruption? But, you chose to make personal attacks in the guise of answering my statement, idiot the great!! He was complaining about his experience with BIDA and BEZA.

Byata Chagoler baccha, next time you do similar personal attacks without giving a proper answer, I will report it, idiot!!
Next time you spread propaganda about bangladesh, i will report it, old man
Next time you spread propaganda about bangladesh, i will report it, old man
Idiot teenager, you better answer what @TOTUU asked instead of criticizing me to tell the reality of BD culture. You guys are sooo accustomed to corruption that people think corruption is the mother of patriotism and anyone who protests it is automatically an enemy of BD. But the entire world knows what we are.

No wonder BD remains at the bottom. Anyway, give an answer to @TOTUU, he was talking about corruption. Now, tell him no corruption in BD and ask him to come and meet you. Bloody 420 !!!
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