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Any questions regarding Pakistan.

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If pakistan finds a 100 trillion $ worth mineral oil and suddenly started to export 500billion $ annually ,what would you like your country to do with that money ?

Spend on development of whole country & people, after that help other countries to develop. Also 500 billion $ is not that big money. I hope you were not trolling.
Is christmas or a diwali holiday given in Pakistani schools ?

I was thinking about this question...With SOOOO MANY Muslims in UK and USA and other BIG countries, EID, Ramadan or Hijrah has not been announced as a National holiday and no one questions...But when it comes to Pakistan, it is somehow unfair?

Just something out of curiosity...Why UK and USA were not asked the same question about Muslim holidays?
Another question, Why is Sunday off in Pakistan....and Friday is ONLY half day...or is that gone too?

I know many Middle Eastern countries take Friday and another day off...either Thursday or Saturday....While Brunei Darussalam takes Friday and Sunday....Why in Friday is not Public holiday in Pakistan?
Yes I do believe it.

What kind of examples do you really want.

Read the Pakistani press. The mere fact that people write openly and so much against the ills that our society faces, means that people are becoming aware of the bad things and are talking against these. This I believe is progression and not regression.

Our news channels are more entertaining than your TV dramas.

The cultural dogmas are being turned on their head.

Actually, in my personal opinion, what you people read in the Indian press and some of the western outlets probably leads you to believe that. They have their own axe to grind. The ground situation is nothing like the one being painted by yours and western press.

Yes, like i said, there are ups and downs but the direction we are moving is the right one.

I am asking for actual events that beggared your belief that Pakistan is progressing towards a progressive, modern democratic country.

And your media gives ample airtime for the likes of Zahid Hamid, the water car guy etc which doesn't speak much about your media, and the recent media scam regarding your tv hosts like Luqman and the lady who was with him shows the immaturity of your media. Though I agree lot of issues are coming out to the fore the reason is because there are a lot of issues ranging from terrorism to corruption, memos, scams - your Ex PM just came back from jail and you had 2 new PM's within a week. Gilani in an interview asks disapproving Pakistani's to leave the country - "nobody's stopping them - he says. Your media presenters are fighting amongst themselves, A Q Khan comes on the media and claims that he proliferated nuke tech to 2 other countries... your media is immature and by the looks of it corrupt as well.

I fully agree your news channels are more entertaining than soap operas.
Is christmas or a diwali holiday given in Pakistani schools ?
Original Post By Akash A.

Christmas is an official holiday for the Christians and a government letter to this affect exists.

For other minorities, as per government directives, their places of work are supposed to provide them the holidays as per their respective religious days.
I am asking for actual events that beggared your belief that Pakistan is progressing towards a progressive, modern democratic country.

And your media gives ample airtime for the likes of Zahid Hamid, the water car guy etc which doesn't speak much about your media, and the recent media scam regarding your tv hosts like Luqman and the lady who was with him shows the immaturity of your media. Though I agree lot of issues are coming out to the fore the reason is because there are a lot of issues ranging from terrorism to corruption, memos, scams - your Ex PM just came back from jail and you had 2 new PM's within a week. Gilani in an interview asks disapproving Pakistani's to leave the country - "nobody's stopping them - he says. Your media presenters are fighting amongst themselves, A Q Khan comes on the media and claims that he proliferated nuke tech to 2 other countries... your media is immature and by the looks of it corrupt as well.

I fully agree your news channels are more entertaining than soap operas.

I don't know what are you seeking an answer to. Your comment is stupid and frivolous.

What do you want me to do, quote what is happening in the Indian media, the scandals, the money scams, who owns the media groups and how these are controlled from outside. What the heck. I am not going to go into this.

Who told you that our PM just came out of jail and there were two new PMs after that. Where do you get such crap - obviously from your own Indian press.

Provide a logical answer or a comment - otherwise just shut up and get lost.
But wait .. Monkey D luffy has said ... I'm Indian don't believe me ..but Monkey D luffy is Pakistani. What about his comment ?
read comment no. #427

since when an afghan become a pakistani??
I was thinking about this question...With SOOOO MANY Muslims in UK and USA and other BIG countries, EID, Ramadan or Hijrah has not been announced as a National holiday and no one questions...But when it comes to Pakistan, it is somehow unfair?

Just something out of curiosity...Why UK and USA were not asked the same question about Muslim holidays?

Agree with you one hundred percent.

"Any questions regarding Pakistan" is exactly the right place to ask those scumbags, the UK and the USA, why they have not given school children and office goers official Muslim holidays.

After thinking about it, it causes more anger. It is morally and ethically rotten of the UK and the USA to create such a difficult situation and leave Pakistan to face the jibes, bad jokes and stupid questions alone. They deserve to have their heads cut off.
I don't know whether its asked earlier..But how many Pakistanis know that:

Bollywood<> Indian Films

Bollywood music<> Indian Music

Indian Media<> Hindi Media etc etc.

In short how many Pakistanis know that not all Indians speak Hindi and the country have 22 official languages. How many Pakistani know about the diversity of India.
I don't know whether its asked earlier..But how many Pakistanis know that:

Bollywood<> Indian Films

Bollywood music<> Indian Music

Indian Media<> Hindi Media etc etc.

In short how many Pakistanis know that not all Indians speak Hindi and the country have 22 official languages. How many Pakistani know about the diversity of India.

I think most Pakistanis don't really care about the diversity of India. We have nothing in common with those people. We have common language with North west Indians so we can understand the movies and what not. But that's about it. Don't really know or care about the Tamils or the North East states or what not.
I don't know what are you seeking an answer to. Your comment is stupid and frivolous.

What do you want me to do, quote what is happening in the Indian media, the scandals, the money scams, who owns the media groups and how these are controlled from outside. What the heck. I am not going to go into this.

Who told you that our PM just came out of jail and there were two new PMs after that. Where do you get such crap - obviously from your own Indian press.

Provide a logical answer or a comment - otherwise just shut up and get lost.

Yeah right, as if pointing out Indian media will auomatically solve your problems, I didn't expect much from you in the first place, I asked u for a reason for not thinking that Pakistan is in trouble because of fundamentalists and Mullahs.

You said something to the contrary and I asked u for a few events that gave enough reason for thinking that. You pointed out to your fair and evolved media, which any sane person will tell u that is neither fair nor honest, media is manipulated and works as a mouth piece and I pointed out to the immaturity of yr media.

The last line of your post is more suitable for u, come up with something other than rhetoric or shut up.
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