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anti-Pakistan propaganda articles on wikipedia, please edit

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Which part of NW (North West) you didn't understand.

Why this fazool behas if you have run out of arguments?

Tell me how UP impacted Sindh before 1947

art culture books poetry

anything to support your ayeeen baaayeeeen shayeeeen
So basically what your saying is there was no cultural exchange between the two? Did they not share same religions i.e(hinduism and buddhism) I already explained it but i guess your not ready to accept that there is alot of history to the regions that are now Pakistan and India.
I guess I should have put the "frankensteinian" in quotes. Most cultures in the world, especially those that were former colonies (such as India and Pakistan) are a culmination of different cultures from around the world. So Frankenstein isn't a bad word to use.

Correct. Globalisation and stuff.

Good to see you back. I remember that avatar anyday. :D
Good. So it is just one state out of the WHOLE India.

Tell me how UP impacted Balochistan, KP, Sindh before 1947?

I left Punjab out because Punjab and UP impacted each other before 1947.

Sindh was the part of Bombay Province. I have no interest about Pashtun and Baloch similarity with Indians.

If you didn't know, INDIC is a troll.

He has made many provocative statements regarding Pakistanis.

If you find anything you don't agree with, kindly tell it. Please refrain from writing crap.
Depends on the region.

For example Telgu area has not impacted north west.

So no impact of food and culture.

In fact south India did not impact much of north for a long long time,

As for the North India,

it depends.

Bihar culture had no DIRECT link with Punjabi culture.

So your statement of "India impacting south asia" is vague and incorrect.

Wasn't India before a collection splinter kingdoms? Andhra used to the Hyderabad Kingdom and Kerala used to be the Travancore and Cochin Kingdom etc.

Only a few times have the subcontinent been united entirely.

So in terms of India now, @That Guy is correct.
Relax guys . A new kid is on the block but after a few months he will calm down as well .

And who you are?
He is a elite member...

Elite member means nothing . Its just a count of posts . Let never the count of your posts define you .
And who you are?
He is a elite member...

Read through his posts, he antagonises Pakistani posters here, sometimes unnecessarily so.

Yes Pakistanis do it too, but @FaujHistorian is a more balanced poster.

I have no problem with @INDIC going after the Pakistani trolls here.
I understand Hindi. Can't speak it though.

But more Keralites are learning Hindi, more South Indians are learning Hindi as you have a huge influx of North Indian immigrants.

Reverse also happen.Now India's most expanding language is malayalam.Same reason you pointed out.
Relax guys . A new kid is on the block but after a few months he will calm down as well .

Elite member means nothing . Its just a count of posts . Let never the count of your posts define you .
I know that but i also have read his posts thats why i am saying......

Are you reffering to me by "new Kid"?
Dont go by my join date......;)
I know that but i also have read his posts thats why i am saying......

Are you reffering to me by "new Kid"?
Dont go by my join date......;)

I am not referring to you but the OP .
Read through his posts, he antagonises Pakistani posters here, sometimes unnecessarily so.

Yes Pakistanis do it too, but @FaujHistorian is a more balanced poster.

I have no problem with @INDIC going after the Pakistani trolls here.
He doesnt antagonises anyone.....
You cant find a balanced and Knowleadgeable poster(History) more than in this whole forum.......
these pakistanis will always troll and deny.
the only truth is, they are the outcome of indian culture and ethnicity. they may deny this for ever but truth is truth. whether they take of fake it.:tup:
I have no problem with @INDIC going after the Pakistani trolls here.

I merely mentioned how Pakistan see themselves as nation based on only common religion and 'not India' for this they always bring the non ethnic similarities, if you have known it you wouldn't have called me a troll. How could have avoided mentioning the religion when they see only religion as their Pakistan identity.
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I was a guest at a South Indian family's house in USA.

We all went for Massala Dosa dinner and a bollywood movie.

For the whole time I was translating the movie for them.

Talk about India's impact on South India let alone on Pakistan or the whole forking continent.

Hope you understand now.

then Bihar became Punjabi speaking


all Punjabis starting talking like Lallu Parsad Yadev.

Talk about impact.

I am also a South Indian .You are right we cant understand Hindi completely.But even in this kerala where malayalam language, is common also twisted in different parts.I am in central parts of Kerala.So some writers claim people in central parts called mid- travancore use pure malayalam.But it is fact malaylam language use in this area and malabar area is considerably different .Even an average keralite from my area cant understand that malayalam in malabar area.
It all about unity in diversity in this kerala and in India
we also like bollywood film.Fact is north India Hindi culture show more similarity to pakistan .So this Indian cultural invasion happen.But Hindus in North India and South India almost worship same Gods but different way.Namaste in Hindi become 'Namaskaram' in malayalam.
So we Indians always have common culture ,if it is not in language then in some other ways.
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