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Ansar Burney deported from India

By the way, does your Dutch upbringing have something to do with your laidback attitude? (That's a compliment)

No, I'm from a very patriotic family and have a military background but the laidback attitude is part of my cover...lol :devil:
No, I'm from a very patriotic family and have a military background but the laidback attitude is part of my cover...lol :devil:

Heh...can't you be patriotic and laidback at the same time?
^^ how about you can you layoff for a while?

Burney regrets “half-apology” by Indian government
Nirupama Subramanian

ISLAMABAD: Ansar Burney, the Pakistani human rights activist who was deported from India, said on Saturday the “half-apology” by the Indian government had pained him even more than the incident itself.

The Ministry of Home Affairs issued a statement saying Mr. Burney was not deported but “denied entry” on account of “inadequate documentation.” In the same statement, the Ministry said the “inconvenience” to him was “unfortunate and regrettable.” An official from the Ministry External Affairs also called Mr. Burney and spoke to him

The well-known human rights activist, who was instrumental in getting President Pervez Musharraf to pardon Kashmir Singh, an Indian who had spent 30 years on death row in a Pakistani jail — he was at that time a Minister in the 2007-2008 caretaker government — said he was unable to understand what documents he did not have.

“Why apologise to me at all if I was not carrying some required documents? In that case, I should apologise to India. Either they were wrong, or I was wrong. It cannot be both ways. This is a half-apology, and it has caused me more pain,” Mr. Burney told The Hindu from London.

He flew from Dubai where he was sent back by the Indian immigration officials on arrival at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA).

Mr. Burney also said there was no difference between “denial of entry” and deportation, as he was marched back into a flight from Dubai on which he had arrived, and which was headed back to the same city.

“I had a passport stamped with a multiple entry visa for India, and it was with that I travelled to India six weeks ago. I had ceased to be a Minister then. No one stopped me at that time,” he said, demanding to know what additional documents he did not have.

Moreover, notwithstanding the “inadequate documentation,” the Indian official who spoke to him asked him to come back to India.

“In fact he asked me to come tomorrow. But I have to make up my mind on whether I’ll ever travel to India again. I first want a clarification on what documents I did not have,” Mr. Burney said, adding if something important was missing from his visa, he still did not have it.

Mr. Burney and his family, who run the Ansar Burney Trust that is engaged in prison welfare work, had to face much criticism in Pakistan for being instrumental in Kashmir Singh’s release.

The human rights activist said he was told by journalist friends that perhaps it was some elements in Pakistan government that had asked the Indian government to deny him entry, because they were unhappy that “I had become such a hero” in India.

He said it was “a matter of great regret” that while Indian officials had spoken to him, not a single Pakistan government official had got in touch with him to find out the facts of the case.

Mr. Burney said his deportation had shocked him. An official sitting at the IGIA immigration counter had almost finished examining his passport, when another official showed up and asked to see it. Mr. Burney was then told to wait in a room. The official returned after 40-45 minutes “with my deportation papers” and told the other officials in the room to put him back on the Dubai flight.

“I could not believe I was being asked to leave by a country that showered so much love on me so recently. In fact, even the immigration officials were apologising to me profusely for this treatment,” he said.

But he also added that the incident would not motivate him to stop working for the welfare of Indian prisoners in Pakistan, or Pakistani prisoners in India. “Please convey through your newspaper that I will continue my work on behalf of these poor people. I don’t believe in revenge.”
Burney's visit was cleared by govt, says BukhariAds

New Delhi, June 01, 2008
First Published: 17:58 IST(1/6/2008)
Last Updated: 18:37 IST(1/6/2008)

The schedule of former Pakistan minister Ansar Burney, who was sent back upon his arrival here, was conveyed to the government well in advance and it had given the go ahead to his visit, Shahi Imam of the capital's Jama Masjid Syed Ahmad Bukhari said on Sunday.

The Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs were informed six months back about the Pakistani human rights activist's schedule to participate in the international conference against terrorism in New Delhi, but he was sent back, Bukhari told reporters.

"The process for the conference had started six months earlier. At that time we had informed the Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs about his visit. The government had also given the clearance for his visit," he said.
The Jama Masjid United Forum is organising the conference.

The list of delegates was prepared and the confirmed list was sent to both ministries. The government had also sent its letters for visa clearance, Bukhari said.

"If at all they had any reservation, the government should have told us not to invite Burney to the conference. But sending him back in this fashion at the last minute is very unfortunate," Bukhari said.He said Burney was instrumental in the release of Indian prisoner Kashmir Singh and he is now fighting for the relief of death row prisoner Sarabjit Singh.

"The government's step would demoralise him in doing such work in future. We are not able to understand the government's action," he said.

The Home Ministry has already expressed regrets for sending back Burney upon arrival at Delhi Airport on Friday night.

Burney's visit was cleared by govt, says Bukhari- Hindustan Times
The Indian govt has blundered.

Someone must pay for this!

That's exactly what we are contesting!
It was not a bluder of any sort by any one. Have you not read the events described by the Burney?
He is even blaming Zardari for his deportation.
This infect is sparking new concerns. Why indians are so close to Zardari's personality that they care too much of him that they risked their name instead of spitting his name.
This means indians virtually are rulling Pakistan and they can have any thing from this guy as a return favor?
He had a SAARC sticker, that means he can go to any country which belongs to SAARC without a visa.

I guess they want him to bring one of their SPY from Pakistan, every time he visits. Indians are "Ehsaan Faramosh".
Ansar Burney is lucky he was deported alive. Some have not been that lucky.
Lol bara he acha hua ha. aisoon ka saath aisa he hona chaie. BAra india ka chumcha bun raha tha.
what you expect? Indians have always hated Pakistani's, its just a matter of not showing it. and in some cases they even have.
Well done Indian teaching Burney good lesson. He needs one. He was voice of oppressed Indians in Pakistani jails.
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