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Another Islamophobe Blogger Knifed

acts. Hate discussing faith but I am going to do it, as far as events go, early muslims had to endure heinous prosecution in the peninsula(middle east) and yet our prophet and his follower persisted and eventually the message reached through to the entire world. If you feel these messages hurt islam, either your personal faith is weak or you feel that islam is weak(which its not). So I will on behalf of muslim community condemn these heinous actions and hopefully the law of land apply with the particular prosecution, may lord bless his soul and hopefully he recovers in no time.
bud, watch your comment, I do not know what religion you follow but islam is religion of peace not murder and celebrating someone getting assaulted is disgusting but as a canadienne your entitled to a opinion with a limit(this aint yank land where hate speech is Ok), there is a hate speech law that applies so watch what you say mon ami!!!


Thanks bro, as a law student I certainly know the limits; none of my comments have been of any hate. The Bangladeshi society is highly polarized, its best you not comment on the matter without knowing the whole picture, it is highly complicated, bro. I have been called jamaati in this forum, yet I have no affiliation with jamaat and being their follower. Islam is under attack in Bangladesh and sometimes you have to reply using the same tactic as the opposition. Take my advice bro, stay away from this. My country is going down the crapper and only Allah knows whats going to happen. Pray for us!
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No anti Islamic activity can be allowed to propagate itself unchecked in Muslim majority Bangladesh.

The Prophet (PBUH) did not prosecute the kafir, illiterate, bedouin Arabs that badmouthed him because of many reasons:

1. The Prophet (PBUH) was not a self-obsessed, egocentric person bent on furthering his personal agenda. Rather, the greatest person ever, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was like a ray of light to the darkness of the period of Jahiliya, in which the Arabs of that time lived (and many would argue, many Arabs still live in those periods).

2. Quite naturally, he won over people by his magnanimity, honesty, amiability, the true messages revealed by Allah (SWT), and such.

3. None of these conditions apply to the Muslims of present day because there is not a single "Prophet" amongst today's Muslims, and there will never be another Prophet sent to humanity, nor do any of those restrictions apply to the people of the world today because more than 14 centuries have elapsed since the arrival of the messages revealed to humanity through the seal of Prophets, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The Prophet (PBUH) is ordered to be loved by each and every Muslim more than his/her parents. If people are going to take actions for insults against their parents (they do so, at least in BD), then people are going to be much more animated (and rightly so), at even the slightest violation of Islamic sanctities, including any insult to the Great Prophet (PBUH).

So you love Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) more than your parents and yet you will disobey his teachings? disrespectful to say the least
So you love Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) more than your parents and yet you will disobey his teachings? disrespectful to say the least
But isn't killing one person is killing the humanity ? According to Islam ?

Does it justify the killing of one who doesn't believe in Allah and disrespects Prophet. (PBUH)

Isn't it better to teach him rather than kill him ?

Jehad means struggle. Struggle to kill the bad thoughts within our selves. Struggle to kill the crime, not the criminal. Enlighten people, not put them in grave.
No anti Islamic activity can be allowed to propagate itself unchecked in Muslim majority Bangladesh.

The Prophet (PBUH) did not prosecute the kafir, illiterate, bedouin Arabs that badmouthed him because of many reasons:

1. The Prophet (PBUH) was not a self-obsessed, egocentric person bent on furthering his personal agenda. Rather, the greatest person ever, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was like a ray of light to the darkness of the period of Jahiliya, in which the Arabs of that time lived (and many would argue, many Arabs still live in those periods).

2. Quite naturally, he won over people by his magnanimity, honesty, amiability, the true messages revealed by Allah (SWT), and such.

3. None of these conditions apply to the Muslims of present day because there is not a single "Prophet" amongst today's Muslims, and there will never be another Prophet sent to humanity, nor do any of those restrictions apply to the people of the world today because more than 14 centuries have elapsed since the arrival of the messages revealed to humanity through the seal of Prophets, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The Prophet (PBUH) is ordered to be loved by each and every Muslim more than his/her parents. If people are going to take actions for insults against their parents (they do so, at least in BD), then people are going to be much more animated (and rightly so), at even the slightest violation of Islamic sanctities, including any insult to the Great Prophet (PBUH).

No body is questioning our prophets legacy, we have had numerous prophets and we respect that them all and their legacy is left in the holy book and in particular mohammed(pbuh), his legacy and events that marked his life is in a book called koran. Judging by the book of wisdom, he delivered to us and we should be forever thanksful for lords mercy at sending Mohammed(pbuh). As far as the religion goes, Killing is prohibited and this is not the face of our religion, we are bigger than that. The non believer mocked our religion in the past does not mean you go around killing, remember islam is religion of peace and sanctity not anger. Anger is prohibited in islam so how about we all work at controlling our temper and may lord show all of us the righteous path.

Thanks bro, as a law student I certainly know the limits; none of my comments have been of any hate. The Bangladeshi society is highly polarized, its best you not comment on the matter without knowing the whole picture, it is highly complicated, bro. I have been called jamaati in this forum, yet I have no affiliation with jamaat and being their follower. Islam is under attack in Bangladesh and sometimes you have to reply using the same tactic as the opposition. Take my advice bro, stay away from this. My country is going down the crapper and only Allah knows whats going to happen. Pray for us!

What law school you going to just curious, I do aspire further studies in law after i am done engineering(if god wills). How are you finding canadienne law, surprised your going here because subcontinental law is primarily based on english common law, most people i know want to go england :) , but still good choice picking Canada.
No body is questioning our prophets legacy, we have had numerous prophets and we respect that them all and their legacy is left in the holy book and in particular mohammed(pbuh), his legacy and events that marked his life is in a book called koran. Judging by the book of wisdom, he delivered to us and we should be forever thanksful for lords mercy at sending Mohammed(pbuh). As far as the religion goes, Killing is prohibited and this is not the face of our religion, we are bigger than that. The non believer mocked our religion in the past does not mean you go around killing, remember islam is religion of peace and sanctity not anger. Anger is prohibited in islam so how about you work at controlling your temper and may lord show all of us the righteous path.

What law school you going to just curious, I do aspire further studies in law after i am done engineering(if god wills). How are you finding canadienne law, surprised your going here because subcontinental law is primarily based on english common law, most people i know want to go england :) , but still good choice picking Canada.

I am a UofT grad and currently at Osgoode Law school. The standard of law schools in the UK are not that good bar 3 or 4, the rest are a joke, you can always do your bar in Bangladesh and practice law there. On how I am finding law school lol, bro; I don't have any life. On average, i study 8-10 hours a day minus classes. Are you at mcgill?

I don't want to practice law through and through, I want to be a power broker/lobbyist with some political law practice :P in Bangladesh.
I am a UofT grad and currently at Osgoode Law school. The standard of law schools in the UK are not that good bar 3 or 4, the rest are a joke, you can always do your bar in Bangladesh and practice law there. On how I am finding law school lol, bro; I don't have any life. On average, i study 8-10 hours a day minus classes. Are you at mcgill?

I respect that, I am out here in the east coast though how is osgoode law school, heard its very competitive to get in. Good luck with your studies, killed that LSAT eh!!!!
I respect that, I am out here in the east coast though how is osgoode law school, heard its very competitive to get in. Good luck with your studies, killed that LSAT eh!!!!

My resume was pretty badass, GPA was average at best compared to my classmates that got into law school, but i scored a 168 in the lsats in my first try, I think that got me in. I also had a few strong recommendations and my job experience. I don't think my GPA got me in, it was just a 3.5, all kids in my class have a GPA ranging from 3.6 to 4, I am the odd one out.
No body is questioning our prophets legacy, we have had numerous prophets and we respect that them all and their legacy is left in the holy book and in particular mohammed(pbuh), his legacy and events that marked his life is in a book called koran. Judging by the book of wisdom, he delivered to us and we should be forever thanksful for lords mercy at sending Mohammed(pbuh). As far as the religion goes, Killing is prohibited and this is not the face of our religion, we are bigger than that. The non believer mocked our religion in the past does not mean you go around killing, remember islam is religion of peace and sanctity not anger. Anger is prohibited in islam so how about we all work at controlling our temper and may lord show all of us the righteous path.

Islam teaches tolerance and peace but Awami league and their hindu backers are taking advantage of that teaching. Yes, these atheist bloggers are attacking Islam and inciting violance while their sponsors india and Awami League doing the killing for these atheist. This is multi layer attack on Islam and Muslims in Bangladesh. Already, more than 100 Muslims in Bangladesh killed by Indian sponsored and Awami League executed genocide. Did secular and hindus condem such killing? Answer is NO. Instead, india and Awami League using hindus in Bangladesh as shield to cover their genocidal act and attack against Islam. And even your own speech does not condemn such attack on Islam. That is not surprising.

Self defense also right of Muslim specially attacked by multi layered attack and genocide.
Islam teaches and tolerance and peace but Awami league and their hindu backers are taking advantage of that teaching. Yes, these atheist bloggers are attacking Islam and inciting violance while their sponsors india and Awami League doing the killing for these atheist. This is multi layer attack on Islam and Muslims in Bangladesh. Already, more than 100 Muslims in Bangladesh killed by Indian sponsored and Awami League executed genocide. Did secular and hindus condem such killing? Answer is NO. Instead, india and Awami League using hindus in Bangladesh as shield to cover their genocidal act and attack against Islam. And even your own speech does not condemn such attack on Islam. That is not surprising.

Self defense also right of Muslim specially attacked by multi layered attack and genocide.

The path of god is eternal(ie. islam), the more you suppress it the more it spreads as also exhibited in the case of christian faith in the times of roman as well.
Why people are blaming Hindus ?

The govt. consists of Muslims, the opposition consists of Muslims. Are you say that in BD, Hinduism is the second largest religious affiliation in Bangladesh, covering more than 9.6% of the population, is the reason of this problem ?

Why you guys are blaming Hindus ? Don't you consider BD Hindus as patriots ?
No body is questioning our prophets legacy, we have had numerous prophets and we respect that them all and their legacy is left in the holy book and in particular mohammed(pbuh), his legacy and events that marked his life is in a book called koran. Judging by the book of wisdom, he delivered to us and we should be forever thanksful for lords mercy at sending Mohammed(pbuh). As far as the religion goes, Killing is prohibited and this is not the face of our religion, we are bigger than that. The non believer mocked our religion in the past does not mean you go around killing, remember islam is religion of peace and sanctity not anger. Anger is prohibited in islam so how about we all work at controlling our temper and may lord show all of us the righteous path.

Killing is not prohibited under all circumstances. If somebody shoots at you, you have the right to self defence.

Killing anybody because they murdered or they spread "fasad" is allowed, I reckon. When the (BAL) government is actively supportive of such malicious creatures, quite naturally, some people may not be able to rein in their emotions due to their extreme respect, love and honour towards the Prophet (PBUH).

Why people are blaming Hindus ?

The govt. consists of Muslims, the opposition consists of Muslims. Are you say that in BD, Hinduism is the second largest religious affiliation in Bangladesh, covering more than 9.6% of the population, is the reason of this problem ?

Why you guys are blaming Hindus ? Don't you consider BD Hindus as patriots ?

1. BAL is anything but Muslim. Also, all government affiliated organizations (government banks, government institutions, police force etc) have a disproportionately high% of "Hindus" appointed due to their party affiliation.

2. You should not complain when others retaliate against your misdeeds. If you lot do not like what's coming, then you should not have created mayhem in the first place.
Does our religion support this. Killing ppl or violence. As their is no direct attack on islam ppl should be calm.
Its not right to attack on other religion or ppl who believes different.
I feel sad seeing sunni shiah conflict. This is not right.

Now people here will claim you are hindufued ;)

BD would use more people like you. Good luck
This is wrong.. we cant violate law of the land.... Blasphemy Law should be introduced and anti-islam blogs should be checked by Police. Otherwise This type of assassination is inevitable in a muslim majority country..... Prevention is better than cure....

This is wrong.. we cant violate law of the land.... Blasphemy Law should be introduced and anti-islam blogs should be checked by Police. Otherwise This type of assassination is inevitable in a muslim majority country..... Prevention is better than cure..

This is wrong.. we cant violate law of the land.... Blasphemy Law should be introduced and anti-islam blogs should be checked by Police. Otherwise This type of assassination is inevitable in a muslim majority country..... Prevention is better than cure..

lol.. this is like the retards in india saying that rape is inevitable so women should not wear jeans, instead of punishing the b@$7@rd$ who commit the crime.
lol.. this is like the retards in india saying that rape is inevitable so women should not wear jeans, instead of punishing the b@$7@rd$ who commit the crime.

In India eve teasers are glorified in bollywood and are considered national heroes:thinktank:....in Bangladesh, they will put you in jail and they will send you to the gallows for rape..just sayin:lol:
Let me make it clear for you. If you live in a Muslim majority state where state religion is Islam and openly abuse the freedom of speech by swearing at their faith like an idiot, one would be pretty stupid to think he would get away with it. There is bound to be one extremist in the 8th most populous country in the world whether you like it or now. He got served for his stupidity and the others should learn from it.

so would recommend the same treatment for muslims who preach in a secular nation like uk, us, britain etc?
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