All religious scriptures need change, specially those which are very specific...4 did they choose magic number 4. Those which are generic like 'do good karma' need less changes. There were and are problems in Hinduism but getting corrected albeit slowly. Few Muslims otoh make such changes for majority Muslims more difficult.
Sufism is perfectly fine as long as one follows basics of Islam.
All the religious scriptures did change except Holy Quran. From changing the religious scriptures to atheist didn't take long the moment all those previous scriptures was based on past foundation was no longer there. Why practice faith if you are going to change according to the era of the world? You don't need faith to follow the model of the world accordingly. That is what Atheism is for.
Islam remains unchanged, and precisely why its foundation remains unquestionable at best. But when it comes to political ideology, that is different matter.
4 numbers is just suggestive. You are allowed to have more than 4 and beyond depending on the situation.
We are talking about the side effects of wars that outnumber men very quickly leaving women at the mercy of the patriarchal society. In the ideal world, you don't need men but in the patriarchal society, women need men to validate their status, their rights for children legally and their rights for many other matters that are often frowned upon for the single women or unmarried women with kid born of wedlock.
Faith is important just as atheism. Instead of changing faith, why not follow atheism to yourself and let other follow their faith which they hold dear to. It is not really faith if faith is compromised. The moment Islam is compromised, i would rather choose Atheism than fake Islam that is changed to meet according to the standard of the world.
Having fake religion makes no sense at all. Better to have atheism than fake religion. Because Islam is real and unchanged since 1400 years ago, and its appeal to all kind of all eras that has ever dealt with. I am modern Muslim which the belief i subscribe pretty much relate with the modern world. After all, the concept of secularism was invented by Ottoman Empire to promote multiculturalism and diversity which later incorporated by the Western world after Ottoman Empire lifted Western world up from the age of depression.