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Anniversary | 06 Dec 1992 | When India demolished, its 465 year old Mosque.

I honestly couldn't understand you here akhand bharat. Write your views in Hindi if you are more comfortable in that.

But I'd like to reiterate that atrocities committed 400-500 years back should not be the basis for new controversy now. Should we also go to war against Afghanistan because Ghazni Mahmud destroyed Somnath Temple so many times?
Look Not Support the Act itself But is most unfortunate that Masjid should have been built on land specially held sacred by the Hindus, but as that event occurred 358 years ago And Disputed Since Not Even Court Acknowledge Structure As Mosque That s why it Labeled Disputed So The Structure that was Demolished their was Not a Mosque as lay on ruins of old temple The structure Base Pillars are itself Is Part of temple ASI Led By B.B Lal Confirmed It.
Archaeological excavations by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) in 1970, 1992 and 2003 in and around the disputed site have indicated a large Hindu complex existed on the site.

In 2003, by the order of an Indian Court, The Archaeological Survey of India was asked to conduct a more indepth study and an excavation to ascertain the type of structure that was beneath the rubble.[19] The summary of the ASI report [20] indicated definite proof of a temple under the mosque. In the words of ASI researchers, they discovered "distinctive features associated with... temples of north India". The excavations yielded:

“stone and decorated bricks as well as mutilated sculpture of a divine couple and carved architectural features, including foliage patterns, amalaka, kapotapali, doorjamb with semi-circular shrine pilaster, broke octagonal shaft of black schist pillar, lotus motif, circular shrine having pranjala (watershute) in the north and 50 pillar bases in association with a huge structure"

The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) excavated the Ram Janm Bhoomi site at the direction of the Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court Uttar Pradesh in 2003. Jonathan Walters remarks: "The impact of the 2003 discovery of Buddhist ruins underlying both Hindu and Muslim layers at Ayodhya remains to be seen."[6] The archaeologists also reported evidence of a large 10th century structure similar to a Hindu temple having pre-existed the Babri Masjid. A team of 131 labourers, including 52 Muslims — who were later on included on the objections of the Muslim side — was engaged in the excavations. On 11 June 2003 the ASI issued an interim report that only listed the findings of the period between 22 May and 6 June 2003. In August 2003 the ASI handed a 574-page report to the Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court.

The ASI, who examined the site, issued a report of the findings of the period between 22 May and 6 June 2003. This report stated:

Among the structures listed in the report are several brick walls ‘in east-west orientation’, several ‘in north-south orientation’, ‘decorated coloured floor’, several ‘pillar bases’, and a ‘1.64-metre high decorated black stone pillar (broken) with yaksha figurines on four corners’ as well as "Sanskrit inscription of holy verses on stone" [7]
Earlier reports by the ASI, based on earlier findings, also mention among other things a staircase and two black basalt columns ‘bearing fine decorative carvings with two crosslegged figures in bas-relief on a bloomed lotus with a peacock whose feathers are raised upwards’.

October 1990 by the BB Lal- led Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) team claimed to have found the pillar-bases of what may have been a temple at the site which must have belonged to a larger building than the Babri Mosque.

The team of archaeologists of the ASI, led by former Director-General ASI (1968-1972), B.B. Lal in 1975-76, worked on a project titled "Archaeology of Ramayana Sites", which excavated five Ramayana-related sites of Ayodhya, Bharadwaj Ashram, Nandigram, Chitrakoot and Shringaverapura.[2] At Ayodhya, the team found rows of pillar-bases which must have belonged to a larger building than the Babri Mosque. In 2003 statement to the Allahabad High Court, Lal stated that after he submitted a seven-page preliminary report to the Archaeological Survey of India, mentioning the discovery of "pillar bases", immediately south of the Babri mosque Disputed structure in Ayodhya. Subsequently, all technical facilities were withdrawn, and despite repeated requests, the project wasn't revived for another 10-12 years, despite his repeated request. Thus the final report was never submitted, the preliminary report was only published in 1989, and in Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) volume on historicity of Ramayana and Mahabharat.[2] Subsequently, in his 2008 book,Rama: His Historicity Mandir and Setu, he wrote, "Attached to the piers of the Babri Masjid, there were twelve stone pillars, which carried not only typical Hindu motifs and mouldings, but also figures of Hindu deities. o it."It was self-evident that these pillars were not an integral part of the Masjid, but were foreign to It.
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I honestly couldn't understand you here akhand bharat. Write your views in Hindi if you are more comfortable in that.

But I'd like to reiterate that atrocities committed 400-500 years back should not be the basis for new controversy now. Should we also go to war against Afghanistan because Ghazni Mahmud destroyed Somnath Temple so many times?

Dear no one wanted that ugly inciedent atleast me.... But you must think we hindu people are grown up hearing such attrocities these left some imprints among hindus but that was not the only reason for deomolition.... I am also not supporting the BABAR style of demolition..... Such situation cud have been easily avoided......
Religious egoism was also a big factor by both parties..... Here I would blame more to Muslim bodies not ready to acknowledge that facts.... Even many muslim also knew how babri masjid came up it was very clear by Sanskrit islokha written on pillars of Babri masjid still they choose to be silent or make it complicated until demolished..... N its not just a case in ayodhyaya dear all over north you go to kashi to mathura a terrain across ganga-yamuna........
GuruDutt Bhai, what's there to be proud of in this despicable act? You did the same mistake that Babar did 450 years back!
Well then how about teaching the real history of how things unfolded during the Islamic rules. How scores of non muslims irrespective of being Hindus/Sikhs/Buddhists were massacred and converted under the sword of Islam. Why should we brush aside the atrocities committed by the savages back in the days for the sake of pseudo-secularists.
It's a give and take relationship, we overlook at the past for the muslims sake and they must also keep hindu's sentiments under consideration when we demand our holy places back.
Why should we aspire to become like Pakistan, SA or UAE brother? Countries like Canada, USA, UK, Australia all allow Hindus to build Temples and worship freely. Who is the better example to follow?

If we take pride in our culture and yet want to follow the example of hardline muslim regimes, what difference shall exist between them and us?
Canada, USA, UK, Australia Oh Really !!!Well they Learn From Their Mistakes in Past IF Vatican Never Launched the Crusade Against Jerusalem The whole Concept of Holy War Never Ever Come up Then Saladin Never Ever Launched Jihad Read History Mate they are the Morons Who Started this All.
Read the various commission reports ... and if still u lie etc... i wish u many more gujrats..
u r so kind :wub::wub::wub:......gujarat's gdp is the highest and is one of the most developed state in india...producing surplus electricity and having the most no. of mnc and industries in it..and the best agricultural development is hpnin in this state.........imagine more gujrats now.....india would be so advanced then...no poor....no illiteracy....wow!!....thank you for your concern and kindness....... :smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten:

pakistanis are indeed good people
For all the thousands & thousands of temples destroyed by Islamic Marauders in India
, only once Hindus reacted

Shaurya Diwas !!!

And here is the News that most Pakistanis would Hate... :D

Oldest litigant in the Ayodhya case, Mohammad Hashim Ansari comes out in support of Narendra Modi - India - DNA
GuruDutt Bhai, what's there to be proud of in this despicable act? You did the same mistake that Babar did 450 years back!

I too felt that the body of your post did not convey any malice. But I feel it's better to be informed about the basics of religions like Islam and Sikhism at least. Otherwise, one might end up conveying the wrong message as what happened there. :cheers:
well we took back what was always owrs and no regrets and no remose in bringing down the dispeuted structure as it always mocked hindus and there pride in owr own nation ...no issue one gone two more to go ...till then keep on with your so called "sicular & opologetick " viewpoint all hindus are not meak and submissive they know how to fight and reclaim what is theres .....even why did we faught for freedom of expression and against racial and relegeous discrimination but people like you are hypocrates and dont want to pay the price but want the best just by blabberring

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If actions of a Mob backed by a political party represents the Entire Nation of India as the thread suggests, Would it be unfair to say "PAKISTAN killed 35000 civilians in WoT" or "Pakistan Sheltered OBL" or "Pakistan has an active genocide against Ahmediyas" ... grow up there is no need to malign India for actions of few...

There is no such thing as 'India', its 'Hindustan', a country of Hindus.
Read constitution of Republic of India, doesn't matter how bad it sticks as a thorn in the conscious of few, there is larger protection for all groups in India compared to others, there might have been certain incidences ofsuch idiotic violences, but it is nothing compared to ethnic cleansing and genocides in the region committed by others.

Read the various commission reports ... and if still u lie etc... i wish u many more gujrats..

The counter could easily be Hamiddor rehman commision reports, what has your nation done? Please rest it, minorities may not have complete social equality in India, but with the volume of population and disparity in economic conditions, that was a given... We atleast have legislative and constitutional equality, can you say the same about your country?
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There is not much anger now, people have short attention spans. Very few people care whether or not a temple is built there, the mosque is gone and people have moved on.

The BJP used an opening given to them by Rajiv Gandhi, otherwise this issue was pretty much bottled up and not of interest to most people outside of a few districts in U.P. Once made into an issue, it sparked a fire, burned brightly & then pretty much extinguished itself. Proof of that: even in U.P., there aren't many that interested about the issue to vote for the BJP. Liberalisation took out a lot of sting in the Hindu psyche with opportunities opening outside of the government. Things like reservation, minority appeasement start to become less important when you see those being promoted in such a manner losing out in the marketplace. PVN Rao gave many Hindus the chance to worship Lakshmi. Given the chance(and I know this will sound provocative), most prefer Lakshmi over Ram. The events leading up to 6/12/1992 are a long way from 6/12/2013. India has changed and in a manner that many find difficult to comprehend. Even the BJP, for the most part, don't seem to know what to do with the Mandir issue anymore. It simply does not have the traction it once did.

Oh please,Right wing think tanks have been talking of free market economics since a very longtime,ManMohan singh who was the RBI governor and the VC of the planning commission and associated with the government for more than a decade did not the balls to suggest this in the 1980s when Russia was stuck up in Afghanistan.

Finally we were forced to pledge our gold at the IMF and Lakshmi by then had blasted past the silly sluice gates of Licence Raj and started living in Indian homes.

The right wing movement is fundamental to this development,the stock market/the corporates/the traders have always supported the BJP equivocally.

Even your home state Karnataka had big time sangh activists in power as a polar opposition to the congressis.

The water of the Tungabhadra is pure because of the Sangh as is the Godavari and the Narmada and the Mahanadi opposed to Congress bastions which killed the Yamuna and the Ganga.
There is a difference in some Hindus caring about it and having a majority of Hindus care about it.
The former was true then, the latter is true now. The reason - BJP made it into an issue and tossed it in the air.
Very true.

But blame it on the left liberal media and history text books taught in our schools which tried their best to hide the history atrocities on hindus of india by the invading Muslim rulers in the name of secularism and the same feign still continues today.
Very true.

But blame it on the left liberal media and history text books taught in our schools which tried their best to hide the history atrocities on hindus of india by the invading Muslim rulers in the name of secularism and the same feign still continues today.
we are not taught british atrocities as well. Besides they were simply invaders, not muslims or christians.
we are not taught british atrocities as well. Besides they were simply invaders, not muslims or christians.

That would have been true only if they had simply looted us and gone and Not tried to convert the population into muslim, demolish Hindu temples, build mosques over them, impose jazia etc.
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