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Anniversary | 06 Dec 1992 | When India demolished, its 465 year old Mosque.

All these conversations must awaken us Muslims. Our leaders Allama Iqbal and Kazi Nazrul, Nawab Salimullah, Jinnah,Sher e Bangla,Suhrowardy and Sheikh Mujib had alerted us to the reality of the Hindu design in SA. Let us keep our ears and eyes open.
And what exactly Mr.Jinnah and Kazi nazrul said about evil Hindus?
This is a little bit funny actually....

In 1 place Indians are the one yelling secularism and the ones saying they ADDRESS PROBLEMS...yet when ADDRESSED problems relating to their SECULAR behaviour WHICH TO ANYONE will look like HINDU problems...the thread is reported :unsure:

Another thing I failed to understand why in a secular nation a Masjid was torn down (No dont drag Pakistan in...the prob being addressed is BABRI MASJID IN INDIA...stick to the topic) ...The topic is IF INDIAN claim themselves SECULAR how can HINDU BABA go crazy and rampage a Masjid?

If you bring Pak in between AT LEAST WE DONT LIVE A SECULAR LIE! We call ourselves what we are ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN so the case isnt even the same nor comparable....Either wake up and denounce your SECULAR BLINDING MINDSET or ACCEPT that it is a lie you wish to live in!! :unsure:

Second thing like @acetophenol said he is a MUSLIM GIVEN ALL THOSE BENEFITS, yet his Masjids get torn down, lets give a blind eye...what was that a "samjhota"?

They give you benefits and can do anything in return?

3rd thing, Why all the anger in addressing cases...isnt that the SAME question we Pakistanis are asked when an INDIAN picks up a lone incident?!

And what exactly were you trying to highlight? :undecided:

Opps, my family in India arent Hindus. :lol:

These Hindu terrorist, zealots, etc. have learned so much from their Abrahamic gurus - Another truth

Monkey see, monkey do.
hindus are monkeys?! :woot:
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Reading the comments here by some Hindu posters , One can easily understand that why the "two nation theory" got so much populatity among the Muslims of India
The once champion of "Hindu Muslim Unity" Mr. Jinnah , ultimately realised that the Hindus would never be willing to accept "Muslims" as their equals with "same" rights , hence the only way to safeguard their rights (of the Muslim minority) , was creation of a seperate country
Extremist Hindus are to be blamed for partition and not the muslims ...

Point is mujib is not really somebody admired in pakistan, pakistanis consider him traitor, at least those on pdf

Blaming only Mujib is not fair as the politicians of West Pakistan were the ones who wanted to get rid of the "politically harmful" majority of the East
Reading the comments here by some Hindu posters , One can easily understand that why the "two nation theory" got so much populatity among the Muslims of India
The once champion of "Hindu Muslim Unity" Mr. Jinnah , ultimately realised that the Hindus would never be willing to accept "Muslims" as their equals with "same" rights , hence the only way to safeguard their rights (of the Muslim minority) , was creation of a seperate country
Extremist Hindus are to be blamed for partition and not the muslims ...

Blaming only Mujib is not fair as the politicians of West Pakistan were the ones who wanted to get rid of the "politically harmful" majority of the East
well, may be you are reading posts after the TNT has been implemented? Which means the views have been affected by the recent events already and does not reflect views of that period?
May be hindu views have not changed, it was exactly same then, and you are right. :)
well, may be you are reading posts after the TNT has been implemented? Which means the views have been affected by the recent events already and does not reflect views of that period?
May be hindu views have not changed, it was exactly same then, and you are right.

I know from my elders that In Jammu , before 1947 (and probably in the rest of subcontinent too) , there was a concept of "Muslim Paani (water)" & "Hindu Paani" in hotels and buses etc. No Muslim was supposed to "touch" anything meant for Hindu use ..
I hope that is not the case in India today .. And I think that "partition" followed by "secularism" has reduced such discriminations (Though looking at Hindu Posters , I doubt it)
In 1 place Indians are the one yelling secularism and the ones saying they ADDRESS PROBLEMS...yet when ADDRESSED problems relating to their SECULAR behaviour WHICH TO ANYONE will look like HINDU problems...the thread is reported :unsure:
well..they r hypocrites.

Another thing I failed to understand why in a secular nation a Masjid was torn down (No dont drag Pakistan in...the prob being addressed is BABRI MASJID IN INDIA...stick to the topic) ...The topic is IF INDIAN claim themselves SECULAR how can HINDU BABA go crazy and rampage a Masjid?
yes we r secular...but we aint perfect.
......n another thng india is a big country...ek bar dekh toh lo ki yeh hindu muslim incident mostly hotey kaha hai(demographically)....

If you bring Pak in between AT LEAST WE DONT LIVE A SECULAR LIE! We call ourselves what we are ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN so the case isnt even the same nor comparable....Either wake up and denounce your SECULAR BLINDING MINDSET or ACCEPT that it is a lie you wish to live in!! :unsure:
yeah....as i said we aint perfect but we try n i know we shud try harder........but wht u r saying is like(for me atleast)... i'm guilty n i admit it,bt you are bad because you are like me but u dont admit...
let me make it clear..we r not same....we r secular.(atleast we r trying to be,while u dont even want to)

hindus are monkeys?! :woot:
couldn't stop urself cud u???:disagree:
well..they r hypocrites.

yes we r secular...but we aint perfect.
......n another thng india is a big country...ek bar dekh toh lo ki yeh hindu muslim incident mostly hotey kaha hai(demographically)....
Then also see where the incidents that INDIANS highlight about Pakistan happen!! Two can play this game!

yeah....as i said we aint perfect but we try n i know we shud try harder........but wht u r saying is like(for me atleast)... i'm guilty n i admit it,bt you are bad because you are like me but u dont admit...
let me make it clear..we r not same....we r secular.(atleast we r trying to be,while u dont even want to)
We are NOT secular hence any stupid thing being thrown at us cant be explained by hiding behind mama secularism like Indians here do!!

couldn't stop urself cud u???:disagree:
Just read his post ;)
Then also see where the incidents that INDIANS highlight about Pakistan happen!! Two can play this game!
to lot of indians like me....incidents happening in another country mean nothng,ur ppl,ur responsibilities
.....actually we have a life u know.

We are NOT secular hence any stupid thing being thrown at us cant be explained by hiding behind mama secularism like Indians here do!!
u repeated xactly wht i was saying.....
likes of u have increased in india too.....hence rise of bjp
Just read his post ;)
actually thts where u shud have shown ur maturity.
This was one of the greatest days in India's history, the day Hindus started standing together looking past caste, age, ethnic group and gender in a common cause of ridding the birth place of Ram from this eye sore built by foreign invaders.
to lot of indians like me....incidents happening in another country mean nothng,ur ppl,ur responsibilities
.....actually we have a life u know.

u repeated xactly wht i was saying.....
likes of u have increased in india too.....hence rise of bjp
Know nothing about BJP ...ALL I know is this thread is about an incident which instead of being ashamed of INDIANS are dragging in Pakistan or Islam....sad reality! and then we have @SaffronSoldier post just below yours!

actually thts where u shud have shown ur maturity.
Oh sorry I forgot Secular Indians do not appreciate jokes! My bad!

This was one of the greatest days in India's history, the day Hindus started standing together looking past caste, age, ethnic group and gender in a common cause of ridding the birth place of Ram from this eye sore built by foreign invaders.
Yup united blood thirst! Instead of priding yourself of blood thrist why not bring up ISSUES you guys are facing like caste, age, ethnic group and gender
Well, A religious building of a minority religion gets demolished 20+ years back and we still have anniversaries and debates around it in India.

Hundreds of religious and sectarian minorities get massacred in Pakistan every year.. All they get is that they become a baseline for next years casualties..

Meh.. Wonder who needs more introspection ...

Know nothing about BJP ...ALL I know is this thread is about an incident which instead of being ashamed of INDIANS are dragging in Pakistan or Islam....sad reality! and then we have @SaffronSoldier post just below yours!

Oh sorry I forgot Secular Indians do not appreciate jokes! My bad!

Yup united blood thirst! Instead of priding yourself of blood thrist why not bring up ISSUES you guys are facing like caste, age, ethnic group and gender
well.....sorry to have crashd ur party....
everybody lage raho.....
well.....sorry to have crashd ur party....
everybody lage raho.....
What party? I aint enjoying a sad incident in history just wondering where are those sympathies that are always thrown when some similar incident occurs in Pakistan? Here we have blood thirst being celebrated :blink:
This was one of the greatest days in India's history, the day Hindus started standing together looking past caste, age, ethnic group and gender in a common cause of ridding the birth place of Ram from this eye sore built by foreign invaders.

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel
(Samuel Johnson on April 7, 1775)
And what exactly Mr.Jinnah and Kazi nazrul said about evil Hindus?
Don't make up stories to spread communal hatred. No Muslim, let alone Jinnah or Poet Nazrul,will ever call a fellow human being evil just because of his religion.
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