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Anniversary | 06 Dec 1992 | When India demolished, its 465 year old Mosque.

Don't make up stories to spread communal hatred. No Muslim, let alone Jinnah or Poet Nazrul,will ever call a fellow human being evil just because of his religion.

Read your own post again. It was you who said they repeatedly alerted you of the Hindu design of SA. What exactly was this "Hindu" design they told you about?

The "evil" word was mine,not theirs.Don't get puzzled up so easily.
What the hell do you know about our country? The amount of Hindu Temples and Sikh Gurudwaras being destroyed in your Land of Pure leaves you in no position to take the moral high ground.
Ahhh the nice strategy cant save your own ground go dig up someone elses secrets!

THE THREAD IS ABOUT INDIA...stop dragging in Pakistan...

About MORAL HIGH GROUND!! Well, then you stand below the ground level coz you celebrated it! HAVE I ever celebrated any such thing?! Post reported !
Who says no one is punished, yes babri masjid was demolished...an unfortunate incident with obvious political bias used by bjp especially advani but thats it.The government didnt participated in it, Bjp image was forver dented as a communal party, a common indian regrets it...thats secularism.
Who says no one is punished, yes babri masjid was demolished...an unfortunate incident with obvious political bias used by bjp especially advani but thats it.The government didnt participated in it, Bjp image was forver dented as a communal party, a common indian regrets it...thats secularism.
Said like this yes...But said like a common PDF Indian (few posts above demonstrates something else) is....
No.. (they cant become the PM or President... which is indeed shamefull) ... but atleast our state isnt involved in mass cleansing like india? ... i.e: Gujrat,orissa,muzafarnagar etc...?
Seriously ?

Should I quote minorities downfall in Pakistan ?
Scratching old wounds are we?
forget the past; move on ; try to figure out how to make south asia a better place
many temples in pakistan were also destroyed
It will be like pot calling kettle black
Seriously ?

Should I quote minorities downfall in Pakistan ?

Go ahead... quote an example where thousands were murdered or dozens of thousands were forced to flee their house... !

Or do u want me to quote such news from India?
Scratching old wounds are we?
forget the past; move on ; try to figure out how to make south asia a better place
many temples in pakistan were also destroyed
It will be like pot calling kettle black

Did you miss the "465 Year Old" Part ??
The Babri Mosque (constructed in 1527 )followed the architectural school of Jaunpur. Babri was an important mosque of a distinct style, preserved mainly in architecture . It was one of the biggest mosques in UP

If the whole world can cry over the demolition of two ancient Buddha statues by Taliban , Then why Hindu extremists here are being given special treatment ?

Or just like the Saudi Regime , you also believe in destruction of all the archaeological heritage of Islam ?
Go ahead... quote an example where thousands were murdered or dozens of thousands were forced to flee their house... !

Or do u want me to quote such news from India?

he is talking about minority downfall and not about "thousands forced to flee"

and minority downfall is their in pakistan unlike in india
Go ahead... quote an example where thousands were murdered or dozens of thousands were forced to flee their house... !
Or do u want me to quote such news from India?
East Pakistan. Shias and Ahmedis regularly killed.

And you don't have minorities no. in that strength that they can fight. Especially hindus n Christians.

Well, you wont accept it. I accept India has great problem of communalism & other issue based violence.

Or just like the Saudi Regime , you also believe in destruction of all the archaeological heritage of Islam ?
Then why don't you first save the birthplace of Islam. At least we are protecting our religion.

There are 57 Muslim countries, and 56 can't do sh!t ?

Mosque is already destroyed, why not you guys discuss and focus on what can be saved.
Did you miss the "465 Year Old" Part ??
The Babri Mosque (constructed in 1527 )followed the architectural school of Jaunpur. Babri was an important mosque of a distinct style, preserved mainly in architecture . It was one of the biggest mosques in UP

If the whole world can cry over the demolition of two ancient Buddha statues by Taliban , Then why Hindu extremists here are being given special treatment ?

Or just like the Saudi Regime , you also believe in destruction of all the archaeological heritage of Islam ?
Whatever happened was wrong .
whole world cries at a loss and than moves on
what do you expect us as Pakistanis to Do?
this Thread has only created fueds; mudslinging and trolls and resentment among Indian members because when a thread about destruction of temples was created it was deleted promptly
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Seriously ?

Should I quote minorities downfall in Pakistan ?

I wonder does that dude @DESERT FIGHTER even knows about Dr. Kalam... or he is a hindu raw agent posing as a muslim... I can only wonder!

Whatever happened was wrong .
whole world cries at a loss and than moves on
what do you expect us as Pakistanis to Do?
this Thread has only created fueds; mudslinging and trolls and resentment among Indian members because when a thread about destruction was created it was deleted promptly

This gives me hope that few sane Pakistani will save their country in the end... It will be difficult though... all the best mate.
I wonder does that dude @DESERT FIGHTER even knows about Dr. Kalam... or he is a hindu raw agent posting as a muslim... I can only wonder!

Does 1 powerless president represent 16 crore indian muslims with a very small representation in the indian parliament,civil govt etc? n are the poorest community of India?
At least we are protecting our religion...
Mosque is already destroyed,

Well , If you think that by destroying worship places of others , you are actually protecting your religion .. Then I find no reason to criticize Taliban(alone) as they kill others and destroy their worship places to protect Deoband Islam(the religion of Taliban) !!!

Anyways its good to see a lot of Hindu Posters showing the true face of hindu extremist society , thus busting the "secularism" myth themselves
Does 1 powerless president represent 16 crore indian muslims with a very small representation in the indian parliament,civil govt etc? n are the poorest community of India?

Ok I will answer your queries 1 by 1:

Does 1 powerless president represent

So being a Muslim, one becomes powerless you think? You mean to say all Presidents are powerless or just Dr Kalam cause he was msulim?

16 crore indian muslims with a very small representation

You think there are reservations for who can stand up for elections??? Some people win some people lose... it's democracy and not education boards where Muslims are already given reservations

are the poorest community of India?

You just blame whole India for Muslims being poor? Hindus are not rich either you would be surprised to know. The richest are Parsis in India and then followed by Sindhi's and Sikh's. The reason for muslims being poor is during early days is because women wont be allowed to go to schools (same case for hindu's but to lesser extent), the fast breeding and generally education was not deemed important (I don't want to blame some Religious books for that matter). India is a poor country and live with it, but we are trying to stand and whole India is working hard for that. Refer to this quote:

If you are born poor its not your fault. But if you die poor its your fault.
- Bill Gates
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