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Anniversary | 06 Dec 1992 | When India demolished, its 465 year old Mosque.

Okay guys.....I give up.May be the muslim rulers werent as secular as I pictured them.
But still I think the demolition could have been avoided.
I want to know if the muslims were given the option of restoring the Babri masjid to a diff location??
If such an option wasnt given then demolition of Babri masjid was done purposely.

I dont know about KSA....but in UAE there are lots of churches and a temple in Dubai.
Though I am still wondering why is there just one temple?
May be because hindus never took initiative to build another one.

Akbar is in fact a secular and he treated all religions as equal and he also abolished Jijiya tax.

But Muslim rulers are different to each other when it comes to their Islamic rule some used Islam to form alliance and some are tolerant because of Hindu majority :cheers:.
Canada, USA, UK, Australia Oh Really !!!Well they Learn From Their Mistakes in Past IF Vatican Never Launched the Crusade Against Jerusalem The whole Concept of Holy War Never Ever Come up Then Saladin Never Ever Launched Jihad Read History Mate they are the Morons Who Started this All.

Which era are we in now dude? Saladin's and Babur's? And Jihad is almost as old as Islam. It wasn't Saladin's brainchild. One can't selectively go back in history to right every wrong. Should Japan decide to bomb USA with nukes today because USA did so to Japan 68 years back?
Well then how about teaching the real history of how things unfolded during the Islamic rules. How scores of non muslims irrespective of being Hindus/Sikhs/Buddhists were massacred and converted under the sword of Islam. Why should we brush aside the atrocities committed by the savages back in the days for the sake of pseudo-secularists.
It's a give and take relationship, we overlook at the past for the muslims sake and they must also keep hindu's sentiments under consideration when we demand our holy places back.

Please think about the timeline of the events you describe in your narrative. Such savagery was appropriate in that era, not now. Structures like Babri Masjid would not have dimmed the glory of our holy places in any way. NOT ONE BIT.

Tell me Sir, has anyone stopped going to Varanasi because a mosque was built there by Aurangzeb?
well we took back what was always owrs and no regrets and no remose in bringing down the dispeuted structure as it always mocked hindus and there pride in owr own nation ...no issue one gone two more to go ...till then keep on with your so called "sicular & opologetick " viewpoint all hindus are not meak and submissive they know how to fight and reclaim what is theres .....even why did we faught for freedom of expression and against racial and relegeous discrimination but people like you are hypocrates and dont want to pay the price but want the best just by blabberring


BhaiSahab, Hindus need not destroy mosques today to prove that we're not meek and submissive. Those of us who question the wisdom behind this aren't blabbering hypocrites either. We too are ready to fight it out to ensure the name of all Hindus is not tarnished by the actions of a few. And please, RSS fighting for freedom of expression, against racial and religious discrimination? Lecture this BS to some naive pappu, not to me.
The counter could easily be Hamiddor rehman commision reports, what has your nation done? Please rest it, minorities may not have complete social equality in India, but with the volume of population and disparity in economic conditions, that was a given... We atleast have legislative and constitutional equality, can you say the same about your country?

Sure.... can you compare Pakistan of today to the Pakistan of 71? if u can you sir are a genius!
Sure.... can you compare Pakistan of today to the Pakistan of 71? if u can you sir are a genius!
difference is Pakistan was in way better shape in 71 than it is now. you guys quickly switched from Pakistani to Arabpakstan.
Was the destruction of the mosque lamentable, no. The loss of life that followed was indeed lamentable. As things stand, if one is to look upon then the act as a crime the government of the time was equally guilty of charging up the atmosphere and abetting what happened but more importantly the call for the reclamation of specific sites which are held to be sacred by Hindus is not an illegitimate demand.
Was the destruction of the mosque lamentable, no. The loss of life that followed was indeed lamentable. As things stand, if one is to look upon then the act as a crime the government of the time was equally guilty of charging up the atmosphere and abetting what happened but more importantly the call for the reclamation of specific sites which are held to be sacred by Hindus is not an illegitimate demand.

I find the concern trolling by certain posters jarring.
All these conversations must awaken us Muslims. Our leaders Allama Iqbal and Kazi Nazrul, Nawab Salimullah, Jinnah,Sher e Bangla,Suhrowardy and Sheikh Mujib had alerted us to the reality of the Hindu design in SA. Let us keep our ears and eyes open.
All these conversations must awaken us Muslims. Our leaders Allama Iqbal and Kazi Nazrul, Nawab Salimullah, Jinnah,Sher e Bangla,Suhrowardy and Sheikh Mujib had alerted us to the reality of the Hindu design in SA. Let us keep our ears and eyes open.
dont pakistanis consider sheikh mujib as traitor who sided with hindus?
difference is Pakistan was in way better shape in 71 than it is now. you guys quickly switched from Pakistani to Arabpakstan.

Lmao.. says the guy who doesnt give a damn abt his own religious identity.. :lol:

Do you have constitutional equality for all your minorities , today?

No.. (they cant become the PM or President... which is indeed shamefull) ... but atleast our state isnt involved in mass cleansing like india? ... i.e: Gujrat,orissa,muzafarnagar etc...?
Lmao.. says the guy who doesnt give a damn abt his own religious identity.. :lol:

No.. (they cant become the PM or President... which is indeed shamefull) ... but atleast our state isnt involved in mass cleansing like india? ... i.e: Gujrat,orissa,muzafarnagar etc...?
State??? did the Indian army carry out these riots? I can give you example of army's in the region carrying out genocides but then you will cry foul, so disregarding the aforementioned aspect, such riots are breakdown of law and order, and doesn't constitute state sponsored atrocities, and if you do insist in classifying them as such, it would set an unhealthy precedent coming back to haunt shia killings in pakistan as pakistani state actions, or terror charges as state endorsed policies...

All these conversations must awaken us Muslims. Our leaders Allama Iqbal and Kazi Nazrul, Nawab Salimullah, Jinnah,Sher e Bangla,Suhrowardy and Sheikh Mujib had alerted us to the reality of the Hindu design in SA. Let us keep our ears and eyes open.
Nazrul was anti hindu? that surprising, and Sheikh mujib surely was naive to ride on gigantic shoulders of Indian Army knowing their evil designs.... time to rest the delusions!
dont pakistanis consider sheikh mujib as traitor who sided with hindus?
1.Crooked politicians had dished out that perception to Pakistanis who have not been known to be politically conscious. Truth is now emerging through the blood and destruction of 1971. People have begun asking questions.How come the pioneers of Pakistan,the eastern wing chose to break away?Why was the great slaughter necessary?

2.A Muslim League youth leader, Mujib always worked for the Muslim interest -even after 1972.
1.Crooked politicians had dished out that perception to Pakistanis who have not been known to be politically conscious. Truth is now emerging through the blood and destruction of 1971. People have begun asking questions.How come the pioneers of Pakistan,the eastern wing chose to break away?Why was the great slaughter necessary?

2.A Muslim League youth leader, Mujib always worked for the Muslim interest -even after 1972.
What you believe to be true or what is true is not the point.
Point is mujib is not really somebody admired in pakistan, pakistanis consider him traitor, at least those on pdf.
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