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Anniversary | 06 Dec 1992 | When India demolished, its 465 year old Mosque.

well india was always hindu land and it always will be shikhs , bhudist , jains are hindus just of diff sects...thats not the question tell me can an indian make a temple in any muslim nation like say UAE or SA heck even pakistani muslims cant make there mosque there ..then why should we leave what was always owrs cause if we leave it they wont stop tommorow they will ask any other temple so my freind some times is important to take a stand no matter whats the cost cause its about dignity and self respect "live for nothing but die for something"
Why should we aspire to become like Pakistan, SA or UAE brother? Countries like Canada, USA, UK, Australia all allow Hindus to build Temples and worship freely. Who is the better example to follow?

If we take pride in our culture and yet want to follow the example of hardline muslim regimes, what difference shall exist between them and us?
accept akbar...all your fav. muslim rulers are in this list...including ur all time fav. shah jahan and u cutie pie tipu sultan...take a look

Persecution of Hindus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Great Peace of source Brother My Questions To All So called "Secular s" Please show If any Hindu Kings try too Massacre Other Communities.we Hindus never put an eye on others Land.
Tipu ?? he destroyed hundreds of temples and killed thousands of Hindus in kerala ,We keralaites consider him as an invader

Okay guys.....I give up.May be the muslim rulers werent as secular as I pictured them.
But still I think the demolition could have been avoided.
I want to know if the muslims were given the option of restoring the Babri masjid to a diff location??
If such an option wasnt given then demolition of Babri masjid was done purposely.

tell me can an indian make a temple in any muslim nation like say UAE or SA heck even pakistani muslims cant make there mosque there ..
I dont know about KSA....but in UAE there are lots of churches and a temple in Dubai.
Though I am still wondering why is there just one temple?
May be because hindus never took initiative to build another one.
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While I am not that intrested in building a temple their but I do know now what does it mean to so many people i.e Hindus
Our Muslim brothers must understand this & logic states that as Hinduism originated far back than Islam
Surely there must be a temple there
By doing this Indian Muslims will silence many of those who question their loyalty to this great nation of ours
Baki I also have a suggestion why not build a Ram temple there but along with a Statue of Ram place a statue Of Prophet Mohammad

Were you deliberately trolling or was this a genuine oversight? You do know that idol worship is Haraam/Kufr in Islam right?
Okay guys.....I give up.I give up the muslim rulers may be they werent as secular as I pictured them.
But still I think the demolition could have been avoided.
I want to know if the muslims were given the option of restoring the Babri masjid to a diff location??
If such an option wasnt given then demolition of Babri masjid was done purposely.
no...the land was divided b/w hindus and the haft board(muslims)....if only muslims undrstood hindu sentiments...they would have themselves opted for restoring babri at a diff location...but they are adamant
no...the land was divided b/w hindus and the haft board(muslims)....if only muslims undrstood hindu sentiments...they would have themselves opted for restoring babri at a diff location...but they are adamant

Then the committee who asked for the land to be divided was wrong. They should have asked for a relocation of the mosque instead.
Then the committee who asked for the land to be divided was wrong. They should have asked for a relocation of the mosque instead.

haft board claims that there is no proof that ram was born here....or any proof that ram ever existed...according to them its all mythology and discn cannot be taken on the basis of that.....and in islam....a mosque cannot be relocated...that is why the court came to this discisn

you shld read about it....its quite interesting
im proud of the fact that i was one of those that brought that dispeuted structure down that day on dec 6 1992 .....its owr nation and orignal ram mandir was demolished by a invader who erected a mosque over it im proud that we hindus took it back still so called dispeuted structures/masjids are standing over krishna janm bhoomi and kashi vishwanath if muslims want to live with peace they need to hand ovwer them to hindus .......Har Har Mahadev

GuruDutt Bhai, what's there to be proud of in this despicable act? You did the same mistake that Babar did 450 years back!

Man i didn't knew that
Not trolling at all :disagree:

I too felt that the body of your post did not convey any malice. But I feel it's better to be informed about the basics of religions like Islam and Sikhism at least. Otherwise, one might end up conveying the wrong message as what happened there. :cheers:
haft board claims that there is no proof that ram was born here....or any proof that ram ever existed...according to them its all mythology and discn cannot be taken on the basis of that.....and in islam....a mosque cannot be relocated...that is why the court came to this discisn

you shld read about it....its quite interesting
That s why the whole argument did,t goes in favor of haft board for their fanatic mentality on This issue For damaging Sentiments of other community.
haft board claims that there is no proof that ram was born here....or any proof that ram ever existed...according to them its all mythology and discn cannot be taken on the basis of that.....and in islam....a mosque cannot be relocated...that is why the court came to this discisn

you shld read about it....its quite interesting

From this point picture got uglier n uglier society got completely polarised n then was history now.....
GuruDutt Bhai, what's there to be proud of in this despicable act? You did the same mistake that Babar did 450 years back!

I too felt that the body of your post did not convey any malice. But I feel it's better to be informed about the basics of religions like Islam and Sikhism at least. Otherwise, one might end up conveying the wrong message as what happened there. :cheers:
Look its Not the matter of the moment Problem Itself erupted since the As Court Defines the"Disputed Structure" Not Mosque Was Built their Their Many communal riots happened in the past for the this It was accident that have keys related too past
Look its Not the matter of the moment Problem Itself erupted since the As Court Defines the"Disputed Structure" Not Mosque Was Built their Their Many communal riots happened in the past for the this It was accident that have keys related too past

I honestly couldn't understand you here akhand bharat. Write your views in Hindi if you are more comfortable in that.

But I'd like to reiterate that atrocities committed 400-500 years back should not be the basis for new controversy now. Should we also go to war against Afghanistan because Ghazni Mahmud destroyed Somnath Temple so many times?

According to Unofficial Figures more then 1500 people where Martyred during the entire Ram janmabhoomi Andholan...

Several dead bodies where Dumped in river, filled with sand in gunny bags ... there is a video in You Tube including the interview of families who Sons where martyred . As well as the Video of Bodies been recovered from the river...
I don't see what this whole fuss is all about? That piece of land is holy to hindus and muslims must understand the sentiments of Hindus. It was an abandoned structure anyway.
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