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An Indian Tale Of Woe : A submarine race in the region

I am sure there is some JV with China on SSBN, SSKs and hopefully smaller SSKs like Andrasta which they are not letting us know. In the launching time of PNS HAMZA, I have viewed an interview of PN officers talking about the submarine and its capability in which they pointed out something very interesting which is that:

"many Navies in the world are now considering submarines as their only war machines as they are capable for doing any mission like of Destroyers, Frigates, corvettes and even mine hunters and mine layers and even if you remember about the German tanker submarine and proposed air craft deployment submarines too."

So PN is also looking into to build future Naval fleet based on Submarines. I wish it would be like:
Just a proposition.
21 SSKs with AIP
21 SSKs like Andrasta
15-21 700 Ton FAC with multi mission capability.
7 N-Powered LPDs

Way too ambitious, dont you think?
I am sure there is some JV with China on SSBN, SSKs and hopefully smaller SSKs like Andrasta which they are not letting us know. In the launching time of PNS HAMZA, I have viewed an interview of PN officers talking about the submarine and its capability in which they pointed out something very interesting which is that:

"many Navies in the world are now considering submarines as their only war machines as they are capable for doing any mission like of Destroyers, Frigates, corvettes and even mine hunters and mine layers and even if you remember about the German tanker submarine and proposed air craft deployment submarines too."

So PN is also looking into to build future Naval fleet based on Submarines. I wish it would be like:
Just a proposition.
21 SSKs with AIP
21 SSKs like Andrasta
15-21 700 Ton FAC with multi mission capability.
7 N-Powered LPDs

The history of Milch Kuhe (Milk Cow) submarines is quite disappointing. Submarines can do a lot, but they can't stop a ship and board it very well. TO the extent that they do, they reveal their position and that means letting go of their key advantage: stealth.
I am sure there is some JV with China on SSBN, SSKs and hopefully smaller SSKs like Andrasta which they are not letting us know. In the launching time of PNS HAMZA, I have viewed an interview of PN officers talking about the submarine and its capability in which they pointed out something very interesting which is that:

"many Navies in the world are now considering submarines as their only war machines as they are capable for doing any mission like of Destroyers, Frigates, corvettes and even mine hunters and mine layers and even if you remember about the German tanker submarine and proposed air craft deployment submarines too."

So PN is also looking into to build future Naval fleet based on Submarines. I wish it would be like:
Just a proposition.
21 SSKs with AIP
21 SSKs like Andrasta
15-21 700 Ton FAC with multi mission capability.
7 N-Powered LPDs
Nishan I really value your presence on this site but some of your figures simply don't reflect ground realties or emcompass even a grain of reality. I will be surprised when PN's sub fleet numbers more than 15. Pakistan is simply not economically nor geo-poltically signficant enough to reuire such force levels you have mentioned maybe in 2055 and beyond.

And SSBNs? Not for another 15 years at least.
Nishan I really value your presence on this site but some of your figures simply don't reflect ground realties or emcompass even a grain of reality. I will be surprised when PN's sub fleet numbers more than 15. Pakistan is simply not economically nor geo-poltically signficant enough to reuire such force levels you have mentioned maybe in 2055 and beyond.

And SSBNs? Not for another 15 years at least.

But I think that might be possible in coming 15 years:
21 SSKs
21 SSKs like Andrasta
15-21 FAC 700 tons
But I think that might be possible in coming 15 years:
21 SSKs
21 SSKs like Andrasta
15-21 FAC 700 tons

Unless pksitan gets some dirt cheap ships from China the list you have there represents in excess of $10 BN of spending and there is just no way the PN has that kind of money to spend. If the situation turned around tommorow Pakistan would need at least 2 decades of healthy growth to be in a position to procure this equipment but as we know the situation isn't going to improve tommorow, who knows when it will.
Unless pksitan gets some dirt cheap ships from China the list you have there represents in excess of $10 BN of spending and there is just no way the PN has that kind of money to spend. If the situation turned around tommorow Pakistan would need at least 2 decades of healthy growth to be in a position to procure this equipment but as we know the situation isn't going to improve tommorow, who knows when it will.

I guess he means the military AID Pakistan gets from USA to make subs
But I think that might be possible in coming 15 years:
21 SSKs
21 SSKs like Andrasta
15-21 FAC 700 tons

Sorry! Seems highly unlikely!!

Military hardware is not fancy toy gadgets! We need $$ to buy them, then we need $$ to keep them operational, Do you understanding expanding PN submarine fleet from 5 subs to 42 means a 8fold expansion in personal and docking facility. 8 times more operating cost and eight times more maintenance requirement that in turn means that much increased in maintenance personal!!!!

Above all that, what will be the goal of such massively increased numbers? what will they be doing? what is that our current fleet is not able to do for which we need to increase the numbers eight times??? other then a fancy dream, i see no reason!!

Can we or can we not get is another question, first thing is DO WE NEED THIS? i don't think so!!

I am sure there is some JV with China on SSBN, SSKs and hopefully smaller SSKs like Andrasta which they are not letting us know. In the launching time of PNS HAMZA, I have viewed an interview of PN officers talking about the submarine and its capability in which they pointed out something very interesting which is that:

"many Navies in the world are now considering submarines as their only war machines as they are capable for doing any mission like of Destroyers, Frigates, corvettes and even mine hunters and mine layers and even if you remember about the German tanker submarine and proposed air craft deployment submarines too."

So PN is also looking into to build future Naval fleet based on Submarines. I wish it would be like:
Just a proposition.
21 SSKs with AIP
21 SSKs like Andrasta
15-21 700 Ton FAC with multi mission capability.
7 N-Powered LPDs

nishan what happen to you... you seems very delusional these days
Guys something going wrong in Indian Neavy. Plz check our last year incidences and still its going on.
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