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An Afghan Show of Force: Video

Mashallah .....

thats whaat i'm talking about ! show 'em what u got ...

it'll be a total shame for every single powerful muslim country if they dont pour in the military aids ....

Thanks brother, we also need military assistance from Iran and I wish for some joint exercises between Iranian and Afghan forces in future :tup:

I always thought that most Afghans spoke DARI at official level but this General is speaking PASHTO.

That's because since the beginning Pashto speakers in high level positions talked in Dari including presidents, ministers; for us it's not any issue talking in Pashto or Dari both are official languages.
i cudnt see the video...(slogging in office)
but from the few comments here i gathered that afghani forces are doing the exercise of their own , without any external guidance or something. kudos.
afghans are a resilient lot.....this exercise proves it.:cheers:
I wish for some joint exercises between Iranian and Afghan forces in future

@Sher Malang

how many T-55 and T-62s ANA use??never saw any pic of them under ANA's service.

The numbers are unknown because many of them are not upgraded/maintained but figures suggest some 650 active MBTs in ANA; last year budget was allocated to repair the grounded tanks, artillery, scud and frog-7 batteries, BTRs, BM-21s, BM-27s of former ANA.
Afghanistan and Pakistan needs to work together and get rid of the mistrust. We seriously need to drop this stupid idea of making Afghanistan our fifth province. Taliban is the bigger danger here. Even the groups Pakistan has supported in the past are now coming to bite our ***. Taliban need to be wiped off the earth. Without Pakistan and Afghanistan cooperating with each other that task will become impossible.

I always thought that most Afghans spoke DARI at official level but this General is speaking PASHTO.

Its a propaganda propagated in Pakistan that farsiwans rule Afghanistan and Pushtuns are oppressed..
Great work @Sher Malang bhai. Afghanistan is rising; slowly but steadily.

It will be excellent once both your and our elections are complete and new governments come, then we must further work on mutual strategic pacts.

Afghanistan needs a lean, mean force right now. Very tactical, small but lightning fast. Specialist training for counter terrorism, espionage and sabotage of enemy bases. Right now ANA and AAF need to work on their tactical assets.

1- Get light armoured vehicles more than tanks. You need weapons that can move fast, fire fast and do more damage rather than limited mobility and more firepower. Shoot-and-scoot is the tactic a nation newly emerging from chaos needs. Get APCs more. Tanks can wait once your economy powers up with mining, resources export initially, to manufacturing later.

2- Get gunships and ground assault aircraft rather than expensive A-A jets . Mi-28N/Ka-52 etc are the need of the hour in terms of gunships. The Hinds are good but their altitude is a problem. You need Mi-28N which can fly at higher altitudes. Also you need COIN aircraft like Brazilian EMB-314 and jets like Russian Yak-130 that are cheap to maintain and can be vital tactical air support a ground assault.

3- Logistics is they key to winning any war. ANA and AAF must focus on logistics and troop supply planning, network integration and management of securing supplies in a hostile zone. The biggest vulnerability of a military is inability to supply troops in frontline or engaged in combat.

4- SAR operations for troops embattled somewhere remote or in hot zones is another important area of focus that ANA must look for. Say tomorrow, if your spec ops are behind enemy lines conducting recon and even sabotage missions against Taliban or their owners, your helicopter pilots need to be able to extract these troops out of hot zones after their mission and possibly under heavy enemy fire.

5- Focus more on small, tactical missiles rather than expensive platforms. For AAF you need to have an air defense arm that can buy short range cost effective SAMs and blanket your borders with them. A SAM system will cost a fraction of a modern multirole fighter jet and if you plan your air defense well, even a well armed enemy air power can be weakened and made to withdraw.

Your terrain in that sense is a blessing in disguise. Navigating among high peaks especially in Tianshan range is very difficult. Well camouflaged SAMs can be a lethal weapon here.

Similarly for surface to surface missiles. Getting a dozen MBTs is not going to make the enemy look weaker especially when your economy is small and cannot afford a war of attrition. You need cost effective SSMs to do the job.

Good luck to ANA and AAF and let's hope that one day, your and our forces jointly train regularly. :tup:
Great work @Sher Malang bhai. Afghanistan is rising; slowly but steadily.

It will be excellent once both your and our elections are complete and new governments come, then we must further work on mutual strategic pacts.

Afghanistan needs a lean, mean force right now. Very tactical, small but lightning fast. Specialist training for counter terrorism, espionage and sabotage of enemy bases. Right now ANA and AAF need to work on their tactical assets.

1- Get light armoured vehicles more than tanks. You need weapons that can move fast, fire fast and do more damage rather than limited mobility and more firepower. Shoot-and-scoot is the tactic a nation newly emerging from chaos needs. Get APCs more. Tanks can wait once your economy powers up with mining, resources export initially, to manufacturing later.

2- Get gunships and ground assault aircraft rather than expensive A-A jets . Mi-28N/Ka-52 etc are the need of the hour in terms of gunships. The Hinds are good but their altitude is a problem. You need Mi-28N which can fly at higher altitudes. Also you need COIN aircraft like Brazilian EMB-314 and jets like Russian Yak-130 that are cheap to maintain and can be vital tactical air support a ground assault.

3- Logistics is they key to winning any war. ANA and AAF must focus on logistics and troop supply planning, network integration and management of securing supplies in a hostile zone. The biggest vulnerability of a military is inability to supply troops in frontline or engaged in combat.

4- SAR operations for troops embattled somewhere remote or in hot zones is another important area of focus that ANA must look for. Say tomorrow, if your spec ops are behind enemy lines conducting recon and even sabotage missions against Taliban or their owners, your helicopter pilots need to be able to extract these troops out of hot zones after their mission and possibly under heavy enemy fire.

5- Focus more on small, tactical missiles rather than expensive platforms. For AAF you need to have an air defense arm that can buy short range cost effective SAMs and blanket your borders with them. A SAM system will cost a fraction of a modern multirole fighter jet and if you plan your air defense well, even a well armed enemy air power can be weakened and made to withdraw.

Your terrain in that sense is a blessing in disguise. Navigating among high peaks especially in Tianshan range is very difficult. Well camouflaged SAMs can be a lethal weapon here.

Similarly for surface to surface missiles. Getting a dozen MBTs is not going to make the enemy look weaker especially when your economy is small and cannot afford a war of attrition. You need cost effective SSMs to do the job.

Good luck to ANA and AAF and let's hope that one day, your and our forces jointly train regularly. :tup:

Thanks for this great briefing :tup:
Best of luck to the ANA and to the Afghan people. It's high time these talibastards are kicked out for a more stable and prosperous Afghanistan. :cheers:
The numbers are unknown because many of them are not upgraded/maintained but figures suggest some 650 active MBTs in ANA; last year budget was allocated to repair the grounded tanks, artillery, scud and frog-7 batteries, BTRs, BM-21s, BM-27s of former ANA.

so,that means ANA's arty isn't as inferior as I thought.ANA has





what kind of mortars ANA use??what you guys need is something like Indian 105 Field Gun and some long rage 155m gun.

Indian 105 mm Field Gun will be a great addition for ANA as it can be used in mountainous region with ease.even mules can transport it by parts.no wonder Afghan wish list mentioned about it.

Great work @Sher Malang bhai. Afghanistan is rising; slowly but steadily.

It will be excellent once both your and our elections are complete and new governments come, then we must further work on mutual strategic pacts.

Afghanistan needs a lean, mean force right now. Very tactical, small but lightning fast. Specialist training for counter terrorism, espionage and sabotage of enemy bases. Right now ANA and AAF need to work on their tactical assets.

1- Get light armoured vehicles more than tanks. You need weapons that can move fast, fire fast and do more damage rather than limited mobility and more firepower. Shoot-and-scoot is the tactic a nation newly emerging from chaos needs. Get APCs more. Tanks can wait once your economy powers up with mining, resources export initially, to manufacturing later.

2- Get gunships and ground assault aircraft rather than expensive A-A jets . Mi-28N/Ka-52 etc are the need of the hour in terms of gunships. The Hinds are good but their altitude is a problem. You need Mi-28N which can fly at higher altitudes. Also you need COIN aircraft like Brazilian EMB-314 and jets like Russian Yak-130 that are cheap to maintain and can be vital tactical air support a ground assault.

3- Logistics is they key to winning any war. ANA and AAF must focus on logistics and troop supply planning, network integration and management of securing supplies in a hostile zone. The biggest vulnerability of a military is inability to supply troops in frontline or engaged in combat.

4- SAR operations for troops embattled somewhere remote or in hot zones is another important area of focus that ANA must look for. Say tomorrow, if your spec ops are behind enemy lines conducting recon and even sabotage missions against Taliban or their owners, your helicopter pilots need to be able to extract these troops out of hot zones after their mission and possibly under heavy enemy fire.

5- Focus more on small, tactical missiles rather than expensive platforms. For AAF you need to have an air defense arm that can buy short range cost effective SAMs and blanket your borders with them. A SAM system will cost a fraction of a modern multirole fighter jet and if you plan your air defense well, even a well armed enemy air power can be weakened and made to withdraw.

Your terrain in that sense is a blessing in disguise. Navigating among high peaks especially in Tianshan range is very difficult. Well camouflaged SAMs can be a lethal weapon here.

Similarly for surface to surface missiles. Getting a dozen MBTs is not going to make the enemy look weaker especially when your economy is small and cannot afford a war of attrition. You need cost effective SSMs to do the job.

Good luck to ANA and AAF and let's hope that one day, your and our forces jointly train regularly. :tup:

Excellent and @Sher Malang - sign up some Indians like Tshering for consultation.
so,that means ANA's arty isn't as inferior as I thought.ANA has





what kind of mortars ANA use??what you guys need is something like Indian 105 Field Gun and some long rage 155m gun.

Indian 105 mm Field Gun will be a great addition for ANA as it can be used in mountainous region with ease.even mules can transport it by parts.no wonder Afghan wish list mentioned about it.


US army donated 900 M224 60mm mortars to ANA and ANA also operates 82mm mortars.
Haha! Bhai, I am from a military family, not an army man myself.

These were just some observations that anyone with basic understanding of defence would say. :D

You have a good knowledge of various military doctrine compared to others here; keep it up :enjoy:
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