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Indian is worried about PAk-Afghan Intellegence Sharing

You know what???
Yes my advice for u to follow this quote. This is like umpteenth time u have embarrassed urself on the forum typing what we call 'bongiyan'.
U only know backtracking or yelling i am being provoked. But then plz keep going with it,the more u prove urself , the less ppl will bother with ur flawed, infact not just flawed bt utterly foolish arguments.
No one will ever quote such person's views to argue with the ppl of a nation whose government has declared him a traitor ,courts have convicted him and he is a runaway. Haqqani here. He himself is an enemy ,how much his imaginary enemy state comment matters. Zilch.

Then cooking up lies that Pakstan has no clear nuke policy!'!!!! U live under a rock doesnt change a fact in its ittsiest bittsiest fraction.

Again kudos to emmie for arguing with a brick wall.

This is typical indian rona dhona that pakistan always tried to achieve parity with india in ecoomic sense. Are u indians mad,have lost sense, ur population is 5 times ouraours land mass is 3 times ours..!!!! Why on earth would Pakistan ever ever want parity with india.??? And this is a fact that throughout our history, till wot came home, pakistan's economy always shone over indias.

Indians dont even know that since 1951 till 92 india had been the highest usa aid recipient amongst all developing coutries in the world. Pakistan needed parity with u?!!!! Without even trying we are better than you.

And even now how great is indian economy..ur own journalists write articles that india doesnt have inclusive economic growth, we have two indias,one is rich for the world, other is poor which is real india..

This line below is epic!!!!
Btw its the same india that refuses to have uno peace observer mission sent to loc to ascertain which side starts violations. India loves firing at innocent civilians.
Where's the proof which shows India as an aggressor.

And plz quit playing emotional all the time in discussions and before u argue do research on subject matter.
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Just in case you didn't know India has one of the largest Muslim population, and that we have rocket scientists like Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam.
India doesn't only have Hindu "baniya", baniya said infact make a small population towards the northern part of India.
Now if you can not think beyond my religion then pls don't quote me again next time.

First thing lets be clear here, if you quote / discuss my religion, my country, my countrymen on several threads then you are addressing me and bringing religion to the table yourself, and I will discuss your country, your religion, your people in response and in any manner that suits me. So Better "Apny dupaty k sath girah laga kay bandh lo yeh bat" either you don't discuss my religion my country or you have enough courage to read when I discuss your's.

Second your Muslim population well well they are just there for the sake of a useless argument "Oh we have higher number of Muslims than you" no matter what you and your countrymen say the truth is there, how Muslims of India are treated and what they are considered in a society that is consistently calling for "Gar Wapsi" if I am not wrong Indians (Hindus mostly) clearly expressed their thoughts in thread regarding "Indian Nationality for Pakistani Hindus".

Third bringing in Muslim scientist and Muslim Indians does not answer my question, and question still stands was it the "Hindu Nuke" that was tested first or "Muslim Nuke" was tested first? If you could answer that you would have known who had the ambitions of threatening other and wiping them off. I remember a Hindu Lady with a tilak sort of thing and orange dress addressing a crowd of Hindus and boasting about nukes and whatever was funny though a lady acting all macho, so it is a Hindu Bomb.

Fourth stop playing this useless victim card every time I am sick and tired of Bahartis acting angels all the time. Get a life and have some honor to act as an enemy. Afghanistan is none of your business except using them for destabilizing Pakistan and making them fight us, while you sit on the side lines watching and enjoying Muslims killing Muslims.

Fifth your next step is to call me a troll, report my post and tell others how you would get me banned............. well go a head, suit yourself but you and your countrymen are so predictable, I even now know how to make them (Hindutvadis) go nuts just sitting behind a computer screen and its a lot of fun to read their comments and keep them going round and round in supa dupa macho circle, (obviously when they go nuts :D in first few seconds that tells a lot about what they think of us deep inside). (And exceptions would be Banglore and few others only). Now if you will excuse me, have a nice a day, and I don't like quoting you except that you tried playing a victim card again and tried painting as if Pakistan started the nuke race and India is reacting to that.:rolleyes:
And I thought there's a difference between religion and country.
I was talking about your country and not your religion. Re-read my posts.

I've never minced my words when it comes to religion, I'm a far liberal and ergo a few might not be to assimilate what I've to say about religion.

Several threads I said.

For instance if you remember your comments on the one where "Muslim Pakistani Ranger was praying". That showed how little knowledge you have about my religion "Islam" I don't mind people discussing and asking about Islam, but I do mind when People try become an Alim or think some mod is authority on Islam just because he is Mod on this forum, sorry things don't work this way in Islam.

Anyways this discussion of religion is not relevant here. Naming the bombs as they should be is nothing that should surprise anyone.

Confirmation bias!
You can pick up any Muslim from Indian side and ask if they face discrimination in India due to their religion?
@jamahir can help you.

I am not saying it doesn't happen at all, but media hypes one-off incidents.

Muslim employee sacked for sporting a beard in West Bengal

@jamahir do share the ownership documents of an apartment that you could buy so easily in India please being a Muslim.

What did I just read???
Hindu bomb Vs Muslim bomb??? This is kiddish stuff.
Should I remind you how your rocket scientist misunderstood missile Prithvi to be named after Prithvi Raj Chauhan and named their new missile as Ghouri??
When in reality all Indian missiles have been named after the 5 elements, aakash(Sky), Prithvi (Earth), Agni(fire) etcetera.
This misunderstanding proves how seriously you guys take the so called Hindu Vs Muslim fight. Frankly it's ridiculous!!

That is harsh reality, if you want me otherwise sorry I won't.

Enemy's enemy is your friend!!!
And as far as Muslims killing Muslims is concerned then I think one look at Middle East will tell you that such wars and fights are so common that it doesn't amuse us anymore.
And only those with pseudo sense of honour will come up with strategies like proxy-wars.

Just remember if they love killing each other so much, they will enjoy killing infidels way too much, so don't know if that enemy's enemy is your friend or Muslims killing Muslims would be fun at the end.

As far as my memory takes me back I don't think I have ever reported your posts nor have I ever called you a troll. Those who resort to name calling and those who make personal attacks are the ones I usually report.
I never had a problem with you but your friends, not that you would care.

If my friends try to abuse you or call names I will surely support you it has nothing to do with being friends and taking sides, what I was referring to was your predictable behavior and attitude.

Playing a victim card???
No sir!!
I don't play a victim card, nor does my country, but if pushed to the wall then be assured we like replying back in kind. Lol


Well ironic, I thought sane people would understand what has been happening in last decade or so, but unfortunately how liberal or unbiased you may pose, it all comes to playing victim while your country has been an aggressor and at seriously wrong path in afflicting pain to its neighbor. We will see about replying back thing, I hope the back log of befitting replies carried by Pakistan gets settled in appropriate manner and time.

And my question is still unanswered who had the ambition and desire to wipe other off the face of earth? and simple answer being avoid is obviously fingers would point to the one who went nuclear first. Cheers
@jamahir am sorry I had to drag you into this. :(

no problem.

You can pick up any Muslim from Indian side and ask if they face discrimination in India due to their religion?
@jamahir can help you.

@jamahir do share the ownership documents of an apartment that you could buy so easily in India please being a Muslim.

levina is right about me... i live in south india and though india is no socialist paradise, i have never actually faced discrimination for being muslim, neither has another of my friend ( i asked him )... yes, bombay ( and gujarat ) is certainly a place where even famous muslims find it difficult in getting houses in many areas and that is because of those gujarati hindu traders and stock brokers who are conservative and reactionary, and much encouraged by shiv sena's continued presence and by those regressive family dramas on tv that really have undone what the progressives in india had achieved very painfully since the 50's... i have never been to bombay, i must add.

but some non-muslims in my last job-place addressed me with "bhai" after my name, as did my former company partner, partly because i am muslim. :-)

see, i face the same problems that most indians do... india is extremely capitalist and reactionary ( as does pakistan ) and i have been engaging that problem and not saying that it shouldn't bother me because i am muslim by birth.

further, i don't do the mistake most indian muslims in the last 20 years have done... adopt the deobandi look and deobandi life... they have ghettoized themselves and really have contributed to the problems that india has.

because i don't look or talk unpleasant and reactionary, there has been no ugly reciprocation until now from the non-muslims i meet when i am out, whether in shops or the autorickshaw drivers or even a policeman who i asked help in flagging down a autorickshaw.

you will of course understand all this. :-)

I remember a Hindu Lady with a tilak sort of thing and orange dress addressing a crowd of Hindus and boasting about nukes and whatever was funny though a lady acting all macho, so it is a Hindu Bomb.

oh, you mean the sadhvi saraswati from when she was younger?? uff, she is lovely, though she must get rid of her thinking... :D

saraswati - 1.JPG
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no problem.

levina is right about me... i live in south india and though india is no socialist paradise, i have never actually faced discrimination for being muslim, neither has another of my friend ( i asked him )... yes, bombay ( and gujarat ) is certainly a place where even famous muslims find it difficult in getting houses in many areas and that is because of those gujarati hindu traders and stock brokers who are conservative and reactionary, and much encouraged by shiv sena's continued presence and by those regressive family dramas on tv that really have undone what the progressives in india had achieved very painfully since the 50's... i have never been to bombay, i must add.

but some non-muslims in my last job-place addressed me with "bhai" after my name, as did my former company partner, partly because i am muslim. :-)

see, i face the same problems that most indians do... india is extremely capitalist and reactionary ( as does pakistan ) and i have been engaging that problem and not saying that it shouldn't bother me because i am muslim by birth.

further, i don't do the mistake most indian muslims in the last 20 years have done... adopt the deobandi look and deobandi life... they have ghettoized themselves and really have contributed to the problems that india has.

because i don't look or talk unpleasant and reactionary, there has been no ugly reciprocation from the non-muslims i meet when i am out, whether in shops or the autorickshaw drivers or even a policeman who i asked help in flagging down a autorickshaw.

you will of course understand all this. :-)
Thanks for clearing the air about Indian Muslims Jamahir. :-)

oh, you mean the sadhvi saraswati from when she was younger?? uff, she is lovely, though she must get rid of her thinking... :D

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You won't improve...will you??? :lol:
Thanks for clearing the air about Indian Muslims Jamahir. :-)

welcome... some others would also agree i think ( the_showstopper and takeiteasy ).

but i don't know about mujhaidind... he would go counter to what i have written but many of his posts are really embarrassing to muslims as a global nation... his posts include misogyny, racism and general reactionary thinking.

but i wonder if he really is muslim or a false-flagger out to defame muslims ( that is the theory from last year among some members ).
PA needs an enemy to stay relevant in that country. There will never be peace.
the flurry of statements by the BJP blowhards is simply helping Pakistan army. we dont need any more convincing.

by the way stop trolling please I have not given any infractions yet to your posts yesterday but this might change.

Whenever some development takes place in the neighborhood beneficial for the neighboring countries, Indian typical reaction:

- Worried
- Concerned
- Raises eyebrows
- Objects
- Decries
- ....

Who gives a F* about how "Dehati Aurat" feels. She should keep her §$"&$ nose out.
Time and Tide are turning against the Injuns and they know it, in their desperation you hear a lot of self assuring talk from them lol SAB ACHA HAI. They have placed their bets on a bunch of religious nuts who have no vision and suffer from delusions of grandeur.
Well, NDS- Naswaar Directorate service officers are trained by india, we'll make sure to kick their asses out of Directorate by hook or by crook.
levina is right about me... i live in south india and though india is no socialist paradise, i have never actually faced discrimination for being muslim, neither has another of my friend ( i asked him )... yes, bombay ( and gujarat ) is certainly a place where even famous muslims find it difficult in getting houses in many areas and that is because of those gujarati hindu traders and stock brokers who are conservative and reactionary, and much encouraged by shiv sena's continued presence and by those regressive family dramas on tv that really have undone what the progressives in india had achieved very painfully since the 50's... i have never been to bombay, i must add.

but some non-muslims in my last job-place addressed me with "bhai" after my name, as did my former company partner, partly because i am muslim. :-)

see, i face the same problems that most indians do... india is extremely capitalist and reactionary ( as does pakistan ) and i have been engaging that problem and not saying that it shouldn't bother me because i am muslim by birth.

further, i don't do the mistake most indian muslims in the last 20 years have done... adopt the deobandi look and deobandi life... they have ghettoized themselves and really have contributed to the problems that india has.

because i don't look or talk unpleasant and reactionary, there has been no ugly reciprocation until now from the non-muslims i meet when i am out, whether in shops or the autorickshaw drivers or even a policeman who i asked help in flagging down a autorickshaw.

you will of course understand all this. :-)

You want me to believe "Sab acha hai" because Jamahir is a bahi in India and has never had problem in autorickshaws :D

You need to elaborate more on Muslims facing problems when it comes to them being Muslims and practicing their faith in a way they want to, not how every Indian faces the same set of problems when he leaves his house or what he faces in general. And I am sure you cannot simply label and blame it on Muslims just because they look like deobandis...............................

Here for your ease of reference to reply me back, read post number 2 and then post number 4 on this thread and then tell me, people who know this little about Islam and Muslims have no problems with them while them Muslims living in their land of Idols

Suspect sent to jail for damaging temple statues

Edit: Following post :D

Hindutva is our ideology, Rss is the fabric of India those that do not want to live in India can leave for land of the pure.

oh, you mean the sadhvi saraswati from when she was younger?? uff, she is lovely, though she must get rid of her thinking... :D

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Let us not debate further on this woman, she is woman of our enemies and is active in showing hatred and seems thirsty for our blood. And how sexist it may sound just assume it this way that we don't consider women to be worthy of being our enemies and to fight with them, unless they intend to harm our women and children.
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Indian is worried about PAk-Afghan Intellegence Sharing

@Etilla @SpArK @Srinivas @desert warrior @DRAY @pumkinduke @wolfpack @pursuit of happiness @danish_vij @rubyjackass @Star Wars @Ammyy @bloo @Marxist @karan.1970 @Not Sure @Avik274 @SamantK @Major Shaitan Singh @Omega007 @farhan_9909 @haviZsultan @Sidak @ranjeet @Yogijaat @ravi Nair @WAR-rior @halupridol @he-man @Indrani @Mike_Brando @SarthakGanguly @sreekumar @OrionHunter @lightoftruth @Water Car Engineer @indiatester @Ind4Ever @13 komaun @anant_s @itachiii @SwAggeR @Brahmos_2 @Blue_Eyes @bhangi bava @SAMEET @naveen mishra @Bagha @utraash @Chanakya's_Chant @Krate M @gslv mk3 @r1_vns @blood @noksss @PARIKRAMA @thesolar65 @Rohit Patel @wolfschanzze @levina @vostok @rahi2357
@Norwegian , @syedali73 , , @Leader , @DESERT FIGHTER , @Horus @Jazzbot @Norwegian @pkuser2k12 @Fahad Khan 2 @Spring Onion @chauvunist @Pukhtoon @Jzaib
@Horus @Devil Soul @rockstar08 @WAJsal @Junaid B @Color_Less_Sky @Zarvan @xyxmt @Spy Master @SipahSalar @Bratva @Stealth @Rashid Mahmood
@A.Rafay @Ahmad1996 @Akheilos @Armstrong @arushbhai @AstanoshKhan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @balixd @batmannow @Bilal. @chauvunist @Crypto @Dr. Stranglove @Evil Flare @EyanKhan @Fahad Khan 2 @GIANTsasquatch @graphican @Green Arrow @Guleen Ahmed @HRK @Jazzbot @Junaid B @Jzaib @Khalidr @khawaja07 @Leader @Luftwaffe @mr42O @Muhammad Omar @nomi007 @Pak123 @Pakistani shaheens @Pakistanisage @Peaceful Civilian @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @PWFI @raazh @Rafael @Rashid Mahmood @RescueRanger @Saifkhan12 @SHAMK9 @Spy Master @Stealth @Strike X @SUPARCO @sur @syedali73 @Tameem @Tayyab1796 @Zarvan @waleed3601 @AdeelFaheem @Rajput_Pakistani @Men in Green @IceCold @LoveIcon @razahassan1997 @Dil Pakistan @asq @junaid hamza @Pukhtoon @jamahir @Strigon @Rafi @Ulla @HughSlaman @420canada @sathya @slapshot @raza_888 @hacsan
@SBD-3 @cb4 @AsianUnion @Aether @Proudpakistaniguy @Waffen SS @FaujHistorian @Fracker @Ranches @ghoul @Jf Thunder @GreenFalcon @genmirajborgza786 @orangzaib @Pakistani Exile @KURUMAYA @Irfan Baloch @ali_raza @Syed.Ali.Haider @dexter @Patriots @muslim_pakistani @W.11 @Meengla @zaid butt @ajpirzada @Shoaib Rathore @OrionHunter @CHARGER @Major Sam @yesboss @TheNoob @Bratva @ghazaliy2k @Viny @StormShadow @suresh1773 @SOHEIL @venu309 @danish_vij @Force-India @faisal6309 @S.U.R.B. @vsdave2302 @jarves @WAJsal @pursuit of happiness @Winchester @janon @pak-marine @AgNoStiC MuSliM

And then I read this... and wonder: ‘Secret letter’ reveals Afghan pressure on Pakistan - The Express Tribune
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